The war.

Colin norris

Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2021
Does anyone think the ruskies will win the war?
How will the USA go do you think?
Could NATO and others hold them out. L
There doesn't seem to be much doubt that Russia will "win", in the short term.

But long term, I don't see how Putin thinks he'll pull this off. Unless he knows something that the rest of the world doesn't. Between increased economic isolation from the rest of the world (Russia First! MRGA!) and the fact that Ukrainians are in the fight for the long haul, this isn't making a lot of sense.
WWIII is coming!

Instead of Germany/Japan, it’ll be Russia/China.

But this time around, all the players have nukes.

I’m glad I’m closer to the end than the beginning because this is really going to fuck things up.
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But this time around, all the players have nukes.

No, they don't. Ukraine is a non-nuclear state, and has been since, I believe, 1994 or 1995.

It's interesting. In 1993, University of Chicago professor John Mearsheimer published an article in which he stated that a Ukraine without any nuclear deterrent would, at some point, fall victim to aggression by Russia. Very few people agreed with him.

And, now, just look where they ware...
Does anyone think the ruskies will win the war?
How will the USA go do you think?
Could NATO and others hold them out. L
This is just another distraction because the country is turning to shit and the MSM refuses to cover the Killary story. It is largely fiction and sensationalism.

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