The voluntary end of the U.S.


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?

“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”

Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

In the midst of all this lunacy, a worthless presidential election will be held, and the risk of extreme violence and hatred will take center stage during the most destructive period of our existence. The results of this election are irrelevant concerning the problems we now face, but the red and blue sheep do not understand this truth. Regardless of the winner of this political circus, the rest of us will suffer for many years to come, and the state’s agenda of control will not cease. This tyranny will not end unless the people of this country in great mass say no more, and in doing so have the courage to face any obstacle in the way of regaining freedom.

Edited: to add my opinion, since I suppose my signature isn't opinion enough.

essential: absolutely necessary; extremely important.

Politicians are the least essential work force in the world.
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Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?

“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”

Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

In the midst of all this lunacy, a worthless presidential election will be held, and the risk of extreme violence and hatred will take center stage during the most destructive period of our existence. The results of this election are irrelevant concerning the problems we now face, but the red and blue sheep do not understand this truth. Regardless of the winner of this political circus, the rest of us will suffer for many years to come, and the state’s agenda of control will not cease. This tyranny will not end unless the people of this country in great mass say no more, and in doing so have the courage to face any obstacle in the way of regaining freedom.
First paragraph, good.
Second paragraph, not so good.

If the author is incapable of seeing the difference between a president that already had dug America out of the trash can from the prior America hating kenyan muslim dog turd's presidency, and always puts America first, and the old senile hair sniffer that shuffles when he walks and can't finish a sentence without forgetting what he was talking about, that is and will be controlled by the most radical America hating filth in the democrat taliban party, then the OP author is one dense sons a bitch.

Elections have consequences, and this coming election could have profound consequences if the idiot china joe is elected. To say elections don't matter and the outcome will be the same no matter who is elected is the kind of thing only a fool would say.
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Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?

“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”

Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

In the midst of all this lunacy, a worthless presidential election will be held, and the risk of extreme violence and hatred will take center stage during the most destructive period of our existence. The results of this election are irrelevant concerning the problems we now face, but the red and blue sheep do not understand this truth. Regardless of the winner of this political circus, the rest of us will suffer for many years to come, and the state’s agenda of control will not cease. This tyranny will not end unless the people of this country in great mass say no more, and in doing so have the courage to face any obstacle in the way of regaining freedom.
First paragraph, good.
Second paragraph, not so good.

If the author is incapable of seeing the difference between a president that already had dug America out of the trash can from the prior America hating kenyan muslim dog turd's presidency, and always puts America first, and the old senile hair sniffer that shuffles when he walks and can't finish a sentence without forgetting what he was talking about, that is and will be controlled by the most radical America hating filth in the democrat taliban party, then the OP author is one dense sons a bitch.
You're pretty partisan, just not for citizens.
Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?

“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”

Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

In the midst of all this lunacy, a worthless presidential election will be held, and the risk of extreme violence and hatred will take center stage during the most destructive period of our existence. The results of this election are irrelevant concerning the problems we now face, but the red and blue sheep do not understand this truth. Regardless of the winner of this political circus, the rest of us will suffer for many years to come, and the state’s agenda of control will not cease. This tyranny will not end unless the people of this country in great mass say no more, and in doing so have the courage to face any obstacle in the way of regaining freedom.
First paragraph, good.
Second paragraph, not so good.

If the author is incapable of seeing the difference between a president that already had dug America out of the trash can from the prior America hating kenyan muslim dog turd's presidency, and always puts America first, and the old senile hair sniffer that shuffles when he walks and can't finish a sentence without forgetting what he was talking about, that is and will be controlled by the most radical America hating filth in the democrat taliban party, then the OP author is one dense sons a bitch.
You're pretty partisan, just not for citizens.
I'm pro America, the constitution, freedom and individual rights, and nothing could be more pro citizen.
Due to a Coronavirus Hoax

Unemployment has surged to levels never before seen in this country, but not one politician has lost his job due to any lockdown. There were over 40 million job losses by the end of May due to government mandates, and this deliberately structured second phase plot will see that number continue to increase dramatically. Not only will many more lose their jobs, but also millions of those jobs will be lost permanently. How is it that those that created and implemented this fake pandemic, from the banking and corporate heads, the tax exempt foundations, the ‘health’ organizations and pharmaceutical companies, and the politicians that serve their interests, have been unaffected by this insanity? Why is it that the top tier of so-called elites and all the politicians are still employed and gaining great wealth while the rest of Americans are suffering and dying? What on earth is essential about a politician, and why are they living in the lap of luxury while this country is driven to hell?

“You [the peasant] yield your bodies unto hard labor in order that he [the tyrant or the state] may indulge in his delights and wallow in his filthy pleasures; you weaken yourselves in order to make him the stronger and the mightier to hold you in check.”

Étienne de La Boétie—“The Politics of Obedience: Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

In the midst of all this lunacy, a worthless presidential election will be held, and the risk of extreme violence and hatred will take center stage during the most destructive period of our existence. The results of this election are irrelevant concerning the problems we now face, but the red and blue sheep do not understand this truth. Regardless of the winner of this political circus, the rest of us will suffer for many years to come, and the state’s agenda of control will not cease. This tyranny will not end unless the people of this country in great mass say no more, and in doing so have the courage to face any obstacle in the way of regaining freedom.

Edited: to add my opinion, since I suppose my signature isn't opinion enough.

essential: absolutely necessary; extremely important.

Politicians are the least essential work force in the world.

It's the reason one should always vote for policies, not persons, or else we get what Orwell warned about:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
I'm pro America, the constitution, freedom and individual rights, and nothing could be more pro citizen.
I don't think the article was about you. Was it? Did you even read the article? Or are you just looking for screen time and post count? That said; how exactly are your beliefs any more American than someone else's, land of the free and all that? You know, like, Liberty and Justice for all- and can you answer the question about why politicians are still employed while citizens afe being FORCED to acquiesce to a non-essential persons desires?
It's the reason one should always vote for policies, not persons, or else we get what Orwell warned about:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
So, vote Republican? Right? How, specifically, are their policies any different? I'm not talking about sound bites or media folderal- I'm talking actual policies. Like Education, borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) telling citizens what they can or can't consume. What has ANY R or D policy done to secure your Liberty? Tweaking an unconstitutional program doesn't render it equal or constitutional.
I'd go one step further clarifying and say, "democrats have lost all perspective," we all know they "group think," so there's the collective.
How have Republicans secured, enhanced, or even encouraged Individual thinking? Did they abolish the training in the centers for compliance referred to as shools? Have they eliminated those dastardly Democrat policies they too subscribe to?
It's the reason one should always vote for policies, not persons, or else we get what Orwell warned about:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
So, vote Republican? Right? How, specifically, are their policies any different? I'm not talking about sound bites or media folderal- I'm talking actual policies. Like Education, borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) telling citizens what they can or can't consume. What has ANY R or D policy done to secure your Liberty? Tweaking an unconstitutional program doesn't render it equal or constitutional.

"So, vote Republican? Right? How, specifically, are their policies any different? "

Be serious.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
I'm pro America, the constitution, freedom and individual rights, and nothing could be more pro citizen.
I don't think the article was about you. Was it? Did you even read the article? Or are you just looking for screen time and post count? That said; how exactly are your beliefs any more American than someone else's, land of the free and all that? You know, like, Liberty and Justice for all- and can you answer the question about why politicians are still employed while citizens afe being FORCED to acquiesce to a non-essential persons desires?
Do you want to have a conversation, or do you just want to see how cute you can be?

I responded to you telling me I was a partisan. Was my answer not what you wanted to hear? Do only answers that fit your narrative qualify as answers?

The answer as to why politicians still have a job and are getting paid doesn't take a genius to know why, and frankly you needing to ask seems a lot like fishing for "screen time and post count."
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How have Republicans secured, enhanced, or even encouraged Individual thinking?
I'm not a republican. The republican party is simply the only party I lean towards.
It's actually conservatives that encourage individual thinking by emphasizing personal responsibility and love of freedom to think and do as you please without the government up your backside telling you what to think and do, like the democrats do.

Did they abolish the training in the centers for compliance referred to as shools?
You honestly think republicans should ABOLISH schools? Get real...

Have they eliminated those dastardly Democrat policies they too subscribe to?
And what policies exactly are you referring to?
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
That's rhetoric- it don't count. FYI-
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
That's rhetoric- it don't count. FYI-

Of course it is fact. Every single charge there is true.

I constructed it watching the Democrat Debates.

Like this....

It's the reason one should always vote for policies, not persons, or else we get what Orwell warned about:
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
So, vote Republican? Right? How, specifically, are their policies any different? I'm not talking about sound bites or media folderal- I'm talking actual policies. Like Education, borrow to spend, unjust wars (foreign and domestic) telling citizens what they can or can't consume. What has ANY R or D policy done to secure your Liberty? Tweaking an unconstitutional program doesn't render it equal or constitutional.

"So, vote Republican? Right? How, specifically, are their policies any different? "

Be serious.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And another who fully bought into the Duo-party "Good Cop Bad Cop" scam.

EVERYTHING you see is a back and forth to appease one group then the other - to keep you pacified.
I can go back YEARS where I've told people that the Establishment is NOT going after the Establishment.

All those "THIS IS IT, WE GOT EM!" Congressional Hearings? Theatrics. Who has gone to jail? other than pawns? NAME THEM.

But hey, you've got it all figured out and one party or the other is your savior :gay:
I'm not a republican. The republican party is simply the only party I lean towards.
It's actually conservatives that encourage individual thinking by emphasizing personal responsibility and love of freedom to think and do as you please without the government up your backside telling you what to think and do, like the democrats do.
That does not answer the question I asked.

You honestly think republicans should ABOLISH schools? Get real...
Yes, I do- Public Education is THE primary artery for comply or die mentality, and group think and piss poor transferring of knowledge.

And what policies exactly are you referring to?
You're one of the ones complaining about Democrats, so, you tell me what policy you want to see repealed.

Personally, the fed reserve act and the income tax act would be the best place to start- since those two fund it all. Then address ALL unconstitutional "acts", laws, etc. And there is an abundance of those (so many they can't be counted)- the list is long and it has many Republican policies on it, including Executive Orders. The most infamous being "The Patriot Act", which eviscerates the 4th amendment- which is in the Bill of Rights, which is THE KEY to helping ensure securing Liberty- the Bill of Rights are lines that are NOT to be crossed by the fed gov't- the rest of the original constitution is merely rules for operation of the fed gov't.. And NOWHERE is there a rule for Public Education mentioned, or even implied.

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