The Vietnam War

Today, I watched a segment in which John Kerry was demonising the Americans.
What did John Kerry do?

Oh yeah, he repeated claims made by other veterans about what they said they witnessed. Okay. Men and women who served said they saw things. I heard of those things as a kid. One active soldier mailed home photos some of us saw

nuf said
Vietnam allowed the US to use their airports to refuel knowing Hitler would be pissed off.
We returned the favor by trying to save them from Communism.
We should have nuked North Vietnam’s forests.
Originally posted by Sunni Man
Several countries that were members of SEATO (South East Asian Treaty Organization) sent soldiers to fight in Vietnam.

They didn't enter the war because they were members of SEATO.

They fought in Vietnam because they were members of APC (America's Prostitute Countries)
A failed military escapade that cost 50,000 American lives.

You can thank J Kennedy and L Johnson for that fiasco, not to mention Truman who should of told France to fuck off when Ho Chi asked for Vietnams freedom...France got their ass handed to them again, JFK sent in troops to see how bad, France bailed out, like the pussies they are, then LBJ went full war monger, so his military buddies could make billions while killing off young men, making his economy look better..
yeah, let us leave out IKE and all the conservatives and Republicans that backed it and advocated for it and called anyone who questioned it - a traitor


unworthy of discussion.. who cares what leftie pbs whore Ken Burns says -- oh wignuts do. All of a sudden what a leftie says is truth and ... okay

anyone over a certain age who needed Burns to teach them about Vietnam, is a friggin a-hole who has been living in a cave for most of their lives
Ike didnt put boots on the ground, it was JFK, Again, if Truman would of said NO to France and told them to kick sand and get the fuck out of Vietnam, there wouldn't of been a war, but as usual you libfucks cant pull your heads out of your asses and understand that the Democrats fucked US real good.
Wherever the French were, they left a mess.

Like democrooks?

In South Vietnam, half a million U.S. and satellite troops have resorted to the most inhuman weapons and most barbarous methods of warfare, such as napalm, toxic chemicals and gases, to massacre our compatriots, destroy crops, and raze villages to the ground. In North Vietnam, thousands of U.S. aircraft have dropped hundreds of thousands of tons of bombs, destroying towns, villages, factories, schools.

May I ask you: Who has perpetrated these monstrous crimes? It is the United States and satellite troops.

The U.S. government must stop definitely and unconditionally its bombing raids and all other acts of war against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, withdraw from South Vietnam all U.S. and satellite troops...

Letter of Ho Chi Minh to Lyndon Johnson

Satellite troops are sent by satellite countries, a diplomatic way to refer to prostitute countries.
I'm watching it on PBS. I'd like to talk about it. With someone. :)
You should close this thread down and repost it in the Clean Debate Zone.

That would help weed out the trolls and retards like the poster above from trying to infect the thread with their idiotic nonsense. ... :cool:

Dude... it's not my fault you were too dumb to avoid being cannon fodder in Southeast Asia.
The Vietnam war is proof that wars of attrition always ends with the rebels winning. Something Americans forgot from the war of attrition called the Revolutionary War.
A failed military escapade that cost 50,000 American lives.

You can thank J Kennedy and L Johnson for that fiasco, not to mention Truman who should of told France to fuck off when Ho Chi asked for Vietnams freedom...France got their ass handed to them again, JFK sent in troops to see how bad, France bailed out, like the pussies they are, then LBJ went full war monger, so his military buddies could make billions while killing off young men, making his economy look better..
yeah, let us leave out IKE and all the conservatives and Republicans that backed it and advocated for it and called anyone who questioned it - a traitor


unworthy of discussion.. who cares what leftie pbs whore Ken Burns says -- oh wignuts do. All of a sudden what a leftie says is truth and ... okay

anyone over a certain age who needed Burns to teach them about Vietnam, is a friggin a-hole who has been living in a cave for most of their lives
Ike didnt put boots on the ground, it was JFK, Again, if Truman would of said NO to France and told them to kick sand and get the fuck out of Vietnam, there wouldn't of been a war, but as usual you libfucks cant pull your heads out of your asses and understand that the Democrats fucked US real good.
Oh .. it has to be boots on the ground now?

you can spin your nonsense all day long, every day until the sun ceases to shine .. and it will still come out as not exactly shit - but warm diarrhea in a dixie cup.

which only goes to show, you can't even accomplish a good shit
A failed military escapade that cost 50,000 American lives.

You can thank J Kennedy and L Johnson for that fiasco, not to mention Truman who should of told France to fuck off when Ho Chi asked for Vietnams freedom...France got their ass handed to them again, JFK sent in troops to see how bad, France bailed out, like the pussies they are, then LBJ went full war monger, so his military buddies could make billions while killing off young men, making his economy look better..
yeah, let us leave out IKE and all the conservatives and Republicans that backed it and advocated for it and called anyone who questioned it - a traitor


unworthy of discussion.. who cares what leftie pbs whore Ken Burns says -- oh wignuts do. All of a sudden what a leftie says is truth and ... okay

anyone over a certain age who needed Burns to teach them about Vietnam, is a friggin a-hole who has been living in a cave for most of their lives
Ike didnt put boots on the ground, it was JFK, Again, if Truman would of said NO to France and told them to kick sand and get the fuck out of Vietnam, there wouldn't of been a war, but as usual you libfucks cant pull your heads out of your asses and understand that the Democrats fucked US real good.
Oh .. it has to be boots on the ground now?

you can spin your nonsense all day long, every day until the sun ceases to shine .. and it will still come out as not exactly shit - but warm diarrhea in a dixie cup.

which only goes to show, you can't even accomplish a good shit
Deny, deny, deny ….Truman was an asshole....Oh yeah, dropped two atomic bombs thus killing over 4000,000 innocent Japanese...
A failed military escapade that cost 50,000 American lives.

You can thank J Kennedy and L Johnson for that fiasco, not to mention Truman who should of told France to fuck off when Ho Chi asked for Vietnams freedom...France got their ass handed to them again, JFK sent in troops to see how bad, France bailed out, like the pussies they are, then LBJ went full war monger, so his military buddies could make billions while killing off young men, making his economy look better..
yeah, let us leave out IKE and all the conservatives and Republicans that backed it and advocated for it and called anyone who questioned it - a traitor


unworthy of discussion.. who cares what leftie pbs whore Ken Burns says -- oh wignuts do. All of a sudden what a leftie says is truth and ... okay

anyone over a certain age who needed Burns to teach them about Vietnam, is a friggin a-hole who has been living in a cave for most of their lives
Ike didnt put boots on the ground, it was JFK, Again, if Truman would of said NO to France and told them to kick sand and get the fuck out of Vietnam, there wouldn't of been a war, but as usual you libfucks cant pull your heads out of your asses and understand that the Democrats fucked US real good.
Oh .. it has to be boots on the ground now?

you can spin your nonsense all day long, every day until the sun ceases to shine .. and it will still come out as not exactly shit - but warm diarrhea in a dixie cup.

which only goes to show, you can't even accomplish a good shit
Deny, deny, deny ….Truman was an asshole....Oh yeah, dropped two atomic bombs thus killing over 4000,000 innocent Japanese...
Yes he did it’s called war.
In South Vietnam, half a million U.S. and....
Please try and be honest by starting to put forth whole truths. Ho's troops were fighting for their own land, but against their own people too. Just like the American Revolution or Civil War.

All sides commit acts of terrible consequence, when the dogs of war are unleashed. I've met people who spent time in the Victorious North Vietnamese camps after the US fled. I've met people who fought on all sides in Vietnam and in El Salvador. One lesson the same: the people, the ones caught in the middle -- can't stand righteous fucks like you or he governments who took a side.

As one El Salvadorian guy told me "We saw people from the US supporting and arming both sides" "We hated you all"
Originally posted by moonglow
The Vietnam war is proof that wars of attrition always ends with the rebels wining. Something Americans forgot from the war of attrition called the Revolutionary War.

I wouldn't say always, moonglow, but it's how the weak fight, it's their best chance of winning.

As Ho Chi Minh, Giap or some other north vietnamese general or politician said:

"If we fight like America we will lose so we have to fight like Vietnamese."
Originally posted by JBvM
Please try and be honest by starting to put forth whole truths. Ho's troops were fighting for their own land, but against their own people too. Just like the American Revolution or Civil War.

All sides commit acts of terrible consequence, when the dogs of war are unleashed. I've met people who spent time in the Victorious North Vietnamese camps after the US fled. I've met people who fought on all sides in Vietnam and in El Salvador. One lesson the same: the people, the ones caught in the middle -- can't stand righteous fucks like you or he governments who took a side.

As one El Salvadorian guy told me "We saw people from the US supporting and arming both sides" "We hated you all"

I agree with at least 50% of your summation of wars in general and the Vietnam War in particular, JBvM. : )
The Vietnam war is proof that wars of attrition always ends with the rebels winning. Something Americans forgot from the war of attrition called the Revolutionary War.
My family has roots to all sides in that civil war/rebellion. We (all same last name), all share one grandfather who came over in the early/mid 1600s. I have direct roots to ones who refused to become traitors, and some who refused to be forced to take a side. How do I know this? Public records.

I've been studying colonial Americans for a long time, and one day another of my interests, my genealogy searches, led me to a Canadian grandfather in 1783. I knew then, I was in for a quite interesting ride

My point being, in wars of attrition that involve outside forces, those wars are more like civil wars than colonial expansionist invasions -- you'r correct, the rebels always win because they have nowhere to retreat to. They are fighting for their homes and the outside forces can retreat and leave. But what happens to those who are on the other side of a civil war? They have nowhere to retreat to.

Odd thing is, American History became tied to my family history. They are inseparable. It became personal

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