The veil of her party's


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

totalitarianism dropped by the Hildebeast. Still angry over 2016 and most likely at 2008 when she had to play second fiddle to BO.

totalitarianism dropped by the Hildebeast. Still angry over 2016 and most likely at 2008 when she had to play second fiddle to BO.

totalitarianism dropped by the Hildebeast. Still angry over 2016 and most likely at 2008 when she had to play second fiddle to BO.
She's not wrong. You cultists need to be deprogrammed before you hurt yourselves again.

It's all cultist fun and games until somebody brings out the koolaid.

totalitarianism dropped by the Hildebeast. Still angry over 2016 and most likely at 2008 when she had to play second fiddle to BO.

The smartest candidate in history and she lost to two amateurs. LOL!
She's not wrong. You cultists need to be deprogrammed before you hurt yourselves again.

It's all cultist fun and games until somebody brings out the koolaid.
So, how high a rank in the Democratic Red Guard do you think you will achieve before they do away with you and the rest of the useful idiots?
She's not wrong. You cultists need to be deprogrammed before you hurt yourselves again.

It's all cultist fun and games until somebody brings out the koolaid.
Spoken like a true one party statist.

totalitarianism dropped by the Hildebeast. Still angry over 2016 and most likely at 2008 when she had to play second fiddle to BO.
The left haven't been shy recently in their opinion that any opposition to Democrats in government is an existential threat to our democracy. That any investigation of a Democrat is corrupt, unwarranted, unnecessary, evil but investigation of a Republican is all the evidence they need to indict, convict, and imprison a Republican and no due process is necessary. That Democrats should be able to require all Americans to accept whatever deviant, sick, immoral, vulgar, obscene crap they want to push on our kids and anyone who objects is engaging in terrorist activity. That criticism of a Democrat puts that Democrat at emotional and/or physical risk but the same is not true of criticism of Republicans. Democrats should be allowed to exercise free speech rights on whatever topic in every possible venue while Republicans/Patriots/conservatives should be gagged,, silenced, disallowed to say what they think.

And yes anybody who doesn't agree with the Democrats must either be jailed, cancelled, or reprogrammed via sensitivity training or whatever. Hillary just took that to a whole new level with re-education camps that most Democrats will applaud.

It is all geared to divide us to the point that totalitarianism becomes the government we will have. It was first pushed by Marx and Engles, was carried forward by Saul Alinksy--Hillary is one of his disciples--and is now happening before our eyes.

I don't know if there are enough educated, unbrainwashed people left in America to stop it. But I am quite sure once we have totalitarianism, the leftists on this form and elsewhere will hate it as much as those of us they despise now will hate it.

They have no idea how much the imperfections of liberty are a blessing to us all.
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The left haven't been shy recently in their opinion that any opposition to Democrats in government is an existential threat to our democracy. That any investigation of a Democrat is corrupt, unwarranted, unnecessary, evil but investigation of a Republican is all the evidence they need to indict, convict, and imprison a Republican and no due process is necessary. That Democrats should be able to require all Americans to accept whatever deviant, sick, immoral, vulgar, obscene crap they want to push on our kids and anyone who objects is engaging in terrorist activity. That criticism of a Democrat puts that Democrat at emotional and/or physical risk but the same is not true of criticism of Republicans. Democrats should be allowed to exercise free speech rights on whatever topic in every possible venue while Republicans/Patriots/conservatives should be gagged,, silenced, disallowed to say what they think.

And yes anybody who doesn't agree with the Democrats must either be jailed, cancelled, or reprogrammed via sensitivity training or whatever. Hillary just took that to a whole new level with re-education camps that most Democrats will applaud.
Could not have said that better myself.
Show us one statment that "any opposition to Democrats in government is an existential threat to our democracy."

There is real concern that MAGA is an existential threat to American democracy.

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