The US & Nicaragua: a Case Study in Historical Amnesia & Blindness


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
I was stunned the other day to see an opinion piece by Stephen Kinzer in The Boston Globe in which he was portraying the violent anti-government protests in Nicaragua as some kind of revolutionary insurrection. What is surprising about Kinzer’s position is that he is the individual who wrote the wonderfulbook, All The Shah’s Men– one of the essential readings about the CIA-backed coup against Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran in 1953.

What is happening in Nicaragua right now looks a lot like what happened in Iran during this coup, and yet, Kinzer somehow does not see this. In this way, Kinzer typifies the utter confusion of so many in this country — including those who should know better, such as many self-described leftists — about what is happening in Nicaragua and in Latin America generally.
The US & Nicaragua: a Case Study in Historical Amnesia & Blindness

This is an excellent analysis of the recent commentary on Nicaragua. I would go so far as to say that it is willful historical amnesia.



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