The US Air Force wants to roll out a cheaper attack aircraft to fly alongside the A-10


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I shake my head often about decisions made in the Five-Sided Puzzle Palace – and by politicos who should keep their noses out of those decisions. They've been talking for years about scrapping the Wart Hog, claiming the F-22 and F-35 can do the job just as well. Now, military planners claim the want to buy Observation, Attack, Experimental aircraft that are effective – and cheaper.

Hell! We already had them years ago.


But no, they'll go through another lengthy – and expensive – acquisitions program to let out bids and have a bunch of companies come up with designs.

Story @ The US Air Force wants to roll out a cheaper attack aircraft to fly alongside the A-10
It is the American way of doing things. And by the way, what exactly is the fleet of Army Apaches doing these days? The only thing I learned from the referenced story in the OP's post is our Generals expect this mid east thing will continue for the next 15 years! REALLY? Another 30 year war? How about we simply pick up our marbles and go home. Leave the mid east, Africa and that half of the world to Europe, We have two big oceans on our borders and they cannot swim that far. "Fortress America's" !
It is the American way of doing things. And by the way, what exactly is the fleet of Army Apaches doing these days? The only thing I learned from the referenced story in the OP's post is our Generals expect this mid east thing will continue for the next 15 years! REALLY? Another 30 year war? How about we simply pick up our marbles and go home. Leave the mid east, Africa and that half of the world to Europe, We have two big oceans on our borders and they cannot swim that far. "Fortress America's" !

I am sooooo tempted to agree with you.

Withdraw our troops from around the world and strengthen our internal defenses. Remove all who profess Islam and do not renounce Sharia and swear allegiance to our constitution.

Let the world go to hell on its own.
It does seem that whatever we as Americans agree to gets shoved up our butts. In my opinion, our thrust should be to secure, with the assist of the of North, Central and South America, the American Continent in total. When we have that in hand and I have to believe we probably do as of now, the entire Continent should gear up to "all of us first, last and always". I realize that American business stands to lose investments in Europe and the mid east. So what? Business knows this going into the game. It is time to protect the homeland and damn the other half of the world. If the citizens of Europe do not want to invest in their own well being, then they should be ready to deal with the results. The Communist/Socialists bank on the US being in over it's head. It is time they pay the price, not America. We and our neighbor's own this half, they on the other hand control the other. It is time for them to get involved or get out. It is called "tough love".
It is the American way of doing things. And by the way, what exactly is the fleet of Army Apaches doing these days? The only thing I learned from the referenced story in the OP's post is our Generals expect this mid east thing will continue for the next 15 years! REALLY? Another 30 year war? How about we simply pick up our marbles and go home. Leave the mid east, Africa and that half of the world to Europe, We have two big oceans on our borders and they cannot swim that far. "Fortress America's" !

We've done this in the past. Didn't want to get involved with WWI or WWII but when we did our troops were woefully unprepared. Staying out of the Middle East won't change the minds of the Jihadist either and even though I believe would should try our best to secure the homeland some evil shit will still get though. Including all territories the US has over 12,000 miles of coastland.
As far as I know, the A-10 is among the cheapest in cost per hour and highly effective. When in 2003 the Iraqi army pushed back the US forces that consisted of 30 % of all active American forces, the US had to deploy additional 130.000 troops that were also highly dependent on air support, the A-10 was praised by the ground forces. Nevertheless, the airforce planned to sort out this aircraft after the war. It shows the true inability of the US forces to win a ground war even against an already weakened opponent using outdated arms. In a defensive war where the US forces would have to cover much more soil, the shortages in efficiency, largely due to prestige issues, the selection of personnel (many poor citizens without choice and Rambos) and the general arrogance would clearly play into the hands of the opponent. The conclusion is that the US is hardly able to defeat small countries and simply unable to protect the homeland. Over 40000 flights in the second gulf war tell the whole story. Another hint is that the US went over to use proxy armies like in Libya, Syria and Iraq since 2011.

As President Bush declared the war in Iraq would last "however long it takes to win," the Pentagon said Thursday that 130,000 more troops were being deployed to the Persian Gulf region - More U.S. troops, armor head to Iraq - Mar. 28, 2003

"The financial markets snapped out of their week-long war-driven euphoria yesterday as a series of military setbacks in Iraq triggered a slump in share prices."
Markets dive after Allied setbacks in Iraq war

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