The upcoming launch of the James Webb Deep space Observatory October 31, 2020


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Easily the most important event in Human History the much delayed but so much anticipated launch of the most powerful observatory every created the JWST will usher astronomy into an entirely new Era of discovery pertaining to the first 500,000 years after the Big Bang. By insulating the infrared detection grid from the heat of the sun and thus keeping a constant temp of some 200 degrees below zero the super sensitive lenses will pick up images previously hidden even from the Hubble's eye.

Folks this may not be getting the same fanfare as the super bowl or the world series but the magnitude of importance that this holds over either of those two mundane events simply cannot be described drastically enough to make the proper impression I'm afraid.

Were not just looking into the past we are literally peeking into God's Screen Door.

It's hard to make quantum physics sexy enough to be shown on TV during prime time...

It's our fault as a culture....People don't necessarily have to relate to space-time and dark energy to understand that some hugely important questions are about to be answered or if not answered at the very least more completely defined....ah well.... They're launching it from South America for cripes sakes...there goes my plan to take the week off and go down to the launch.....hopefully there will be some decent TV coverage.

It's hard to make quantum physics sexy enough to be shown on TV during prime time...

Average IQ in the states is 98. I wouldn't be surprised if it's even lower among T.V junkies. Maybe that plays a role.
Stacey Abrams is a corrupted statist representing the death of human history. Elon Musk is a visionary representing the can do spirt that Americans had for many many years until the Progs took over.
It's hard to make quantum physics sexy enough to be shown on TV during prime time...

Average IQ in the states is 98. I wouldn't be surprised if it's even lower among T.V junkies. Maybe that plays a role.
Stacey Abrams is a corrupted statist representing the death of human history. Elon Musk is a visionary representing the can do spirt that Americans had for many many years until the Progs took over.
Yet, Elon is not an American.
I liked it and Stephen Hawking liked it, who potentially destroyed black holes with his radiation.

Yes....Hawking more or less proved mathematically that the black holes do deteriorate albeit over the course of up to a trillion years.
Stacey Abrams is a corrupted statist representing the death of human history. Elon Musk is a visionary representing the can do spirt that Americans had for many many years until the Progs took over.
Musk will become the very first Trillionaire I think
Yes....Hawking more or less proved mathematically that the black holes do deteriorate albeit over the course of up to a trillion years.
What is a trillion years in the eyes of the Lord? Perhaps only a wink of an eye.
Here are a couple dozen animations of how all the separate pieces of the Web Telescope will unfold.

Elron Musk is a con man who is bilking billions from the people, and they are just happily giving it to him.


Elon Musk’s giant Starship will leave the world behind.​

Not just a ship, but a shipyard. The SpaceX plan to launch hundreds of vehicles a year from Starbase (seen here in January 2021) will require a pace of operations never even attempted in the rocket business. (© JOHN KRAUS)
Not just a ship, but a shipyard. The SpaceX plan to launch hundreds of vehicles a year from Starbase (seen here in January 2021) will require a pace of operations never even attempted in the rocket business.

Right, sure it is.

Last Friday, as most Americans slept off their tryptophan hangovers, headed to the mall for Black Friday shopping, or tried in vain to avoid political discussions with visiting family members, SpaceX founder Elon Musk was instead at work. Not finding things to his liking, Musk dashed off an email to the company's employees. A full copy of the email, obtained by Ars, appears at the end of this story.

Musk told his employees that SpaceX faces a "Raptor production crisis," which means the company is having difficulty producing enough of the high-tech rocket engines to support plans to test the Starship and Super Heavy vehicles in 2022.

"I was going to take this weekend off, as my first weekend off in a long time, but instead I will be on the Raptor line all night and through the weekend," Musk wrote. "Unless you have critical family matters or cannot physically return to Hawthorne, we need all hands on deck to recover from what is, quite frankly, a disaster."

Failing success with this initiative, Musk added, "we face a genuine risk of bankruptcy."

One thing about watching Elron Musk and his claims, he fails in over 90% of them. Self driving cars, driverless taxis for $30k, Inexpensive solar roofs for houses. Electric semis. Completely automated "hyperloops" under Vegas. I can just go on and on and on, but almost all of his clams never come true.
Right, sure it is.

One thing about watching Elron Musk and his claims, he fails in over 90% of them. Self driving cars, driverless taxis for $30k, Inexpensive solar roofs for houses. Electric semis. Completely automated "hyperloops" under Vegas. I can just go on and on and on, but almost all of his clams never come true.
That might be, BUT ...
1) His Space X~StarShip program does look to be a winner so far and beats the best we've gotten from Guv'mint NASA.
2) Anyone whom knows history knows that dreamers and innovators have more failures than successes, but those successes can be major paradigm changers (See Ford, Edison, Tesla, etc.)
3) I'll back Musk and his tract record before backing your non-track record.

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