The ukrainian conspiracy.

They've taken bits and pieces from many countries. Since 1991 they have invaded

1991 - invasion of Georgia;
1992 - invasion of Moldova;
1994 - invasion of Ichkeria;
1998 - invasion of Georgia again;
2014 - invasion of Ukraine;
2015 - invasion of Syria;

They've propped up dictators in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and Belarus. When Russia's influence invades a country they stop being democratic. You may think that's a good thing, it's not.

Then there is NATO, not a single country forced to become a member.
If I recall, in the last decade hasn't Russia invaded by my count 3 of it's former states? Would that be Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine?
Oh, OK. "Temporary"

South Ossetia was Georgia.

Assad is stable and popular? Nope.

Which country under Russian rule/influence has the best democracy?

South Ossetia was ethnic Ossetians and should have been combined with North Ossetians in their own independent country.
They are not ethnically, culturally, or historically Georgian.

Assad is incredibly stable and popular, (for that reason).
There have been international polls done, and Assad has about 90% backing.

All the countries under Russian rule/influence have BETTER democracy than the US.
It is almost criminal that 2016 was between Hillary and Trump.
Most corrupt government in the world.
It was free. They have real elections (unlike imprisoning or murdering your rivals) and they're actually allowed to call this a war or not.

The Ukraine has more censorship, imprisonment, corruption, etc., than Russia.
South Ossetia was ethnic Ossetians and should have been combined with North Ossetians in their own independent country.
They are not ethnically, culturally, or historically Georgian.

Assad is incredibly stable and popular, (for that reason).
There have been international polls done, and Assad has about 90% backing.

All the countries under Russian rule/influence have BETTER democracy than the US.
It is almost criminal that 2016 was between Hillary and Trump.
Most corrupt government in the world.

90% backing of a dictator? I totally believe it.

How is the democracy in Belarus?

How about Russia? I mean when political opponents aren't thrown in jail? I mean when critical journalists aren't learning to fly off of roof tops? I mean when it's legal to call a war a war?
The Ukraine has more censorship, imprisonment, corruption, etc., than Russia.
No, it doesn't. Their citizens are allowed to call this a war and well, breathe until the Russians do something about that.

Sure, Zelensky kicked out some Russian news stations, good. Russia has closed up independent journalists and well, he tends to murder them on occasion as well.

A woman held up a sign on tv and she was arrested, what?

In Russia they arrest you for holding up blanks signs.

Don't talk to foreign journalists, in Russia.

Yes they did, by murdering ethnic Russians, violating treaties, stealing pipeline oil, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border. It was Zelensky who deliberately cut off negotiations, not Russia.
Unfortunately many Americans don’t want to hear anything other than the government/corporate media narrative. This occurs on both the right and left, Ds and Rs, cons and libs. How can this be when most must know the government and big media are notorious liars???
90% backing of a dictator? I totally believe it.

How is the democracy in Belarus?

How about Russia? I mean when political opponents aren't thrown in jail? I mean when critical journalists aren't learning to fly off of roof tops? I mean when it's legal to call a war a war?
It’d be nice if we had a functioning democracy in the US.
Unfortunately many Americans don’t want to hear anything other than the government/corporate media narrative. This occurs on both the right and left, Ds and Rs, cons and libs. How can this be when most must know the government and big media are notorious liars???
We already stole the election from you. We've perverted your family values. Interracial marriage has longed past gotten out from under the weight of taboo and gay marriage will be there shortly. Pot is spreading across the land and oh shit, did I not hear that electric car go by my house just now?

Take off your ridiculous hat and leave.
If I recall, in the last decade hasn't Russia invaded by my count 3 of it's former states? Would that be Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine?
No. Crimea was always Russian going back to Catherine the Great in the 18th century. It is about 80% ethnic Russian and they voted to leave Ukraine, after O and Joe committed their coup overthrowing a democratically elected government in Ukraine.

They did invade Georgia and Ukraine.
We already stole the election from you. We've perverted your family values. Interracial marriage has longed past gotten out from under the weight of taboo and gay marriage will be there shortly. Pot is spreading across the land and oh shit, did I not hear that electric car go by my house just now?

Take off your ridiculous hat and leave.
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What? WTF are you talking about? We’re discussing Ukraine.
No. Crimea was always Russian going back to Catherine the Great in the 18th century. It is about 80% ethnic Russian and they voted to leave Ukraine, after O and Joe committed their coup overthrowing a democratically elected government in Ukraine.

They did invade Georgia and Ukraine.
Would you say they invaded these three countries? Syria, Ukraine, and Georgia?
No. They were invited by Assad to help him. I already stated they invaded Georgia and Ukraine.
I was just asking because I read something odd in The Bible that I had never noticed before.

Daniel 7:5 “And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

Sometimes there are parallels in The BIble. However I read more of this commentary, and think that it's accurate. I just found the "Bear and 3 ribs in it's mouth" curious and interesting.

Maybe Belarus is a rib? The Bible talks about a bear in other places taking back her cubs. Just thought Russia was an interesting parallel, and if so, what ribs are officially the three ribs. Or perhaps they are Donetsk, Georgia and Luhansk?

Just think it's an interesting topic. If the parallel is true then The Bear invades 3 major former states (cubs) and destroys them.

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If I recall, in the last decade hasn't Russia invaded by my count 3 of it's former states? Would that be Georgia, Crimea and Ukraine?

No, Georgia was abusing both North and South Ossetia, so the Russia had to spank them.
Russia gained nothing and just defended the Ossetians from abuse.

The Crimea and Donetsk are ethnic Russian that Khrushchev the Ukrainian gave to the Ukraine in 1955, and now Russia is trying to fix that.
No, the Syrians want Assad, and the US and Israel are hiring merc to try to take over Syria illegally.
Russia in on the good guy side by defending Assad, who is by far the most popular.
I am looking for 3 Cubs probably (Former Soviet States) that were taken from Russia and that The Bear wants back and attacks. It's a half baked theory I am looking in to and am interested in based on a Biblical Principal that you sometimes see of Double Parallels.

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