The two ends of the political spectrum are killing us

I'm your enemy, that's for goddamned sure.

like I said, good vs. EVIL. I am not registered with any party. Trump got great results With all of DC working against him. I support that. Trump was common sense, pro America. Its not rocket science. You dont have some secret method. You may think you do lol!

you are OK with supporting EVIL. You will pay dearly at some point.
Think this stuff is made up? Over decades getting away with EVIL. Covered up by MSM and supporters like blackMac.

“And that would be four individuals who had ties in with the Biden family in their various schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents We have in hand documents in hand that show just how the Biden family was getting money from the Chinese Communist Party.”
Frako, rest of world doesn't fund $1T military like US does. The just weasel freedom, safety off US.

You spout all those Programs but already $2T over budget annually?

Where do the funds come from? 20%*GDP is available.
tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again. do you want a diagram. that's what this is all about, The election of 2024. it's time to end the bizarre and destructive greedy give away to the rich we've had the last 40 years. The worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness is not the American Dream, no matter what your ridiculous propaganda says...
tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again. do you want a diagram. that's what this is all about, The election of 2024. it's time to end the bizarre and destructive greedy give away to the rich we've had the last 40 years. The worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness is not the American Dream, no matter what your ridiculous propaganda says...
Soak the rich!

Can't you guys come up with something new?
tax the rich again and invest in America and Americans again. do you want a diagram. that's what this is all about, The election of 2024. it's time to end the bizarre and destructive greedy give away to the rich we've had the last 40 years. The worst inequality upward mobility and homelessness is not the American Dream, no matter what your ridiculous propaganda says...

I asked you yesterday to explain how much from where?
I showed you my research that shows only 20% of GDP can be confiscated by FED GOVT (or the money moves, vanishes).

A $20T economy can give up ~$4T. They are ~$2T short already? Yet you scream for more?

I contend, it aint that easy for the GOVT to confiscate more. Now… vanish like always. when on a PC i could repost 100 yr. Charts proving what I say.

i dont claim to know why? Maybe Blackmac knows it all? ask him. But, if GOVT tries to take too much..,,the money dries up?
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Soak the rich!

Can't you guys come up with something new?
Seriously. I remember when Dems at least pretended to care about things like equal rights and civil liberties, when they preferred peace and tolerance. What the hell happened?
I have a general disgust with Ds and Rs that would make it hard, but ...

If either party nominated a candidate committed to consensus, I'd vote for them. I'm talking about someone who would promise to veto any legislation that didn't have broad support. Someone who recognized the futility of forcing through major social changes that 49% of the country opposes. Someone who understands that a President works for the entire country, not just their sponsors.
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It depends on where the individual is. How they fall on the spectrum will determine by geographical location what they are.

A man who is a member of the ACLU in rural Georgia is a Liberal. A man who is a member of the NRA in Berkeley is a raving radical conservative. If you believe an Abortion is a Woman’s right in Texas you are a radical leftist. If you believe in pro life in California you are a radical rightist.

I’m a member of both the ACLU and the NRA. I support CCW laws, but oppose Constitutional Carry. I believe the other amendments matter as much as the Second.

In Rural Georgia where I live, I’m slightly left of center. I voted for Kemp, the Republican. I voted against Walker, another Republican. I voted for Trump in 2016, but didn’t vote in 2020 because I didn’t like either candidate.

I voted for Obama in 2008, and Romney in 2012.

If Trump is the nominee in 24, I won’t vote for him. I don’t know if I will vote at all. But it won’t be for Trump. I’d prefer someone slightly right of center, but assume I’ll get a nut foisted upon me and will probably ignore the election. Again.

I will always vote for who I think is the better choice. Regardless of party and who endorsed.
Whoa, guy .... if we -- by 'we' I mean almost everyone who posts here -- could construct an Ideal American Citizen, you'd be it! Well, I guess the fact that you lean moderate Right would not make our Leftists happy, but they could blame your leaning on their Loony Wing.

In the Republican ranks, there are lots and lots of people like you -- not with their ideas thought out, but with your instincts. Some of our crazies want to drive these people out of the Party, so we'll really become a permanent minority.

That woman in Arizona did that -- and lost the election.
[Opinion: Kari Lake told Arizona's McCain Republicans to 'get the hell out.' They did | CNN]

A pretty good candidate for Governor in Pennsylvania announced he was a "Christian Nationalist" ... and lost the election.

When the Democrats put millions of dollars into our primaries, supporting the unelectable fringe crazies, they knew what they were doing.

[ Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall | IntellectualConservative ]

Why are people on the right such accurate marksmen, when they aim at their own feet?
Whoa, guy .... if we -- by 'we' I mean almost everyone who posts here -- could construct an Ideal American Citizen, you'd be it! Well, I guess the fact that you lean moderate Right would not make our Leftists happy, but they could blame your leaning on their Loony Wing.

In the Republican ranks, there are lots and lots of people like you -- not with their ideas thought out, but with your instincts. Some of our crazies want to drive these people out of the Party, so we'll really become a permanent minority.

That woman in Arizona did that -- and lost the election.
[Opinion: Kari Lake told Arizona's McCain Republicans to 'get the hell out.' They did | CNN]

A pretty good candidate for Governor in Pennsylvania announced he was a "Christian Nationalist" ... and lost the election.

When the Democrats put millions of dollars into our primaries, supporting the unelectable fringe crazies, they knew what they were doing.

[ Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall | IntellectualConservative ]

Why are people on the right such accurate marksmen, when they aim at their own feet?

I meant to post this yesterday for all of your 3 page posts. No offense Intended.

Now i see you are too quick to judge based on one post? See above.

3 seconds.

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But there are plenty of decent people on the Left. We need to reach them. For example, getting them to join with us to prevent a Left-dominated School Board from sexualizing children.
There are very few libs who are willing to break ranks with any far left constituent group

Yet I cant believe that anyone cant see the harm this sexualization does to children

I can only conclude that they just dont care
So now we see the pushback, with this Neanderthal, middle school bully-approach to the culture from the Right.
"Now look what you made me do!"

-- Every domestic abuser, ever. It's disgusting no matter who says it.

The right owns their bad behavior, period. Nobody made them do it, and saying they did is running interference for that bad behavior.

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Most of the nation agrees with _actual_ liberal positions. Your strawmen, no, but your strawman are just crap you made up so you could declare how holier-than-thou and above it all you are.

So, what's your justification for your phony equivalence bullshit song and dance?
"Now look what you made me do!"

-- Every domestic abuser, ever. It's disgusting no matter who says it.

The right owns their bad behavior, period. Nobody made them do it, and saying they did is running interference for that bad behavior.

Most of the nation agrees with _actual_ liberal positions. Your strawmen, no, but your strawman are just crap you made up so you could declare how holier-than-thou and above it all you are.

So, what's your justification for your phony equivalence bullshit song and dance?
As I say to the Trumpsters with their counterproductive, ham-handed way of approaching pretty much every issue: The goal is not the problem. The tactics used to ACHIEVE the goal are the problem.

The Left's ham-handed approach to PC and Identity Politics netted the country Trumpism. Should it have? No. Have Trumpsters been manipulated into gross distortions of their thought processes? Yes. But they also vote. And they did. And here we are. And there is the Supreme Court.

You don't have to read the room. You don't have to pay attention to what they're saying. But this is the result.
Whoa, guy .... if we -- by 'we' I mean almost everyone who posts here -- could construct an Ideal American Citizen, you'd be it! Well, I guess the fact that you lean moderate Right would not make our Leftists happy, but they could blame your leaning on their Loony Wing.

In the Republican ranks, there are lots and lots of people like you -- not with their ideas thought out, but with your instincts. Some of our crazies want to drive these people out of the Party, so we'll really become a permanent minority.

That woman in Arizona did that -- and lost the election.
[Opinion: Kari Lake told Arizona's McCain Republicans to 'get the hell out.' They did | CNN]

A pretty good candidate for Governor in Pennsylvania announced he was a "Christian Nationalist" ... and lost the election.

When the Democrats put millions of dollars into our primaries, supporting the unelectable fringe crazies, they knew what they were doing.

[ Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall | IntellectualConservative ]

Why are people on the right such accurate marksmen, when they aim at their own feet?

When I was in the Army I talked to my Dad about the OJ verdict. He told me the defense team had been fantastic. He explained that the defense didn’t let a single piece of evidence or testimony by without challenging it. Dad said that when they caught Furman in the lie his credibility had been shot.

I listened and learned. My Father has been dead for nearly a decade and he’s still teaching me. Things he said come into focus and expand my understanding even now.

I’m not perfect. I like most people try and live my life according to the rules we set for ourselves. Your rules will be different than mine. And we have good reasons for the rules we design for our own lives. Things we won’t do. Things we won’t endure.

The hardest thing for people to do is think. To question their own ideals. That is where the study of history comes into play. Assumptions were tossed aside in history. We can do it again.

I won’t waste space listing places where assumptions have way to reality. But suffice to say that I believe that we can always reconsider our assumptions to see if they make sense. Often they don’t, and we continue down the same awful path anyway.
Ooooh, name calling…definitely not a trait of leftists…No sir.

I'll just keep asking, to both ends:

How do you intellectually reconcile the fact that half the country disagrees with you, as you push so hard to shove your agenda down their throat?

Is it that you just know what's best for them?

What is your inner justification for that?
I can only speak for myself. I am a conservative Republican Christian. Many people who disagree with Conservative Republicans do so because they listen to the mainstream media. The mainstream media is very biased. When a Republican politician does something bad, they yell it to the rooftops. Many times there are Democrat politicians doing the same thing except viewers of these "news" sources never hear of these shenanigans because these happenings never get reported.

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