The truth some here cannot take

To say Augustus Jackson invented ice cream, would be the same as saying Dale Earnhardt Jr's pit crew chief invented the wheel. :21:

I didn't know Jr's pit crew invented the wheel :21:

Take for instance the idea Augustus Jackson "invented" ice cream. Augustus was an awesome man by all standards. He rose to the level of being a chef in the White House. He perfected methods for making ice cream, and had some wonderful recipes. He took both of those, and built a commercial capitalistic empire around his ice cream and became one of the wealthiest men in his time.

What accomplishments Augustus Jackson made go so far beyond the ridiculous idea he "invented" ice cream, it doesn't do justice to the man to say that. Part of what made Augustus, as some would put it, The Father of Modern Ice Cream, really had more to do with his abilities to produce, market and capitalize his ice cream business. Give credit where it is due, and credit for the accomplishments the man made. Recognize Augustus Jackson is the perfect example of pursuing the American Dream.

That doesn't fit IM2's narrative, because Augustus Jackson wasn't taking "no" for an answer. He didn't "invent" ice cream, but he accomplished so much more. There is no need to lie about what the man accomplished, in order to promote a false narrative. He was a great man without any racial context. Why the heck would someone want to sully his accomplishments by suggesting he did something he didn't, in order to serve no other purpose than making a stupid racial connection, to promote the silly idea racial division is necessary and unescapable?

What Augustus Jackson accomplished would be awesome for any man regardless of race. He still didn't invent ice cream.

You have chosen to nitpick and that is an indication of your lack of character. What exactly is my narrative supposed to be? I am not the one saying he invented ice cream. He is just pointed out in a video I did not make. So if your ass has a problem with the person saying that find who made the video and send him your comments. Other than that you are trolling and looking for reason to keep doing so. I know you want to leave racial context out of everything only when its abut things that affect whites which does not praise them. But that doesn't happen at any time, never has happened at any time and racism is not going to die in the white communiy after over 400 continuous years of practicing it. So until you address the inaccuracy taught us about whites in US history you have no critique to give.

Whites created the racial divisions here.

"A nation is a choice. It chooses itself at fateful forks in the road by turning left or right, by giving up something or taking something -- and in the giving up and the taking, in the deciding and not deciding, the nation becomes. And ever afterwards, the nation and the people who make up the nation are defined by the fork and by the decision that was made there, as well as by the decision that was not made there. For the decision, once made, engraves itself into the landscape, engraves itself into things, into institutions, nerves, muscles, tendons; and the first decision requires a second decision, and the second decision requires a third, and


it goes on and on, spiraling in an inexorable processus which distorts everything and alienates everybody.

America became America that way. Fork by fork, step by step, option by option, America or, to be more precise, the men who spoke in the name of America decided that it was going to be a white place defined negatively by the bodies and the blood of the reds and the blacks. And that decision, which was made in the 1660s and elaborated over a two-hundred-year period, foreclosed certain possibilities in America -- perhaps forever -- and set off depth charges that are still echoing and re-echoing in the commonwealth. What makes this all the more mournful is that it didn't have to happen that way. There was another road -- but that road wasn't taken. In the beginning, as we have seen, there was no race problem in America. The race problem in America was a deliberate invention of men who systematically separated blacks and whites in order to make money."

From Lerone Bennett, The Shaping of Black America.

'The Road Not Taken', by Lerone Bennett

So until you find the guts to stop whites from practicing racism anywhere, don't lecture me.
American History Textbooks' Lies: Everything Your Teacher Got Wrong - Myths, Education

So until you find the guts to stop whites from practicing racism anywhere, don't lecture me.
The details are often where your arguments depart from the truth, and with the express purpose of making what essentially becomes a false narrative. Not to suggest I believe lecturing you would accomplish anything of much value. You're incorrigible and a victim of your own fallacies.
Most of the drivel on this section isn't truthful.
Again, same can be said of the entire forum.

Especially when it comes from conservative wingnuts.

No need to get your panties in a bunch

As I said, race is purely a political construct.

Thanks for proving my point.

Now it's time to call me a racist, that is your cue.

Really, the only reason race it talked about here is due to political concerns.

That is a truth.
They call racist so much it means nothing anymore.

Your political opponent becomes the racist.

The problem is, they call Trump a racist because he has become a political opponent of the NAACP. But before Trump, they called the entire Tea Party a group of racists. We all know that it mattered little who won as a Republican, they were going to be painted as a racist.

Unfortunately for them, Trump was not thought of as a racist prior to running for office. People looked at him as a narcissist and man whore, but not a racist.

Blacks thought of Trump as a racist, and so did the Nixon DOJ when they made him pay a settlement for racial discrimination. The tea party is a bunch of racists and republicans who are racists are called racists.

Bu his thread is about black achievements. You guys turned it into a crying session about fake black racism because it destroys your lies about black non achievement.

You stretch and bend the truth until it is unrecognizable when the unadulterated truth would serve you far better. There have been a few books that had a profound effect on my life UP FROM SLAVERY was one of them. Why look any farther than Booker T. Washington
for inspiration, intelligence, determination, willpower or just about any other positive trait? Yet I have not seen Mr. Washington or one
the greatest inventors in history, George Washington Carver, even mentioned in passing. Dr Charles R. Drew and many others come to
mind who seem to forgotten in the quest for racist propaganda. Hatred overcomes good sense every time.
Up From Slavery is so important to me I keep a copy to give away.

Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.
Why deal with the past? It over, cant be changed, better to deal with the present and look to the future
Whites did not invent as much as they claim.

If you weren’t so obnoxious, I’d feel sorry for you. You have such a inferiority chip on your shoulder just because of the color of your skin. That is your short coming, but you constantly blame others for it. Man up and be an example for younger blacks, achieve an overcome. Or sit on your ass and cry that whitey won’t let you’s your choice, and only yours.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

And that is what blacks say when they want to guilt whites into free money and things.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.

Oh now we have to be human, but only in threads made by blacks that talk about how there are whites who still practice racism.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

And that is what blacks say when they want to guilt whites into free money and things.
What do we say? I was simply commenting on what he said. So what do blacks say?

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?
I've posted it a thousand times on here already, and I'll post it a thousand more times if I have to.

If you don't want to be called/considered racist, don't. Do. Racist. Things.
Oh, you most certainly are, bub.

I defy you to find posts where I am promoting disunity based on differences in DNA. You, on the other hand, have started numerous threads with exactly this agenda.

I would but your profile doesn't allow it. You do it all the time. You're doing it now. And I'm not the one trying to create disunity based on DNA. Stating that blacks actually invented things is not creating division based on DNA. Your racism is apparent here by your racist whining about a thread simply showing that blacks actually invented things. The assumption made that I'm trying to say blacks are better than whites stinks of you're getting uppity. So fuck off.

How charming. Dean Carnegie would be impressed.

You won't fine any race baiting threads started by me because they DO NOT EXIST. I am not the one who litters this board with thread after thread after thread of racial divisiveness and bigotry like you do.

That's all you ever do. There is nothing divisive about his. Yet there are a bunch of htreads and posts by whites here that are, including all of yours.

Liar. As you can't find any started by me, you are smearing all white people. That is racism, pure and simple. You are a racist hack.

Since I am not smearing all white people anywhere, you're a liar. And since you clos off your profile so no one cam retrieve your racist posts, you cannot say what you do in your second sentence. Drop the fragility and grow up.

Look at how this pathetic racist wraps one lie up within another lie! If anyone questions what the white man has truly done to blacks, there is but one simple, pure and unimpeachable test: go look at any black society that has NEVER had any contact EVER with the white man. This is TRULY the Black man ON HIS OWN. The only places you can still find such people are in Papau New Guinea and the deep Amazon between Brazil and Peru. Here is part one of a three part series, fascinating to watch in itself---- of blacks meeting the white man for the first time. These people are living paleolithic stone age.

No culture, no society, no schools, no inventions, no cities, nothing short of stone tools. Some barely utilize fire. This is undeniably what the Black has accomplished for himself ON HIS OWN. Everything else, good and bad, came from contact with the white man (or at least some outside culture), and I dare any anthropologist to prove me wrong.

USMB self professsed conservatives/Republicans...

My liberal/Democrat whites on USMB don't complain about these threads, they don't get guilty when discussing past and/or present sins.

It's the hit dog syndrome, those that it pertains to are the ones that protest, because they got hit by the stone.

You do realize that it's really only you guys that have these issues w/race, right?

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Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?
I've posted it a thousand times on here already, and I'll post it a thousand more times if I have to.

If you don't want to be called/considered racist, don't. Do. Racist. Things.

So in your mind, desiring racial harmony is a racist thing?
So until you find the guts to stop whites from practicing racism anywhere, don't lecture me.
The details are often where your arguments depart from the truth, and with the express purpose of making what essentially becomes a false narrative. Not to suggest I believe lecturing you would accomplish anything of much value. You're incorrigible and a victim of your own fallacies.

I've departed from no truth or fact. And I know that. I expect everything you guys are doing. You cannot face the truth yourself so then you must find something to try discrediting. It's standard white racist operating procedures in these forums. You do this because you are a coward number 1, and you know that other racists will rush to gang up on a non white that doesn't toe the blame themselves for the racism they endure like you racists want.

I never said Augustus Johnson created ice cream for example. I believe these were videos that mentioned a variety of black inventors ad you decided to pick out 2 to make claims of inaccuracy. One was debunked by Valerie, so then you ran to the Johnson didn't invent ice cream like I said it when I did not. So you are the one who departed from the truth in order to crate your false narrative. You ignored a small but important detail that this was a video not made by me about more than one inventor. That's where you hung yourself. You are basically a victim of your own ignorance and stupidity.
Can't we just be human instead of black, white, etc.?

This thread is annoying.
This is what whites, usually experiencing some guilt complex, try to say when they don't want to deal w/the past and/or current sins by whites against blacks.

They try to neutralize it.

Even when a white person suggests blurring the color lines in an attempt to promote harmony between the races, they're racist.

For fuck's sake, is there any way a white person can not be racist to you guys?

Sorry but this person nor you want to try to even begin to promote racial harmony. What you both want is to have me shut up pointing out white racism. Because if you or any other white "conservative" here was about that, you'd be in other threads telling whites there to stop what they are doing But you don't. You follow me or other blacks around to harass us trying to make us shut up so you can all spend all day long talking your racist shit about us as black people with no opposition.

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