The truth about Trump and the left.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
It isn't just that the left HATES Trump, it's that they are afraid.

Very afraid.

Trump defies or has defied every single thing they have done to him. None of their lies worked, none of their name calling has worked, Hollywood couldn't stop him, and even 0bama couldn't defeat him. Nothing that they normally use to destroy republicans worked. They have been wrong about Trump in EVERY SINGLE way.

Now when he says he will make America Great Again, they aren't sure anymore that he won't. He could prove them wrong again. This scares the living shit out of them.

They instinctively know that if Trump succeeds, it will mean the end of the progressive agenda for a very long time. Just as importantly, all of the crap that the media has done, Hollywood has done, and the democrat party has done will taint them for generations.

There is nothing the left fears more than a successful Trump presidency. They are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him and it's only getting started. They are putting all of their eggs in one basket, they are going to double down and continue to double down until the end. Either they finally destroy Trump, or they go down in flames.

Lies, fake news, names, labels, riots, boycotts, hatred, marches, slander, disrespect,'s ALL on the table.

People like that should never be allowed near power ever again.

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