The trump bus is driving off a cliff! Still time to hop off


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
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I said this before and I'll say it again, trumps number one fans have always been Clinton and the complicit media. Now trump currently has only 90 electoral college votes that are a definite vs clintons 220. Trump NEEDS Pennsylvania, and is doing terrible in PA. On top of that, he has to win effectively ALL swing states AND the states that usually lean right but many are now toss ups and are blue leaning now, and he has to accomplish this before PA can give him enough electoral college votes to win. This is even more unlikely than him winning PA. I'm interested to see what the October Suprise is for Hillary, but I doubt there's anything bad enough that can swing the polls enough in his favor when he is this far behind. And that's not considering the fact that Clinton probably has her own damning October Suprise for trump...leave it to the republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's the only candidate in history more unfavorable than Clinton. good job trump supporters. The bus is headed for the cliff, you can hop off with your dignity intact...barely. The time to help the country was during the nomination, but it's too late for that now. Now, que in the lone trumpet playing "Taps".
The Trump bus is getting ready to take checkered flag ahead of Hillary armored car loaded with Foundation cash.
If the bus goes off the cliff, how will the Trump-fans toss Trump underneath it after his humiliating loss?

You know they'll want to. McCain and Romney went under that bus in record time.
I said this before and I'll say it again, trumps number one fans have always been Clinton and the complicit media. Now trump currently has only 90 electoral college votes that are a definite vs clintons 220. Trump NEEDS Pennsylvania, and is doing terrible in PA. On top of that, he has to win effectively ALL swing states AND the states that usually lean right but many are now toss ups and are blue leaning now, and he has to accomplish this before PA can give him enough electoral college votes to win. This is even more unlikely than him winning PA. I'm interested to see what the October Suprise is for Hillary, but I doubt there's anything bad enough that can swing the polls enough in his favor when he is this far behind. And that's not considering the fact that Clinton probably has her own damning October Suprise for trump...leave it to the republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's the only candidate in history more unfavorable than Clinton. good job trump supporters. The bus is headed for the cliff, you can hop off with your dignity intact...barely. The time to help the country was during the nomination, but it's too late for that now. Now, que in the lone trumpet playing "Taps".

.. Yup, vote corruption and further desolation of the middle class to the status Hillary

btw. Hillary has spent close to $200,000,000.00 in status quo (they own her) funded attack adds to Trump's none.. Plus the main street media is completely up Hillary's substantial ass, what else would anyone reasonably expect. Certainly not Trump being this close.
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Good reply, and y'all wonder why Hillary is winning?
I don't wonder for one second. She has the media to carry her water for her. If it was anyone else they would be in prison by now. If it was me, when I held a Top Secret SCI clearance, the highest you can get, I would have been in Leavenworth busting rocks.
Sooner or later Hillary has to answer the tough questions from the media. Doesn't she?
I wonder if 99% of the Polling companies are owner by MNCs?
So 'Granny Crony' being elected will restore dignity?............:hellno:
How does that logic even work??, y'all effectively elected Clinton by giving trump the nomination despite virtually every other candidate having a much greater chance at beating Hillary. Almost every poll had trump loosing by a wide margin, but y'all chose to ignore those. Not that it's all about winning, but that's the exact argument my parents have made to me, and their reasoning for voting trump. Not only is he terrible candidate electability wise, he's a socialist, far left of anything those in the Republican Party claim to be, and MAYBE slightly right to Hillary...but not much. And there isn't much dignity in lying about someone's father being an assassin to JFK, or attacking gold star parents who don't agree with you. Trumpers are living in a fantasy world far more disconnected from reality than Obama supporters.
So 'Granny Crony' being elected will restore dignity?............:hellno:
How does that logic even work??, y'all effectively elected Clinton by giving trump the nomination despite virtually every other candidate having a much greater chance at beating Hillary. Almost every poll had trump loosing by a wide margin, but y'all chose to ignore those. Not that it's all about winning, but that's the exact argument my parents have made to me, and their reasoning for voting trump. Not only is he terrible candidate electability wise, he's a socialist, far left of anything those in the Republican Party claim to be, and MAYBE slightly right to Hillary...but not much. And there isn't much dignity in lying about someone's father being an assassin to JFK, or attacking gold star parents who don't agree with you. Trumpers are living in a fantasy world far more disconnected from reality than Obama supporters.

The angry Whites and struggling Middle Class Professional Minorities will vote for Trump.
Be prepared to have a heart attack.
I said this before and I'll say it again, trumps number one fans have always been Clinton and the complicit media. Now trump currently has only 90 electoral college votes that are a definite vs clintons 220. Trump NEEDS Pennsylvania, and is doing terrible in PA. On top of that, he has to win effectively ALL swing states AND the states that usually lean right but many are now toss ups and are blue leaning now, and he has to accomplish this before PA can give him enough electoral college votes to win. This is even more unlikely than him winning PA. I'm interested to see what the October Suprise is for Hillary, but I doubt there's anything bad enough that can swing the polls enough in his favor when he is this far behind. And that's not considering the fact that Clinton probably has her own damning October Suprise for trump...leave it to the republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's the only candidate in history more unfavorable than Clinton. good job trump supporters. The bus is headed for the cliff, you can hop off with your dignity intact...barely. The time to help the country was during the nomination, but it's too late for that now. Now, que in the lone trumpet playing "Taps".
Trump is doing well in good in fact, hitlery pulled her ads in defeat....
I said this before and I'll say it again, trumps number one fans have always been Clinton and the complicit media. Now trump currently has only 90 electoral college votes that are a definite vs clintons 220. Trump NEEDS Pennsylvania, and is doing terrible in PA. On top of that, he has to win effectively ALL swing states AND the states that usually lean right but many are now toss ups and are blue leaning now, and he has to accomplish this before PA can give him enough electoral college votes to win. This is even more unlikely than him winning PA. I'm interested to see what the October Suprise is for Hillary, but I doubt there's anything bad enough that can swing the polls enough in his favor when he is this far behind. And that's not considering the fact that Clinton probably has her own damning October Suprise for trump...leave it to the republicans to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's the only candidate in history more unfavorable than Clinton. good job trump supporters. The bus is headed for the cliff, you can hop off with your dignity intact...barely. The time to help the country was during the nomination, but it's too late for that now. Now, que in the lone trumpet playing "Taps".
Trump is doing well in good in fact, hitlery pulled her ads in defeat....
Were those the ads where she's using her walker?
at least the trump bus is going somewhere.
Where?!? Haha the guy has shifted on every single policy issue, even the one he was supposedly unmovable on, immigration. Where exactly is it going?
So 'Granny Crony' being elected will restore dignity?............:hellno:
How does that logic even work??, y'all effectively elected Clinton by giving trump the nomination despite virtually every other candidate having a much greater chance at beating Hillary. Almost every poll had trump loosing by a wide margin, but y'all chose to ignore those. Not that it's all about winning, but that's the exact argument my parents have made to me, and their reasoning for voting trump. Not only is he terrible candidate electability wise, he's a socialist, far left of anything those in the Republican Party claim to be, and MAYBE slightly right to Hillary...but not much. And there isn't much dignity in lying about someone's father being an assassin to JFK, or attacking gold star parents who don't agree with you. Trumpers are living in a fantasy world far more disconnected from reality than Obama supporters.

The angry Whites and struggling Middle Class Professional Minorities will vote for Trump.
Be prepared to have a heart attack.
You can believe what you want, but that's not reality, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS. The exact demographics you are talking about are being polled, so please show me your math on this one. TEXAS IS IN PLAY FOR CLINTON, SHE IS ONLY DOWN BY 6 TEXAS. Wake up to reality. I really feel pity for you dissallusioned supporters. You're spewing mottos and sayings against the crushing reality that trump is getting crushed even worse than polls during the nomination. Why??? Bc the media duped you. They knew if they played the 20 secs of him talking about immigration and building a wall, despite all the other ridiculous things he says and does, that's all you would latch on to. And all they had to say is "is he racist". Of which the left would all say yes, but all of you say no. And they played those clips during the nomination, got y'all to nominate him, and now they're showing who the real trump is to the rest of America, and they can't stand him even more than they did during the nomination. Y'all got duped, media played all of you like fiddles. Sorry folks , wake up.
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