The Trans-Fad and it's many, many, many victims.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Showtime has an interesting series simply called - Couples Therapy.

In that show, one of the couples is a man who is post-op trans. (Man to Woman)
Sexual problems is a pretty big contributor to the overall troubles this relationship has.
The therapist trying to get to the bottom of the issue.... when suddenly the transgender person simply blurts out - "I regret it. I feel like I am no longer a whole person, sex is not enjoyable. It doesn't feel natural, I can't get stimulated down there anymore. I feel like I am a half a person".

Unfortunately, due to virtue signaling and political correctness, the therapist just simply sat there. Did not know what to say. Wasn't sure what she was supposed to say...would it be offensive...I might get hate mail. Etc. etc. She had no idea what to do.

I felt terrible for that person. Caught up in the absurdly tragic Transfad - he is obviously seriously damaged and he was only a few months post-op. Clearly heading him for straight up depression that is not reversible.

Will this insanity ever stop??

Edit: I cannot find a link to this video, you would have to watch it on Showtime. Pretty sure Youtube/Showtime has no interest showing it.
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It is all a part of this current nightmare where some people have an insatiable appetite to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back for being so accepting and wonderful - that this "acceptance" encourages people to express themselves, get caught up in the idea they are special and brave... only to realize that it is NOT WHO THEY ARE.
And for many - TOO LATE TO FIX IT.

Transgenderism is real. But it is also exceedingly rare.
This person on this show, I think is probably a bisexual cross dresser. That is NOT transgender. At all.
And the insane loons out there who want to believe sex is fluid, a state of mind, are literally killing people, putting many others in clinical depression - as they applaud and encourage people who have an honest mental issue - and encouraging them to the point they take drastic/irreversible actions only to profoundly regret it.
And once that happens - everyone ignores them. No one wants to admit they even exist.
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Sad thing is, where are these people supposed to go?
If they admit they were not transgender, admit that it is a big mistake - this opens up the possibility that the trans-fad is not real. And that means they would have to agree with those evil and vile conservatives who have been sayin it all along.
So in the end, these people are indeed lost. Forgotten.
The suicide rate among trans is almost 50%. And thats AFTER much "needed" surgery.
The people are mentally ill. Period.
Coddling and lying about the problem, doesnt help. Obviously
I mean, what other problem gets better when you ignore it?
Exactly. For .0005 of the real population liberals still want them to be against us. They could give a shit about a trans. They laugh at them too IN SECRET!!!
Sad thing is, where are these people supposed to go?
If they admit they were not transgender, admit that it is a big mistake - this opens up the possibility that the trans-fad is not real. And that means they would have to agree with those evil and vile conservatives who have been sayin it all along.
So in the end, these people are indeed lost. Forgotten.
To indoctrinate children with this shit before they even have a pubic hair, is a leftist plan of division.
Sad thing is, where are these people supposed to go?
If they admit they were not transgender, admit that it is a big mistake - this opens up the possibility that the trans-fad is not real. And that means they would have to agree with those evil and vile conservatives who have been sayin it all along.
So in the end, these people are indeed lost. Forgotten.
To indoctrinate children with this shit before they even have a pubic hair, is a leftist plan of division.
I don't think division has anything to do with it.
What it is, is virtue signaling.
Leftist are so damned determined to be seen as accepting and wonderful... that they will go to any length to feed that HUGE appetite to make themselves feel good. Including seriously fucking up an entire generation.
It is all a part of this current nightmare where some people have an insatiable appetite to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back for being so accepting and wonderful - that this "acceptance" encourages people to express themselves, get caught up in the idea they are special and brave... only to realize that it is NOT WHO THEY ARE.
And for many - TOO LATE TO FIX IT.

Transgenderism is real. But it is also exceedingly rare.
This person on this show, I think is probably a bisexual cross dresser. That is NOT transgender. At all.
And the insane loons out there who want to believe sex is fluid, a state of mind, are literally killing people, putting many others in clinical depression - as they applaud and encourage people who have an honest mental issue - and encouraging them to the point they take drastic/irreversible actions only to profoundly regret it.
And once that happens - everyone ignores them. No one wants to admit they even exist.

I would like to see a serious study on the relationship between virtue signaling and self-esteem. . It seems intuitive to me that there would be an inverse relationship as insecure people are searching for praise and confirmation through virtue signaling , but such a study would probably not receive funding in the first place because it isn't p.c.
Sad thing is, where are these people supposed to go?
If they admit they were not transgender, admit that it is a big mistake - this opens up the possibility that the trans-fad is not real. And that means they would have to agree with those evil and vile conservatives who have been sayin it all along.
So in the end, these people are indeed lost. Forgotten.
To indoctrinate children with this shit before they even have a pubic hair, is a leftist plan of division.
I don't think division has anything to do with it.
What it is, is virtue signaling.
Leftist are so damned determined to be seen as accepting and wonderful... that they will go to any length to feed that HUGE appetite to make themselves feel good. Including seriously fucking up an entire generation.

It's really just a conditioned response in my book.
Sad thing is, where are these people supposed to go?
If they admit they were not transgender, admit that it is a big mistake - this opens up the possibility that the trans-fad is not real. And that means they would have to agree with those evil and vile conservatives who have been sayin it all along.
So in the end, these people are indeed lost. Forgotten.
To indoctrinate children with this shit before they even have a pubic hair, is a leftist plan of division.
I don't think division has anything to do with it.
What it is, is virtue signaling.
Leftist are so damned determined to be seen as accepting and wonderful... that they will go to any length to feed that HUGE appetite to make themselves feel good. Including seriously fucking up an entire generation.
Their accepting and wonderful, but even going outside The Group think in any slightest way, then they become hostile and vengeful. They've eaten more of their own than the 900 lb lady eats dinner.
It is all a part of this current nightmare where some people have an insatiable appetite to virtue signal and pat themselves on the back for being so accepting and wonderful - that this "acceptance" encourages people to express themselves, get caught up in the idea they are special and brave... only to realize that it is NOT WHO THEY ARE.
And for many - TOO LATE TO FIX IT.

Transgenderism is real. But it is also exceedingly rare.
This person on this show, I think is probably a bisexual cross dresser. That is NOT transgender. At all.
And the insane loons out there who want to believe sex is fluid, a state of mind, are literally killing people, putting many others in clinical depression - as they applaud and encourage people who have an honest mental issue - and encouraging them to the point they take drastic/irreversible actions only to profoundly regret it.
And once that happens - everyone ignores them. No one wants to admit they even exist.

I would like to see a serious study on the relationship between virtue signaling and self-esteem. . It seems intuitive to me that there would be an inverse relationship as insecure people are searching for praise and confirmation through virtue signaling , but such a study would probably not receive funding in the first place because it isn't p.c.
During the BLM riots in which they looted and gutted private property, burned buildings down.... I saw a Facebook post where someone called it "physical expression". Not rioting. Not looting. Those words are too negative. And once again so desperate to appear enlightened... this person coined a word to make a criminal, unacceptable act sound acceptable and non-criminal. And got plenty of likes for doing it.
That shows how desperate they are to constantly feed this need to show themselves as a team player on the progressive agenda.
No matter how mind-blowingly ignorant and fucked up it is - they will all stand their and applaud it.
Like Sports Illustrated putting up Bruce Jenner as "stunning and brave" for putting on a dress, make up and fake boobs.
And now look at him, he constantly goes back and forth between dressing like a man and a woman. Which is EXACTLY why the left no longer talk about him. They deserted him the very instant he no longer fit the narrative.
Surprisingly many who come out as gay or trans still
expect spouses to stay with them. It happens in fiction but in real life the wife wants a man the husband wants a woman.
Surprisingly many who come out as gay or trans still
expect spouses to stay with them. It happens in fiction but in real life the wife wants a man the husband wants a woman.
But that is kind of it.
You can't come out as trans.
Transgendered people, the rare REAL ones... are obvious.
There was one in my high school. A girl that you would easily think was a boy. She wore boy jeans/shirts/hats. Wore a man's watch, carried a bill-fold. Chewed tobacco. Drove a muscle car. Belonged to the FFA. Hell - she was more "manly" than most boys!
She was an actual transgendered person. And it was obvious even in grade school. You can't hide trangenderism. It is who you are from day one.
Today, you have faux transgenders being applauded by regressives. Call them brave. Want and demand you to join in their sexual fantasies of acting/dressing like a woman. And we are supposed to believe they are a woman.
A cross dresser. Men who get off sexually dressing/seeing themselves in women's clothing. - We are supposed to join their fantasy and treat them like real women.
Gay, effeminate men. Who are not transgenders, have no interest in removing their penises. They want to stay male, but want to dress like women and you are supposed to join their fantasy role playing or you are an intolerant ogre.
Drag queens. Men who have a desire to dress up as ridiculously overtly sexualized women. You are supposed to join in their fantasy and accept them, even put your own children in their presence so your children will be desensitized to their fetish and accept it as normal. Or you are an intolerant ogre.
Pedophiles. Men like the sick fuck that went into a junior high school girls locker room, got naked and laid across a bench during a swim meet. And the fucked up, insane school officials allowed him to stay there for nearly an hour - unsure what to do because OMG - if we insist on kicking this sick fuck out of the locker room means we have to acknowledge the fact that not all transgenders are real. - And THAT is how far regressives will go to stay on the team. Stay accepting and wonderful. Fuck up 12 year old girls and expose them to a sick pedophile - they are more interested in virtue signaling than protecting children.

REAL Transgenders. They are not sick people. They have a birth defect where their brain, their psyche, their personal awareness of who they are - is the opposite of what they physically are. It is a RARE condition, And these folks deserve acceptance. They deserve medical/phycological assistance in helping them cope/reverse their condition.

Regressive leftist want you to pretend that all of these are transgenders - are ALL the same.
And that results in real damage and even death to a great many people.
But they could care less.
Surprisingly many who come out as gay or trans still
expect spouses to stay with them. It happens in fiction but in real life the wife wants a man the husband wants a woman.
But that is kind of it.
You can't come out as trans.
Transgendered people, the rare REAL ones... are obvious.
There was one in my high school. A girl that you would easily think was a boy. She wore boy jeans/shirts/hats. Wore a man's watch, carried a bill-fold. Chewed tobacco. Drove a muscle car. Belonged to the FFA. Hell - she was more "manly" than most boys!
She was an actual transgendered person. And it was obvious even in grade school. You can't hide trangenderism. It is who you are from day one.
Today, you have faux transgenders being applauded by regressives. Call them brave. Want and demand you to join in their sexual fantasies of acting/dressing like a woman. And we are supposed to believe they are a woman.
A cross dresser. Men who get off sexually dressing/seeing themselves in women's clothing. - We are supposed to join their fantasy and treat them like real women.
Gay, effeminate men. Who are not transgenders, have no interest in removing their penises. They want to stay male, but want to dress like women and you are supposed to join their fantasy role playing or you are an intolerant ogre.
Drag queens. Men who have a desire to dress up as ridiculously overtly sexualized women. You are supposed to join in their fantasy and accept them, even put your own children in their presence so your children will be desensitized to their fetish and accept it as normal. Or you are an intolerant ogre.
Pedophiles. Men like the sick fuck that went into a junior high school girls locker room, got naked and laid across a bench during a swim meet. And the fucked up, insane school officials allowed him to stay there for nearly an hour - unsure what to do because OMG - if we insist on kicking this sick fuck out of the locker room means we have to acknowledge the fact that not all transgenders are real. - And THAT is how far regressives will go to stay on the team. Stay accepting and wonderful. Fuck up 12 year old girls and expose them to a sick pedophile - they are more interested in virtue signaling than protecting children.

REAL Transgenders. They are not sick people. They have a birth defect where their brain, their psyche, their personal awareness of who they are - is the opposite of what they physically are. It is a RARE condition, And these folks deserve acceptance. They deserve medical/phycological assistance in helping them cope/reverse their condition.

Regressive leftist want you to pretend that all of these are transgenders - are ALL the same.
And that results in real damage and even death to a great many people.
But they could care less.
The TV show 911 Lone Star has a trans actor. It's the beefy black guy. I have see pictures of this guy as a child and he looked for all the world like a boy in a dress. You are very right.
And again, you can see what happens when someone dares speak against the narrative.

from the left..... crickets. They don't want to upset the fantasy feels good bubble
Drag queens. Men who have a desire to dress up as ridiculously overtly sexualized women. You are supposed to join in their fantasy and accept them, even put your own children in their presence so your children will be desensitized to their fetish and accept it as normal. Or you are an intolerant ogre.
RuPaul is like the lame stream media. Pushing this shit as "normal".
This is a great video.
The person in this video is an ACTUAL trans person. That is, this person was born physically a man, but his mind, who he is mentally has always been female. How he sees himself since childhood. That is a real transgender.

Watch this video as she talks about the fucked up situation of exactly what I am talking about here... the trans fad.
"Femboys" "Sissy Boys" - cross dressers all claiming themselves as transgenders - and the left DEMANDING you treat them as transgenders - but they are not. The have sexual fetishes = as she says "it makes their dick hard" - "trans people don't get off sexually being another sex" - if you do - you are not trans.

Drag queens. Men who have a desire to dress up as ridiculously overtly sexualized women. You are supposed to join in their fantasy and accept them, even put your own children in their presence so your children will be desensitized to their fetish and accept it as normal. Or you are an intolerant ogre.
RuPaul is like the lame stream media. Pushing this shit as "normal".
RuPaul is in drag, and it's an act. It's not who he is. It's what he does for a living. In his ordinary life, he's just a gay guy who dresses like a guy.

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