Gold Member
Right. Let me say right from the outset that, while I can find numerous sources for this story, none of them are mainstream. The story, apparently, originally broke on a local CBS affiliate Now, while one can see, if one goes to the television station's website, and does a search for "Alexandra Hill", that the story did actually exist, at one time, for some reason there are no currently active links to that story on the local news website.
That being said, here is the story, as being related by Alternet, The Daily Chronic, The Daily Kos, and other alternative information sites:
When are we going to figure out that marijuana smoking is no more "unsafe" than drinking, or smoking cigarettes. I mean, what? If dad occasionally got drunk - not drunk, and abusive, mind you' just drunk - at home, we gonna yank the kid out then, too?
And, yeah, I know...all the moralists are gonna come rushing along to remind us that, "Well...he was breaking the law..." Yeah, and? I don't wear my seat belt when I drive. I'm breaking the law. Should DCFS get to waltz in, and yank my kid away?
Alternet got it right:
In the case of Alexandria Hill, she was clearly much safer with her parents than in foster care. Rather than helping her, removing this little girl from a loving home on a flimsy pretext is what killed her.
This is why I absolutely hate morality-based laws. They, invariably, do more harm than good. We need to decriminalize drug use, and let people do what the fuck they want with their own lives, and bodies. At that point, if a parent can be shown to be doing demonstrable harm to their kid, then sure, step in. Otherwise, stay the fuck outa people's homes, and families!
That being said, here is the story, as being related by Alternet, The Daily Chronic, The Daily Kos, and other alternative information sites:
Two-year-old Alexandria Hill was placed in foster care after her parents were caught smoking marijuana in their home while she slept. Authorities charged them with "neglectful supervision," and just months away from getting their baby back, the loving parents learned they would never see their young child again. Placed in a foster home to protect her from them, Alexandria was brutally killed.
When are we going to figure out that marijuana smoking is no more "unsafe" than drinking, or smoking cigarettes. I mean, what? If dad occasionally got drunk - not drunk, and abusive, mind you' just drunk - at home, we gonna yank the kid out then, too?
And, yeah, I know...all the moralists are gonna come rushing along to remind us that, "Well...he was breaking the law..." Yeah, and? I don't wear my seat belt when I drive. I'm breaking the law. Should DCFS get to waltz in, and yank my kid away?
Alternet got it right:
In the case of Alexandria Hill, she was clearly much safer with her parents than in foster care. Rather than helping her, removing this little girl from a loving home on a flimsy pretext is what killed her.
This is why I absolutely hate morality-based laws. They, invariably, do more harm than good. We need to decriminalize drug use, and let people do what the fuck they want with their own lives, and bodies. At that point, if a parent can be shown to be doing demonstrable harm to their kid, then sure, step in. Otherwise, stay the fuck outa people's homes, and families!