The Timeless Wisdom


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…cannot be found in “Das Kapital,” or Mao’s ‘Little Red Book.’
Or, it appears, in government school.

1.One can only conjecture as to the reason that every Leftist/Democrat/Progressive ideology is based on atheism, which has always been associated with slaughter, genocide, and slavery, rather than choosing the text that formed the basis for our civilization, the Bible.
Historically, the views that formed the American Revolution versus those that formed the French Revolution.

"... there were also elements of Enlightenment thought that led to the radicalism of the French Revolution, and later inspired Marxism and ideas about materialism, historical determinism and utopianism. There was in some observers a tendency to view religion in exclusively negative terms, and to put all emphasis on ideas about human perfection."

Here, Lenin expresses the views he gleaned from the French Revolution:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

Democrat voters, usually government school grads, are clueless as to what they support. And, the typical Bolshevik poster, a government school grad, wrote this:

"The prosperity gospel"[the Bible]? Seriously?
You didn't know Americans treat that as a joke?”
Economics And The Real Book Of Regulations
post #2

2. For the Left, winning is everything....not honor, truth, integrity.....stealing the election was fine as long as the outcome left them in charge.
Strangely, even when they take charge, Leftists/Democrats seem always to be hostile.
That Marxist beliefs seem to either start at, or are the path to resentment, anger, unhappiness. No wonder they usually end in murder and genocide.

In his book relating modern economics and business with the Old Testament, Michael Eisenberg writes:

“The psalmist opens Chapter 128 with the following words: A song of ascents. Happy are all who fear the Lord, who follow His ways. You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors. You shall be happy, and you shall prosper.”
Michael Eisenberg, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis.”

3. Free markets produce free people, who are generally copacetic about their lives.

Entrepreneurs of all types rate their well-being higher than any other professional group in America.
The Self-Employed Are the Happiest

Just one of those strange things.
…cannot be found in “Das Kapital,” or Mao’s ‘Little Red Book.’
Or, it appears, in government school.

1.One can only conjecture as to the reason that every Leftist/Democrat/Progressive ideology is based on atheism, which has always been associated with slaughter, genocide, and slavery, rather than choosing the text that formed the basis for our civilization, the Bible.
Historically, the views that formed the American Revolution versus those that formed the French Revolution.

"... there were also elements of Enlightenment thought that led to the radicalism of the French Revolution, and later inspired Marxism and ideas about materialism, historical determinism and utopianism. There was in some observers a tendency to view religion in exclusively negative terms, and to put all emphasis on ideas about human perfection."

Here, Lenin expresses the views he gleaned from the French Revolution:

"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

Democrat voters, usually government school grads, are clueless as to what they support. And, the typical Bolshevik poster, a government school grad, wrote this:

"The prosperity gospel"[the Bible]? Seriously?
You didn't know Americans treat that as a joke?”
Economics And The Real Book Of Regulations
post #2

2. For the Left, winning is everything....not honor, truth, integrity.....stealing the election was fine as long as the outcome left them in charge.
Strangely, even when they take charge, Leftists/Democrats seem always to be hostile.
That Marxist beliefs seem to either start at, or are the path to resentment, anger, unhappiness. No wonder they usually end in murder and genocide.

In his book relating modern economics and business with the Old Testament, Michael Eisenberg writes:

“The psalmist opens Chapter 128 with the following words: A song of ascents. Happy are all who fear the Lord, who follow His ways. You shall enjoy the fruit of your labors. You shall be happy, and you shall prosper.”
Michael Eisenberg, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis.”

3. Free markets produce free people, who are generally copacetic about their lives.

Entrepreneurs of all types rate their well-being higher than any other professional group in America.
The Self-Employed Are the Happiest

Just one of those strange things.

Well, George W.Bush did tell French president Chirac he was fighting Gog and Magog.
4. “Earned success is the secret to meaningful happiness. The government can improve your net worth with a check, but it cannot improve your self-worth.”
Jonah Goldberg

Think it’s because they’re making beaucoup bucks? Wrong. Small business owners make 19% less than government managers. Salary Calculator - Career Path | CareerBuilder
Comparing Federal and Private Sector Compensation

5. Is it easier being an entrepreneur, than working for someone??

“WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nearly half of self-employed Americans (49%) report working more than 44 hours in a typical work week, compared to 39% of American workers overall, 38% in government and in private business, …” Self-Employed Workers Clock the Most Hours Each Week

Earning versus taking seems to be the division between Right and Left.
Maybe some day we will have free markets.

Not if Democrats have any say in the matter.

"Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal"
Trump kills 16 regulations for every new one, crushing 2-for-1 goal

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....

....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.

Trump is a threat to their sinecures.


And, from the NYSun....perhaps the worst news for the Left:
"Trump Attack on Regulation
Starts To Win Admiration
Both At Home and Abroad"
Trump Attack on Regulation Starts To Win Admiration Both At Home and Abroad - The New York Sun

5. "The Economist, in a piecepublished last month, reported, “the impact of the Trump administration has been dramatic. The flow of new rules is suddenly a dribble. Since Mr Trump was inaugurated the number of regulatory restrictions has grown at about two-fifths of the usual speed.”

6. ....not generally a Trump cheerleader, praised the administration’s approach to financial deregulation as “thoughtful...detailed and rigorous.” It reported, “the new approach in Washington does seem to have boosted business confidence.”

7. Mr. Trump is focusing on a real problem. ... the growth of federal red tape with a thought experiment explaining the difficulty of even reading, let alone complying with, the government imposed rules.

8. “The US Code of Federal Regulations — the annually published set of books containing all federal regulations currently in effect — contained 35.4 million words in 1970. A person could read the entire code in just a few days short of a year, assuming he or she read 250 words per minute, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year,” ...

9. “By 2016, there were 104.6 million words of federal regulation on the books, about 195 percent growth over 1970, with a corresponding increase in reading time of almost two years. “

10. BM has been running full-page newspaper ads boasting that its Watson artificial intelligence capability can help compliance officers “keep up with 20,000 new or modified regulations a year and 200 revisions a day.”....“humans alone are not going to be able to meet these challenges. "

6. Earning versus taking seems to be the division between Right and Left.
And earning seems to be related to happiness.

The average small-business owner earns $44,576 per year.
Salary Calculator - Career Path | CareerBuilder

.So…income and happiness? Data taken over several decades indicates that people have gotten a lot richer….but not a lot happier. In 1972, about 30% of Americans reported that they were ‘very happy.’ The average American earned about $25,000 (2004 dollars), and by 2004 the average income had increased to $38,000- a 50% increase in real income. All income groups, from rich to poor, saw substantial income increases. Yet the percentage of very happy Americans remained virtually the same, at 31%.

How about lottery winners….initial happiness didn’t last! “As predicted, lottery winners were not happier than controls and took significantly less pleasure from a series of mundane events. “Lottery winners and accident victims: is happiness relative? - PubMed

Seems that it is not money that makes folks content.

Nor does welfare….checkout where most riots are.
1.One can only conjecture as to the reason that every Leftist/Democrat/Progressive ideology is based on atheism, which has always been associated with slaughter, genocide, and slavery, rather than choosing the text that formed the basis for our civilization, the Bible.
But the Bible IS filled with slaughter, genocide, and slavery. Like everything you write, you cherry pick what you need to bolster your narrative. Dishonest to say the least.
But the Bible IS filled with slaughter, genocide, and slavery. Like everything you write, you cherry pick what you need to bolster your narrative. Dishonest to say the least.

It's also filled with things like tolerance and helping the poor which isn't exactly followed by many either.
2. For the Left, winning is everything....not honor, truth, integrity.....
Of course it wasn't the Left that refused to allow Obama to select a SCOTUS justice because 11 months was too close to an election but allowed Trump to select one a week before his election. Was that honor, truth, and integrity or raw politics?

stealing the election was fine as long as the outcome left them in charge.
The Right: Violently overturning an election (based on STILL UNPROVEN claims of fraud) was fine as long as the outcome left them in charge.

Quite a diaphanous dodge.

. ..the establishment GOP, never-Trumpers and the like see Trump as a detriment to their profits/wealth, and here is the explanation:

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....

....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.

Trump is a threat to their sinecures.

One wonders if you are merely oblivious, or felt the need to defend the corrupters known as Democrats.
It's also filled with things like tolerance and helping the poor which isn't exactly followed by many either.

Perhaps you missed the advances in human endeavor known as Western Civilization.

The Bible began early, in Genesis, in fact, with ending slavery.
See Genesis 1:26.

It is quite an affront to early Democrat Policy, anti-black racism, currently replace by Democrat anti-white racism.
Quite a diaphanous dodge.

. ..the establishment GOP, never-Trumpers and the like see Trump as a detriment to their profits/wealth, and here is the explanation:

Most regulations are, in terms of what they are alleged to do, are actually there to be bribed away by the industries that they inhibit.
The pols write them, the corporations pay lobbyists to bribe the pols to insert loopholes....

....hence poor men come to Washington to do good, and leave as millionaires, having made good.

Trump is a threat to their sinecures.

One wonders if you are merely oblivious, or felt the need to defend the corrupters known as Democrats.

Trump did this, not the GOP.
Perhaps you missed the advances in human endeavor known as Western Civilization.

The Bible began early, in Genesis, in fact, with ending slavery.
See Genesis 1:26.

It is quite an affront to early Democrat Policy, anti-black racism, currently replace by Democrat anti-white racism.

My reply had nothing to do with the Democrats.
Trump did this, not the GOP.

You picked one example which may or may not be relevant to anything.

My charge is that regulations are anti-prosperity, a method of control, and the door to corruption by the elites.

Not Trump.


"There are ample opportunities for corruption in economies where excessive red tape and extensive interactions between private sector actors and regulatory agencies are necessary to get things done. The 20 worst-scoring economies on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index average 8 procedures to start a business and 15 to obtain a building permit. Conversely, the 20 best-performing economies complete the same formalities with 4 and 11 steps, respectively. Moreover, economies that have adopted electronic means of compliance with regulatory requirements—such as obtaining licenses and paying taxes—experience a lower incidence of bribery."
Which Nations Have The Least Red Tape?

And more blatantly, this:

Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway

President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany.

Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former US ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show.

In addition to violating Biden’s own campaign pledge not to take lobbyist cash, the money from Burt is particularly noteworthy as he is currently directly engaged in lobbying activities for Nord Stream 2 AG. Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway


Biden and Co. follow the money from China

…President Biden sends someone like former Sen. Chris Dodd to Taiwan as a “personal signal” of support in the face of invasion threats by China, you know the game is over.

Dodd was one of the late Ted Kennedy’s partying buddies, known for his part in a Kennedy “waitress sandwich” years ago at a swanky Washington restaurant.

Dodd is currently on a trip to Taiwan with two other former State Department officials, reportedly traveling to Taiwan as an unofficial delegation at President Biden’s request.

If the Chinese, who claim the island as part of China, were intimidated, they sure did not show it. Instead, they sent scores of war planes in and around Taiwan air space to intimidate Taiwan.

The expansionist Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China is flexing its muscles and it is only a matter of time before it annexes Taiwan, one way or another.

Depending on Biden to come to the aid of Taiwan, which we have supported for years, is futile.

Biden and his family, like many other Americans and American institutions, have been so compromised by Chinese money that they can’t think or speak straight.

In 2014, when then Vice President Biden was in Beijing meeting with China’s Xi Jinping, his son Hunter came away with a $1.5 billion investment in his Rosemont Seneca Partners firm from the Chinese government, according to a report by Peter Schweizer in his 2018 book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.”

Practically everything in America is for sale these days, including its valuable farmland, which the Chinese are buying up at an alarming rate, even though it is not widely reported in the left-leaning U.S. press. And that is because much of the media, like the Bidens, is also beholden to China. Lucas: Biden and Co. follow the money from China


Now....what is it that makes Hunter Biden, crack-addict, ne'er-do-well, with no experience in gas or oil, kicked out of the Navy, never visited the Ukraine....worth millions and billions?

Interesting that when Biden was VP, he and his son Hunter went to deal with China, and Hunter came away with $millions.....

But Trump is immune to the bribes.

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

The vote one cast in the last election is a one-question IQ test.
You picked one example which may or may not be relevant to anything.

My charge is that regulations are anti-prosperity, a method of control, and the door to corruption by the elites.

Not Trump.


"There are ample opportunities for corruption in economies where excessive red tape and extensive interactions between private sector actors and regulatory agencies are necessary to get things done. The 20 worst-scoring economies on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index average 8 procedures to start a business and 15 to obtain a building permit. Conversely, the 20 best-performing economies complete the same formalities with 4 and 11 steps, respectively. Moreover, economies that have adopted electronic means of compliance with regulatory requirements—such as obtaining licenses and paying taxes—experience a lower incidence of bribery."
Which Nations Have The Least Red Tape?

And more blatantly, this:

Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway

President Biden and his allies raked in campaign cash from a top Russia lobbyist in 2020, just months before his administration’s decision to scrap sanctions on a controversial firm building a Russian oil pipeline to Germany.

Richard Burt, a managing partner at McLarty Associates and a former US ambassador to Germany during the Reagan administration, ponied up $4,000 for Joe Biden in October 2020 and dropped another $10,000 in the lefty-aligned political action committee Unite The County in March 2020, FEC records show.

In addition to violating Biden’s own campaign pledge not to take lobbyist cash, the money from Burt is particularly noteworthy as he is currently directly engaged in lobbying activities for Nord Stream 2 AG. Biden received funds from top Russia lobbyist before Nord Stream 2 giveaway


Biden and Co. follow the money from China

…President Biden sends someone like former Sen. Chris Dodd to Taiwan as a “personal signal” of support in the face of invasion threats by China, you know the game is over.

Dodd was one of the late Ted Kennedy’s partying buddies, known for his part in a Kennedy “waitress sandwich” years ago at a swanky Washington restaurant.

Dodd is currently on a trip to Taiwan with two other former State Department officials, reportedly traveling to Taiwan as an unofficial delegation at President Biden’s request.

If the Chinese, who claim the island as part of China, were intimidated, they sure did not show it. Instead, they sent scores of war planes in and around Taiwan air space to intimidate Taiwan.

The expansionist Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China is flexing its muscles and it is only a matter of time before it annexes Taiwan, one way or another.

Depending on Biden to come to the aid of Taiwan, which we have supported for years, is futile.

Biden and his family, like many other Americans and American institutions, have been so compromised by Chinese money that they can’t think or speak straight.

In 2014, when then Vice President Biden was in Beijing meeting with China’s Xi Jinping, his son Hunter came away with a $1.5 billion investment in his Rosemont Seneca Partners firm from the Chinese government, according to a report by Peter Schweizer in his 2018 book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.”

Practically everything in America is for sale these days, including its valuable farmland, which the Chinese are buying up at an alarming rate, even though it is not widely reported in the left-leaning U.S. press. And that is because much of the media, like the Bidens, is also beholden to China. Lucas: Biden and Co. follow the money from China


Now....what is it that makes Hunter Biden, crack-addict, ne'er-do-well, with no experience in gas or oil, kicked out of the Navy, never visited the Ukraine....worth millions and billions?

Interesting that when Biden was VP, he and his son Hunter went to deal with China, and Hunter came away with $millions.....

But Trump is immune to the bribes.

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

The vote one cast in the last election is a one-question IQ test.

"Soft on China" Free markets are neither soft nor tough. They are free.
The point of the thread is that a careful study of the past reveal that the Bible, the instruction manual of Western Civilization is responsible for the advances mankind has accumulated, while following the texts that have devolved from Satan-worshiper, Karl Marx, have resulted in misery, genocide, slaughter and oppression.

7. "This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented through human actions memorialized in judicial codes.
The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience."
David Mamet

Compare this wisdom with the Left’s claim to coddle and cosset each individual from cradle to grave, and this will be Utopia.

In Orwell’s ‘1984,’ the Ministry of Plenty promised “our new, happy life.”

Stalin fancied himself as the "Constructor of Happiness"… Politics: News, Pictures, Analysis & Opinion | The Week UK

Now....which party mirrors the aims and methods of the Bolsheviks, Nazis, and Mao?

Simply note how it has worked out in the Worker’s Paradise, and Hitler’s version, and Mao’s. Didn’t seem like ‘happiness’ or satisfaction was much on display.

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