Economics And The Real Book Of Regulations


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The rules have never changed.

1.I have a great deal of interest in economics and in finance. And, a great deal of interest in the Bible. I just came upon a book by venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis,” and immediately found a view I held in common with the author, and a complete opposite to the claim of the Left, their ability to alter human nature. He, and I, believe that their ability to alter human nature is simply one of their greatest lies.

2. “ Things have not changed fundamentally in thousands of years since the Torah was written.”
Our biblical patriarchs and matriarchs were great people, and the Torah provides eternal truths, but we can only learn them if we are willing to say they are applicable. That people are people. That Abraham had family issues and dealt with wealth and economic hardship. That Isaac had family strife and had to reinvent his business and shift his livelihood from livestock to farming. That Jacob had tension with his wives and children and hence in his family business, and that Joseph’s rags-to-riches story shows that you can create policy responses to economic crises, but you cannot predict their outcomes.

At the same time that we strive for Torah-inspired moral clarity and greatness, we must apply its relevant lessons and examples to everyday challenges. Woven into the stories it tells is timeless wisdom about ethics and values. These lessons permeate the text and are an integral part of the narrative.

3. …shared values and a culture of ethics, excellence, and innovation mattered a lot. This was not an investment in the stock market or an Exchange Traded Fund. It was an investment in people you had to believe in. It was almost a marriage. One particularly nettlesome investment involved the digital imaging space. I understood the company, and we even had good people. When the tech bubble burst in 2001, its board decided not to pay severance to employees in the United States and instead focused on an Asian market. This was too much for me to accept. Together with the CEO, I objected, was outvoted, and resigned from the board immediately. As the Torah says, “Do not keep with you the wages of your laborers until the morning” (Leviticus 19:13).

…troubling was that when the chips were down, there was an ethical failing. Reflecting on that caused me to double down and search for greater guidance from the Torah.

4. …the Torah verse, “do what is upright and good” (Deuteronomy 6:18)… Law is a structured framework, and as such, it is unable to capture the full complexity of the human condition. Laws are crafted and administered by the state, religions, or other bodies in an attempt to order societies. Ethics and morals fill in many gray areas. It is these normative, universal, and religious dictates that requires adherence.

Principles, ethics, and morals are not merely questions of lifestyle that parallel the laws of economics; they must also be part of its foundations.

5. My claim is that principles affect worth—values improve value— especially in the modern, digital age. Capitalism is a fundamental engine of change and growth. It is, perhaps, the greatest driver of human potential, innovation, and improvement in human history. Innovation and freedom are the fuel that drives it. However, without timeless ethics and morals, both the system and individual businesses can become runaway trains than can run over others—or… subvert humanity itself.”

Wisdom of the ages.
It never gets old.
The rules have never changed.

1.I have a great deal of interest in economics and in finance. And, a great deal of interest in the Bible. I just came upon a book by venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis,” and immediately found a view I held in common with the author, and a complete opposite to the claim of the Left, their ability to alter human nature. He, and I, believe that their ability to alter human nature is simply one of their greatest lies.

2. “ Things have not changed fundamentally in thousands of years since the Torah was written.”
Our biblical patriarchs and matriarchs were great people, and the Torah provides eternal truths, but we can only learn them if we are willing to say they are applicable. That people are people. That Abraham had family issues and dealt with wealth and economic hardship. That Isaac had family strife and had to reinvent his business and shift his livelihood from livestock to farming. That Jacob had tension with his wives and children and hence in his family business, and that Joseph’s rags-to-riches story shows that you can create policy responses to economic crises, but you cannot predict their outcomes.

At the same time that we strive for Torah-inspired moral clarity and greatness, we must apply its relevant lessons and examples to everyday challenges. Woven into the stories it tells is timeless wisdom about ethics and values. These lessons permeate the text and are an integral part of the narrative.

3. …shared values and a culture of ethics, excellence, and innovation mattered a lot. This was not an investment in the stock market or an Exchange Traded Fund. It was an investment in people you had to believe in. It was almost a marriage. One particularly nettlesome investment involved the digital imaging space. I understood the company, and we even had good people. When the tech bubble burst in 2001, its board decided not to pay severance to employees in the United States and instead focused on an Asian market. This was too much for me to accept. Together with the CEO, I objected, was outvoted, and resigned from the board immediately. As the Torah says, “Do not keep with you the wages of your laborers until the morning” (Leviticus 19:13).

…troubling was that when the chips were down, there was an ethical failing. Reflecting on that caused me to double down and search for greater guidance from the Torah.

4. …the Torah verse, “do what is upright and good” (Deuteronomy 6:18)… Law is a structured framework, and as such, it is unable to capture the full complexity of the human condition. Laws are crafted and administered by the state, religions, or other bodies in an attempt to order societies. Ethics and morals fill in many gray areas. It is these normative, universal, and religious dictates that requires adherence.

Principles, ethics, and morals are not merely questions of lifestyle that parallel the laws of economics; they must also be part of its foundations.

5. My claim is that principles affect worth—values improve value— especially in the modern, digital age. Capitalism is a fundamental engine of change and growth. It is, perhaps, the greatest driver of human potential, innovation, and improvement in human history. Innovation and freedom are the fuel that drives it. However, without timeless ethics and morals, both the system and individual businesses can become runaway trains than can run over others—or… subvert humanity itself.”

Wisdom of the ages.
It never gets old.
"The prosperity gospel"? Seriously?

You didn't know Americans treat that as a joke?

Your handlers aren't going to be happy with this one.
6. There is far more economics than religion in Eisenberg’s book, but politics as well can pop up. Not directly from the author, perhaps but when he refers to “a fear of God and the timeless wisdom of His Torah,” he is providing a counterpoint to all of the most fervently held beliefs of the Democrat’s religion, Militant Secularism. For the Left, it is stringent distaste for the Judeo-Christian religion that created Western Civilization, and “change” as opposition to “timeless.”

The Left has replaced the worship of God with the worship of man, or men, in the form of government.

“Rahm Emanuel: Athletes Kneeling During National Anthem Akin to Kneeling at ‘Religious Services’
Rahm Emanuel: Athletes Kneeling During National Anthem Akin to Kneeling at ‘Religious Services’ - Non Perele - News Online

“The secularists [that The New York Times, Katherine] Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.
….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.”
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) on Tuesday called for liberal activists to believe in climate change as if it were a "religion."

Who can forget the Democrats actually calling Obama god, Jesus and the messiah.

“Obama’s Messiah Complex on Display in Glasgow
On Monday, Barack Obama spoke at the UN climate summit, now in its second week in Glasgow, Scotland, and in doing so he showed that his infamous messiah complex is as strong as ever. We were reminded of the moment back in 2008 when, upon securing the Democrat presidential nomination, Obama pompously declared that future generations would realize “this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” Obama's Messiah Complex on Display in Glasgow

It the old religion, the one that gave us America and Western Civilization, versus the new religion that gave us Marxism and the Democrats.
7. While the Left, the forces of “fundamental transformation,” have a view that can be stated as ‘out with the old,’ presaging a march to Utopia, they need claim these two documents are outmoded…..the Bible and the Constitution.
You will find Democrat voters sneering at both in their posts.

Justice Wm. Brennan, jr…1985 Georgetown speech supported the “transformative purpose” of the Constitution, in which he argued for an “aspiration to social justice, brotherhood, and human dignity…”

Brennan falls back on the idea that moderns should not be bound by “a world that is dead and gone.” Of course, there are lots of laws on the books today by folks dead and gone: Social Security laws, or the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or the Sixteenth Amendment imposing an income tax, and all nine justices who participated in Roe v. Wade are now dead. Would Brennan suggest ignoring any of these….or does he simply wish to allow judges to pick and choose which laws written by dead people we are to be bound by? No, this ‘transformative’ view would simply allow Liberal justices to erase parts of the Constitution.

Brennan’s view is that those of us in the present generation are better able to judge than our benighted ancestors. Really? The American Constitution has survived for two centuries, the oldest and first such document in existence, and has inspired countless copies around the world. Through it we remain the freest and most fortunate people on earth.
"Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate,"
by Justice Antonin Scalia (Author), Steven G. Calabresi (Editor),

And the same applies to the Bible, which was the template for the Constitution.

8. The Eisenberg book, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis,” gives a brand new view of business and business practices. Generally it is thought of as being a twin of Democrat politics where sealing elections and silencing opposing voices is pro forma, and the bottom line, profit, winning, is the only thing that matters.

“The Book of Books is a treasure trove of responses to economic and commercial challenges that do not belong only to the past. People are people, and from our tradition, we can learn how to handle the challenges posed by the economy, family, negotiation, invention, technological advances, and new-old ideas such as universal basic income and the welfare state. According to the straightforward meaning of Scripture, as well as a straightforward understanding of human beings then and now, the Torah deals comprehensively with these challenges. Of course, the world has changed and advanced, but people and their challenges do not fundamentally change. On the contrary, a significant part of the wisdom inherent in Scripture can be investigated and understood only in our time.

The Torah strives to shape a people whose daily life would powerfully project moral and just principles—and economics is the core of daily life. Throughout history, we Jews have believed that if we are good, we will merit the fulfillment of God’s benevolent promises.

Essays on the same general topic (free market economics, entrepreneurship, leadership, management) might have been placed in the same section, and the contents of one chapter would support or complement the preceding or succeeding one.”
9. Eisenberg’s viewa, and mine, is that human nature hasn’t changed in all the millennia we have been around, the exact opposite of the Communist, Socialist, Progressive, Democrat dogma.

Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature. “The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]

Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] : "The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will" New Soviet man - Wikipedia

The birth of "The New Soviet Man" was the stated aim of Marxism, breeding a new evolutionary form of human being who will think, look, and act differently. The next footage was the Nazi attempt to do exactly the same thing: in German, "We must create a new man! A new life form should appear!"

In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”Page Redirection

Since these claims have proven false, why should society alter the biblical morality that served us so well in creating Western Civilization, be given up????

For anyone who missed the 20th century.....the Left's morality gave the world over 100 million deaths of innocent men, women and children.
You mean in are a self-proclaimed Marxist.
I try to overlook your rotten and childish demeanour in the interest of bringing out the intelligence you can display from time to time. The link is meant to appeal to the adult.
It's worth the hour of your time, regardless of whether or not you accept any of it.......
I try to overlook your rotten and childish demeanour in the interest of bringing out the intelligence you can display from time to time. The link is meant to appeal to the adult.
It's worth the hour of your time, regardless of whether or not you accept any of it.......

I refuse to accept nor overlook your embrace of censorship and genocide.

Please leave.....or at least stand downwind.
I refuse to accept nor overlook your embrace of censorship and genocide.
I've just told you that I want to hear your best arguments.
I'll take part in your discussions if they're on a topic I have an interest in pursuing.
Please leave.....or at least stand downwind.
You can elaborate on your charge of genocide or anything else you would like to pursue. You'll get an appropriate response. I'm not leaving but I might leave you, depending on how you behave.
I've just told you that I want to hear your best arguments.
I'll take part in your discussions if they're on a topic I have an interest in pursuing.

You can elaborate on your charge of genocide or anything else you would like to pursue. You'll get an appropriate response. I'm not leaving but I might leave you, depending on how you behave.

I can see that senility is going to be a fairly smooth process for you.
In fact, with the modern world order, you have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything that you think you have, the capitalists and their subordinate government will take away from you in a couple of days. Even your life. Everything belongs to them!
Don't you believe it? Go to the Donbass.
Market relations have given rise to whole generations of people trembling in front of their superiors. Such people will always throw mud at those who were not even afraid of death. They will always strive to convince themselves and others that everyone has always been as insignificant as they are.
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In fact, with the modern world order, you have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything that you think you have, the capitalists and their subordinate government will take away from you in a couple of days. Even your life. Everything belongs to them!
Don't you believe it? Go to the Donbass.
Market relations have given rise to whole generations of people trembling in front of their superiors. Such people will always throw mud at those who were not even afraid of death. They will always strive to convince themselves and others that everyone has always been as insignificant as they are.

Don't go anywhere.....just understand the Democrat party:

A note from history: this has always been the view of the slaves of the Left:

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”
From a speech delivered on the Senate floor
May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

Obama's father wrote a paper suggesting 100% taxation.

Under Democrat rule, we are the slaves of government.
The same is true under Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Progressivism and Socialism.

It's time to throw off the chains.
The same is true under Communism,
Under communism, or rather, under socialism, 100% of taxes go to the interests of the population. How do you think the USSR could afford Free higher education, Free medicine, Free housing and much more. Democrats or liberals, they are not socialists, and certainly not communists. They are representatives of State capitalism, which can easily turn into fascism. It can also turn into socialism, but the capitalists and their puppets, the democrats, will never take step in that direction. To fascism - with pleasure! After all, under fascism, their ownership of the means of production remains in their hands.
The rules have never changed.

1.I have a great deal of interest in economics and in finance. And, a great deal of interest in the Bible. I just came upon a book by venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg, “The Tree of Life and Prosperity: 21st Century Business Principles from the Book of Genesis,” and immediately found a view I held in common with the author, and a complete opposite to the claim of the Left, their ability to alter human nature. He, and I, believe that their ability to alter human nature is simply one of their greatest lies.

2. “ Things have not changed fundamentally in thousands of years since the Torah was written.”
Our biblical patriarchs and matriarchs were great people, and the Torah provides eternal truths, but we can only learn them if we are willing to say they are applicable. That people are people. That Abraham had family issues and dealt with wealth and economic hardship. That Isaac had family strife and had to reinvent his business and shift his livelihood from livestock to farming. That Jacob had tension with his wives and children and hence in his family business, and that Joseph’s rags-to-riches story shows that you can create policy responses to economic crises, but you cannot predict their outcomes.

At the same time that we strive for Torah-inspired moral clarity and greatness, we must apply its relevant lessons and examples to everyday challenges. Woven into the stories it tells is timeless wisdom about ethics and values. These lessons permeate the text and are an integral part of the narrative.

3. …shared values and a culture of ethics, excellence, and innovation mattered a lot. This was not an investment in the stock market or an Exchange Traded Fund. It was an investment in people you had to believe in. It was almost a marriage. One particularly nettlesome investment involved the digital imaging space. I understood the company, and we even had good people. When the tech bubble burst in 2001, its board decided not to pay severance to employees in the United States and instead focused on an Asian market. This was too much for me to accept. Together with the CEO, I objected, was outvoted, and resigned from the board immediately. As the Torah says, “Do not keep with you the wages of your laborers until the morning” (Leviticus 19:13).

…troubling was that when the chips were down, there was an ethical failing. Reflecting on that caused me to double down and search for greater guidance from the Torah.

4. …the Torah verse, “do what is upright and good” (Deuteronomy 6:18)… Law is a structured framework, and as such, it is unable to capture the full complexity of the human condition. Laws are crafted and administered by the state, religions, or other bodies in an attempt to order societies. Ethics and morals fill in many gray areas. It is these normative, universal, and religious dictates that requires adherence.

Principles, ethics, and morals are not merely questions of lifestyle that parallel the laws of economics; they must also be part of its foundations.

5. My claim is that principles affect worth—values improve value— especially in the modern, digital age. Capitalism is a fundamental engine of change and growth. It is, perhaps, the greatest driver of human potential, innovation, and improvement in human history. Innovation and freedom are the fuel that drives it. However, without timeless ethics and morals, both the system and individual businesses can become runaway trains than can run over others—or… subvert humanity itself.”

Wisdom of the ages.
It never gets old.
It's Miss. If I Say It Enough It Makes It True.

Go fix your vibrator...idiot.

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