The Terrible Truth About Cannabis:...20-year Study...demolishes Claims That Smoking Pot Is Harmless

I know other people who smoke it and have no problems, but the potential is there for a chemical imbalance

Thats because the potential for humans to have chemical imbalances are present without smoking weed.

during brief periods when he was hospitalized for other things and couldnt smoke, he was pretty sane, again but once he was able to get marijuana again he would become crazy and unbearable to be around. You dont have to believe it, and I know it doesnt affect everyone that way, but Im just posting what I saw over and over again. Just a warning for something to watch out for
So you are saying weed was a catalyst for his problems? Gotcha.

Pretty much the case, and years later I heard a doctor talking about the very same thing and that it was a small percentage of the population according to him that will have this problem. It may have had something to do with starting young as well? Im not sure about that, but the other thing is he would smoke large amounts to excess
Yeah pretty much anything in excess is bad for you. Even water.
Let's ban alcohol. What do you think?

That's pretty simplistic thinking.

Alcohol is a socially accepted drug and it's even used in religious ceremonies. So unless we ban alcohol then we have to permit other, equally dangerous drugs into the culture. Alcohol is a done deal, it's deep in society. It's going to be very difficult to root it out. Unless we do root it out then we need to allow more drugs to be legal in order to be fair.

This is using "fairness" in a totally bizarre way.

If you wife physically abuses your kids, then you too get to abuse them, to be fair and all, and only if she stops physically abusing them will you stop too. Make sense to you?
Stop posting you fool. Physical abuse has no place in comparison of drugs. What kind of idiot are you? Weed is also socially acceptable, used in religious ceremonies, and medicine.
That's pretty simplistic thinking.

Alcohol is a socially accepted drug and it's even used in religious ceremonies. So unless we ban alcohol then we have to permit other, equally dangerous drugs into the culture. Alcohol is a done deal, it's deep in society. It's going to be very difficult to root it out. Unless we do root it out then we need to allow more drugs to be legal in order to be fair.

This is using "fairness" in a totally bizarre way.

If you wife physically abuses your kids, then you too get to abuse them, to be fair and all, and only if she stops physically abusing them will you stop too. Make sense to you?

So no. It's unthinkable to try to ban alcohol. It's just too important.

Am I getting that right?
That's pretty simplistic thinking.

Alcohol is a socially accepted drug and it's even used in religious ceremonies. So unless we ban alcohol then we have to permit other, equally dangerous drugs into the culture. Alcohol is a done deal, it's deep in society. It's going to be very difficult to root it out. Unless we do root it out then we need to allow more drugs to be legal in order to be fair.

This is using "fairness" in a totally bizarre way.

If you wife physically abuses your kids, then you too get to abuse them, to be fair and all, and only if she stops physically abusing them will you stop too. Make sense to you?

So no. It's unthinkable to try to ban alcohol. It's just too important.

Am I getting that right?
We had an experiment with banning alcohol. How'd that work out?
That's pretty simplistic thinking.

Alcohol is a socially accepted drug and it's even used in religious ceremonies. So unless we ban alcohol then we have to permit other, equally dangerous drugs into the culture. Alcohol is a done deal, it's deep in society. It's going to be very difficult to root it out. Unless we do root it out then we need to allow more drugs to be legal in order to be fair.

This is using "fairness" in a totally bizarre way.

If you wife physically abuses your kids, then you too get to abuse them, to be fair and all, and only if she stops physically abusing them will you stop too. Make sense to you?

So no. It's unthinkable to try to ban alcohol. It's just too important.

Am I getting that right?
We had an experiment with banning alcohol. How'd that work out?

We're in the middle of near century long experiment banning Marijuana. How's that working out?
  • One in six teenagers who regularly smoke the drug become dependent Lie
  • It doubles risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia Lie
  • Heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development Lie
  • Driving after smoking cannabis doubles risk of having a car crash Lie
  • Study's author said: 'If cannabis is not addictive then neither is heroin' Habitual but not addictive
Read more: The terrible truth about cannabis Expert s devastating 20-year study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless Daily Mail Online
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Hmmm, no links to the actual study.
Marijuana is terrifying to many stupid people in the world. Soon, hopefully, marijuana will be legalized and stop benefiting the cartels of the world. And the despicable terrorists of the world.

Until then... I hope the smug assholes that oppose it's legalization get bent. Fuck you shrivel dicks.
I can't wait until all the assholes have died and pot becomes legal.
Do you think pot users have the right to inject THC into others's bodies. That's what happens when they smoke in the presence of other people. Do people have the right to put cyanide in your Tylenol? What if they insisted that it would cause no harm to you and that your apprehension is just a result of ignorant propaganda?
No Shit!!!

Daily Mail ^

A definitive 20-year study into the effects of long-term cannabis use has demolished the argument that the drug is safe. Cannabis is highly addictive, causes mental health problems and opens the door to hard drugs, the study found.
Quite often similar reports come out. Then another report comes out refuting it. Which report do you listen to?
I can't wait until all the assholes have died and pot becomes legal.
Do you think pot users have the right to inject THC into others's bodies. That's what happens when they smoke in the presence of other people. Do people have the right to put cyanide in your Tylenol? What if they insisted that it would cause no harm to you and that your apprehension is just a result of ignorant propaganda?
You would really be having to breath in a lot of smoke to have THC injected into your body. Just do not stand close to people smoking marijuana. This is easy enough because it is not legal most places and is not smoked in public.
And yet our government has done much to limit cigarette smoking, while ignoring the harmful affects of weed and in some places, legalizing its usage. Most hypocritical.

Inhaling anything that is burning, can't be good for you.

At any rate, if one wishes to smoke weed, it is their right as a free person as long as they do not harm others. The war on drugs has been a colossal failure and has only empowered and enriched the state....while creating criminal gangs who have murdered many and have corrupted governments.
Get ready folks, in the coming years you're going to be smelling the stink of pot everywhere.

Where I live after several years of medical marijuana being legal, you walk down just about any street, and the stink will eventually rear it's ugly head.

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