The Term "Extremism" Elevated To The Category of "Racist"

For comparison.



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You must know how truly stupid the Democrats know their voters are, when Biden said this last night:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we canā€™t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. Theyā€™re incompatible. We canā€™t allow violence to be normalized in this country. Itā€™s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now."

Let's check:

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Every Democrat calling for violence:

ā€œNancy Pelosi wonders why there ā€˜arenā€™t uprisingsā€™ across nation: ā€˜Maybe there will beā€™ā€

ā€œRep. Ayanna Pressley calls for 'unrest in the streets' ahead of election
ā€œThere needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as thereā€™s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, thereā€™s plenty to go around,ā€ the Massachusetts Democrat and member of the so-called ā€œSquadā€ told MSNBCā€™s Tiffany Cross.ā€ Ayanna Pressley calls for ā€˜unrest in the streetsā€™ ahead of election

ā€œThe Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumbleā€œ [On] January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the RNC ā€¦ and the other was placed at the headquarters of the DNC,ā€ the FBI said.

NBC News reported that the FBI and the NYPD alerted the Capitol Police in advance as to the possibility that there would be violence and rioting on the day of Trumpā€™s speech. Such news countered previous assertions by federal law enforcement officials that they were unaware of any intelligence suggesting protesters would become violent and possibly storm the Capitol.

The Democratsā€™ chief argument against Trump is that he ā€œincitedā€ rioters with his speech. Itā€™s always been a specious argument at best. But if all of this was preplanned ā€“ and itā€™s becoming more obvious by the day that it was, their case falls apart.ā€ The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble

"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

These Fascistsā€¦.Democratsā€¦.are really upset about the Capitol riot, the one seeded by Biden votersā€¦.but they all have newsheimersā€¦ memory of

1. ā€¦.hundreds of riots across the country, the ones they supported leading up to the election

2. ā€¦.of thousands of police officers injured

3. ā€¦of the $billions in damage done by their voters

4. ā€¦burning city blocks

5. ā€¦of the phony CNN news media people like Ali Velshi, telling us itā€™s mostly peaceful, while he is standing in front of what looks like Dresden.

6. So they noticed one riot of the hundreds, and as a result militarized Washington, DC, with thousands of troops.

7. ā€œAnimus mounts inside Capitolā€¦Fears of violence from Trump supporters growā€ The Washington Post

8. Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for monthsā€¦.and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riotsā€¦.but the yellow press was silent.​

9. "28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

10. Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

Democrat doing what Democrats do: lie.

CNN Claims Kenosha Protests Are ā€˜Fiery But Mostly Peacefulā€™ As City Burns Behind Reporter

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ bail-fund-kamala-h...
Feb 2, 2021 ā€” A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again ā€ŗ 2021/02/03 ā€ŗ man-twice-bailed-ou...
Feb 3, 2021 ā€” Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed man charged with ... ā€ŗ 2021/09/08 ā€ŗ bail-fund-backed-by...
Sep 8, 2021 ā€” A bail fund promoted by Vice President Kamala Harris helped lead to the release of an alleged Minneapolis domestic abuser -- who has now ...
And even more hypocrisy from Biden's speech last night......from the party that organized and authorized and rewarded over 12 THOUSAND riots designed to destabilize America and unseat a real American President:

"We hear ā€” youā€™ve heard it, more and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. Itā€™s not. It can never be an acceptable tool. So, I want to say this plain and simple: There is no place for political violence in America, period, none, ever."

Let's check:

"Study: up to 95 percent of 2020 U.S. riots are linked to Black Lives Matter

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The projectā€™s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floydā€™s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.

Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetratorsā€™ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetratorsā€™ affiliation.

Violent demonstrations, meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations ā€”


ā€œJaw-Dropping: Police Chief Association Releases Number of Officers Injured During Violent Riots

The Major Cities Chiefs Association released a report detailing the number of violent riots and the number of police officers injured during the riots U.S. cities faced after the death of George Floyd in May.The MCCA, which has members in 69 of the largest cities in the U.S., released the findings of their survey in October and compiled data from May 25 to July 31, 2020. In total, 8,700 protests took place in major American cities during that time period.Of the 8,700 protests, 574 of them were riots that saw mass looting and destruction.

During the riots cities experienced, the MCCA said their survey found at least 2,000 police officers were injured:

"In cities where violence did occur, assaults on police officers, looting, and arson were the most common criminal activities. Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed during the protests. This included nearly every agency that experienced at least one violent protest. In total, over the course of the civil unrest from May to July, more than 2,000 officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. One agency reported 50 officers being injured in a single week of protests. Another agency reported that 462 of their officers were injured during the protests in their jurisdiction.

"Looting was also a common occurrence (2,385 instances), with 62% of major city law enforcement agencies indicating that at least one incident of looting occurred in their cities. ā€œ

Every single one due to Biden voters.

Riots, arson, anarchism, assaults, lawlessness rewarded, neither lives nor property safe.....under Democrat governance.
One wonders why citizens pay taxes, and what they expect from government, when the above is the norm from Democrats officials.

Who'd you vote for??????
"There is no place for political violence in America, period, none, ever."

Here is election day 2020....

.....who do you suppose they were protecting against.....MAGA Republicans???????????????

Democrats lie about everything, but this glaring lie about political violence in the face of the suicide attacks on police by Democrat voters.

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ 2016_shooting_of_Da...

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers ,and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran and was angry over police shootings of Black men.

2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ 2016_shooting_of_Bat...

On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in an ambush attack, in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling.

Gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley Told Bystanders to 'Watch What I'm ... ā€ŗ news ā€ŗ us-news ā€ŗ gunman-...

Dec 21, 2014 ā€” NYPD Cop Killer Ishmael Brinsley Had Violent Criminal History ... Moments before he ambushed and killed two New York police officers, gunman ...

Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ Congressional_basebal...

Police identified the shooter as James Thomas Hodgkinson, 66 years old, whose last permanent residence was in Belleville, Illinois. ... He was politically active ...

Communist Lee Harvey Oswald who shot JFK

April 2021 United States Capitol car attack - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ April_2021_United_St...

On April 2, 2021, Noah Green, a 25-year-old black nationalist and Islamist, killed Capitol Police officer William Evans and wounded a second officer after ...

Gavin Eugene Long Baton Rouge July 2016

Baton Rouge, Dallas, NYC, Washington, DC, alexandria
You must know how truly stupid the Democrats know their voters are, when Biden said this last night:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we canā€™t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. Theyā€™re incompatible. We canā€™t allow violence to be normalized in this country. Itā€™s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now."

Let's check:

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Every Democrat calling for violence:

ā€œNancy Pelosi wonders why there ā€˜arenā€™t uprisingsā€™ across nation: ā€˜Maybe there will beā€™ā€

ā€œRep. Ayanna Pressley calls for 'unrest in the streets' ahead of election
ā€œThere needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as thereā€™s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, thereā€™s plenty to go around,ā€ the Massachusetts Democrat and member of the so-called ā€œSquadā€ told MSNBCā€™s Tiffany Cross.ā€ Ayanna Pressley calls for ā€˜unrest in the streetsā€™ ahead of election

ā€œThe Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumbleā€œ [On] January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the RNC ā€¦ and the other was placed at the headquarters of the DNC,ā€ the FBI said.

NBC News reported that the FBI and the NYPD alerted the Capitol Police in advance as to the possibility that there would be violence and rioting on the day of Trumpā€™s speech. Such news countered previous assertions by federal law enforcement officials that they were unaware of any intelligence suggesting protesters would become violent and possibly storm the Capitol.

The Democratsā€™ chief argument against Trump is that he ā€œincitedā€ rioters with his speech. Itā€™s always been a specious argument at best. But if all of this was preplanned ā€“ and itā€™s becoming more obvious by the day that it was, their case falls apart.ā€ The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble

"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

These Fascistsā€¦.Democratsā€¦.are really upset about the Capitol riot, the one seeded by Biden votersā€¦.but they all have newsheimersā€¦ memory of

1. ā€¦.hundreds of riots across the country, the ones they supported leading up to the election

2. ā€¦.of thousands of police officers injured

3. ā€¦of the $billions in damage done by their voters

4. ā€¦burning city blocks

5. ā€¦of the phony CNN news media people like Ali Velshi, telling us itā€™s mostly peaceful, while he is standing in front of what looks like Dresden.

6. So they noticed one riot of the hundreds, and as a result militarized Washington, DC, with thousands of troops.

7. ā€œAnimus mounts inside Capitolā€¦Fears of violence from Trump supporters growā€ The Washington Post

8. Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for monthsā€¦.and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riotsā€¦.but the yellow press was silent.​

9. "28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

10. Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

Democrat doing what Democrats do: lie.

CNN Claims Kenosha Protests Are ā€˜Fiery But Mostly Peacefulā€™ As City Burns Behind Reporter

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ bail-fund-kamala-h...
Feb 2, 2021 ā€” A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again ā€ŗ 2021/02/03 ā€ŗ man-twice-bailed-ou...
Feb 3, 2021 ā€” Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed man charged with ... ā€ŗ 2021/09/08 ā€ŗ bail-fund-backed-by...
Sep 8, 2021 ā€” A bail fund promoted by Vice President Kamala Harris helped lead to the release of an alleged Minneapolis domestic abuser -- who has now ...

Notice they never define the 'fight.' It's just another talking point meant to rile the left into more rioting and burning down cities.
I'm not clear on whether the backdrop was in deference to the Democrat Party's embrace of Communism.....

......or of the Devil.

View attachment 690654

Considering the context of the speech he gave at the time and the optics demonstrated ...
All I can say is that the people who wrote the speech, and designed the stage, must have found Hunter's crack stash ... :auiqs.jpg:

You must know how truly stupid the Democrats know their voters are, when Biden said this last night:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we canā€™t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. Theyā€™re incompatible. We canā€™t allow violence to be normalized in this country. Itā€™s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now."

Let's check:

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Every Democrat calling for violence:

ā€œNancy Pelosi wonders why there ā€˜arenā€™t uprisingsā€™ across nation: ā€˜Maybe there will beā€™ā€

ā€œRep. Ayanna Pressley calls for 'unrest in the streets' ahead of election
ā€œThere needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as thereā€™s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, thereā€™s plenty to go around,ā€ the Massachusetts Democrat and member of the so-called ā€œSquadā€ told MSNBCā€™s Tiffany Cross.ā€ Ayanna Pressley calls for ā€˜unrest in the streetsā€™ ahead of election

ā€œThe Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumbleā€œ [On] January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the RNC ā€¦ and the other was placed at the headquarters of the DNC,ā€ the FBI said.

NBC News reported that the FBI and the NYPD alerted the Capitol Police in advance as to the possibility that there would be violence and rioting on the day of Trumpā€™s speech. Such news countered previous assertions by federal law enforcement officials that they were unaware of any intelligence suggesting protesters would become violent and possibly storm the Capitol.

The Democratsā€™ chief argument against Trump is that he ā€œincitedā€ rioters with his speech. Itā€™s always been a specious argument at best. But if all of this was preplanned ā€“ and itā€™s becoming more obvious by the day that it was, their case falls apart.ā€ The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble

"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

These Fascistsā€¦.Democratsā€¦.are really upset about the Capitol riot, the one seeded by Biden votersā€¦.but they all have newsheimersā€¦ memory of

1. ā€¦.hundreds of riots across the country, the ones they supported leading up to the election

2. ā€¦.of thousands of police officers injured

3. ā€¦of the $billions in damage done by their voters

4. ā€¦burning city blocks

5. ā€¦of the phony CNN news media people like Ali Velshi, telling us itā€™s mostly peaceful, while he is standing in front of what looks like Dresden.

6. So they noticed one riot of the hundreds, and as a result militarized Washington, DC, with thousands of troops.

7. ā€œAnimus mounts inside Capitolā€¦Fears of violence from Trump supporters growā€ The Washington Post

8. Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for monthsā€¦.and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riotsā€¦.but the yellow press was silent.​

9. "28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

10. Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

Democrat doing what Democrats do: lie.

CNN Claims Kenosha Protests Are ā€˜Fiery But Mostly Peacefulā€™ As City Burns Behind Reporter

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ bail-fund-kamala-h...
Feb 2, 2021 ā€” A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again ā€ŗ 2021/02/03 ā€ŗ man-twice-bailed-ou...
Feb 3, 2021 ā€” Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed man charged with ... ā€ŗ 2021/09/08 ā€ŗ bail-fund-backed-by...
Sep 8, 2021 ā€” A bail fund promoted by Vice President Kamala Harris helped lead to the release of an alleged Minneapolis domestic abuser -- who has now ...

You left out Maxine Waters?

How could you forget Mad Maxine? :p
Extremism means extremely dedicated to the conservative position
Libs fear that so they must decry it as a ā€œracistā€ type situation
Democrats lie about everything, but this glaring lie about political violence in the face of the suicide attacks on police by Democrat voters.

2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ 2016_shooting_of_Da...

On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, shooting and killing five officers ,and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an Army Reserve Afghan War veteran and was angry over police shootings of Black men.

2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ 2016_shooting_of_Bat...

On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in an ambush attack, in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling.

Gunman Ismaaiyl Brinsley Told Bystanders to 'Watch What I'm ... ā€ŗ news ā€ŗ us-news ā€ŗ gunman-...

Dec 21, 2014 ā€” NYPD Cop Killer Ishmael Brinsley Had Violent Criminal History ... Moments before he ambushed and killed two New York police officers, gunman ...

Congressional baseball shooting - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ Congressional_basebal...

Police identified the shooter as James Thomas Hodgkinson, 66 years old, whose last permanent residence was in Belleville, Illinois. ... He was politically active ...

Communist Lee Harvey Oswald who shot JFK

April 2021 United States Capitol car attack - Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ April_2021_United_St...

On April 2, 2021, Noah Green, a 25-year-old black nationalist and Islamist, killed Capitol Police officer William Evans and wounded a second officer after ...

Gavin Eugene Long Baton Rouge July 2016

Baton Rouge, Dallas, NYC, Washington, DC, alexandria

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