The Swedes are going nuclear....they realize the silliness of solar and wind....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Sweden gave up on socialism when it almost ruined their country, now they are going back to nuclear energy so that they can actually have power in their country....

Sweden is the country that American leftists used to love. But the Swedes recognized the error of their socialist ways some time ago, and at the rate things are going, they might one day be the darlings of the American right. Reuters headlines: “Swedish parliament passes new energy target, easing way for new nuclear power.”

Sweden’s parliament on Tuesday adopted a new energy target, giving the right-wing government the green light to push forward with plans to build new nuclear plants in a country that voted 40 years ago to phase out atomic power.
Changing the target to “100% fossil-free” electricity, from “100% renewable” is key to the government’s plan to meet an expected doubling of electricity demand to around 300 TwH by 2040 and reach net zero emissions by 2045.
If the concern is carbon dioxide emissions, there is no rational objection to nuclear energy. And, unlike wind and solar, nuclear power actually works.

Sweden already gets hardly any of its electricity from fossil fuels: 98% comes from hydro, nuclear and wind. Replacing that inefficient wind power with nuclear makes perfect sense.

Via Watts Up With That?, which adds this from Net Zero Watch:

The Swedish decision is an important step in the right direction, implicitly acknowledging the low quality of unstable wind and solar, and is part of a general collapse of confidence in the renewable energy agenda pioneered in the Nordic countries and in Germany.

Another horrible side effect of the Co2 fraud= the return of nuclear, the most expensive when waste issues are included.

Co2 does nothing.

Go back to burning hydrocarbons. No nuclear waste...
And before the leftists try to claim Sweden is a socialist country.....

they tried it, almost wrecked their country with it......changed back...

Tried it? Sweden has had a unitary parliament since 1917 which had a majority of social democrats from 1945 to 2006. The centre-right wing Alliance finally beat them in an election that year but due to their support for anti-immigration policies are now a minority party. The current prime minister is a member of the Moderate party and leads a minority coalition government.

From Wikipedia

Sweden is a highly developed country ranked seventh in the Human Development Index,[25] it is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with legislative power vested in the 349-member unicameral Riksdag. It is a unitary state, currently divided into 21 counties and 290 municipalities. Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's 14th highest GDP per capita and ranks very highly in quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, income equality, gender equality and prosperity.[26][27] Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995 but rejected Eurozone membership following a referendum. It is also a member of the United Nations, the Nordic Council, the Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Tried it? Sweden has had a unitary parliament since 1917 which had a majority of social democrats from 1945 to 2006. The centre-right wing Alliance finally beat them in an election that year but due to their support for anti-immigration policies are now a minority party. The current prime minister is a member of the Moderate party and leads a minority coalition government.

From Wikipedia

Sweden is a highly developed country ranked seventh in the Human Development Index,[25] it is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with legislative power vested in the 349-member unicameral Riksdag. It is a unitary state, currently divided into 21 counties and 290 municipalities. Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's 14th highest GDP per capita and ranks very highly in quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, income equality, gender equality and prosperity.[26][27] Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995 but rejected Eurozone membership following a referendum. It is also a member of the United Nations, the Nordic Council, the Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

They are not socialists anymore.........which is why they are doing so well.......they may spend their tax money on welfare, but they don't make that money through the government controlling the economy...
Denmark, Norway and Sweden all have universal health care, universal education and universal income guarantees. What bit of socialism did you think they'd rejected? Government ownership of the steel mills?

Read the article dumb ass
Denmark, Norway and Sweden all have universal health care, universal education and universal income guarantees. What bit of socialism did you think they'd rejected? Government ownership of the steel mills?

From the link....
But since the 1990s, Sweden and other Nordic nations have focused on strengthening those norms of social responsibility again by increasing the control of public welfare systems, reducing generosity in the welfare models, and lowering taxes.

Indeed, many Nordic policies now promote free trade and free enterprise. The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom, which measures how capitalist a country is by studying regulation and taxation in different areas of the economy, ranks Denmark and Iceland as the 10th and 11th most capitalist countries in the world. Finland comes in at 17th, Sweden at 21st, and Norway at 28th. By comparison, the United States is ranked 20th. Property rights, business freedom, monetary freedom, and trade freedom are strong in the N
This is a real kick in the nuts for greenies

But good news for everyone else
They are not socialists anymore.........which is why they are doing so well.......they may spend their tax money on welfare, but they don't make that money through the government controlling the economy...
They have socialized medicine, socialized heath care, income equality and gender equality. From the right-wing point of view, they are as socialist as socialists can be. And since 98% of their energy supply is coming from non-emitting technology, I'd say they didn't abandon the green agenda, they achieved it.
They have socialized medicine, socialized heath care, income equality and gender equality. From the right-wing point of view, they are as socialist as socialists can be.

Nope.....socialism is government control of the economy....they gave that up when it almost wrecked their countries......
Denmark, Norway and Sweden all have universal health care, universal education and universal income guarantees. What bit of socialism did you think they'd rejected? Government ownership of the steel mills?

You need to actually read the link.....

But since the 1990s, the government has allowed the private sector to have a larger role. Sweden currently has 823 private schools, mainly operated as for-profit companies with public funding. Some, such as the school chain Internationella Engelska Skolan, are offering teacher-led rather than pupil-led education, with considerably better results than the public schools.

Health care is also gradually moving away from public monopolies. As of 2019, more than 40 percent of the 1,100 health centers of Sweden are run by private, for-profit actors. While Sweden has universal health care, private sector employees are increasingly covered by private health insurances paid by their employers.

In the capital region of Stockholm, 62 percent of elder care home-visit hours are carried out by private, for-profit companies. The old state-run systems do live on in parts of Sweden, for example in the northern region of Norrbotten, where only 2 percent of elder care home visits are carried out by for-profit companies. But the welfare models are increasingly giving way to more centrist ones, with a role for both the private and public sectors.

Sweden’s pension system has also gradually become more connected to individuals’ work performance. Part of citizens’ pensions is invested in the market, and individuals can choose to invest in pension savings products from numerous private firms. Complementary private saving through employers is also becoming more important in future pension income. Throughout the region, pension reforms have included stricter rules for early retirement, a flexible retirement age, and a closer link between earned wage and accrued pensions.

As Swedish economists have shown, Sweden had an unusually even income distribution in 1920, and equality continued to grow until 1980. The lion’s share of income equality growth thus occurred during the free market era, predating the rise of the generous welfare state. In another study, economists showed that income equality in Denmark has increased since the 1920s, with much progress happening before the shift to higher taxes.

Much of the strength of Nordic societies lies in the advanced free market system, which is why it’s essential that they are returning to their centrist roots. As I have previously written with Klas Tikkanen, chief operating officer of Nordic Capital, Sweden is a leading innovation hub in Europe that’s able to attract foreign capital to growing companies. One reason for this success is its smart tax policy, where funds from a successful investment in one company may be invested in new companies, and taxation only applies when gains are realized. Thus, growth capital can be attracted to a high-tax country.
Nope.....socialism is government control of the economy....they gave that up when it almost wrecked their countries......
They maintained it steadfastly for 61 straight years while they prospered dramatically. Their recent economic issues were not caused by socialism. The centre-right finally won an election and four years later were tossed in favor of the moderates. Here is the segment from Wikipedia (Sweden - Wikipedia) outlining their recent political history. And, of course, this has gotten off topic for the Environment forum

A bursting real estate bubble caused by inadequate controls on lending combined with an international recession and a policy switch from anti-unemployment policies to anti-inflationary policies resulted in a fiscal crisis in the early 1990s.[108] Sweden's GDP declined by around 5%. In 1992, a run on the currency caused the central bank to briefly increase interest rates to 500%.[109][110]
The response of the government was to cut spending and institute a multitude of reforms to improve Sweden's competitiveness, among them reducing the welfare state and privatising public services and goods. Much of the political establishment promoted EU membership, and a referendum passed with 52.3% in favour of joining the EU on 13 November 1994. Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995. In a 2003 referendum the Swedish electorate voted against the country joining the Euro currency. In 2006 Sweden got its first majority government for decades as the centre-right Alliance defeated the incumbent Social Democrat government. Following the rapid growth of support for the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, and their entrance to the Riksdag in 2010, the Alliance became a minority cabinet.​
Another horrible side effect of the Co2 fraud= the return of nuclear, the most expensive when waste issues are included.

Co2 does nothing.

Go back to burning hydrocarbons. No nuclear waste...
We don't have any nuclear "waste"

A fast reactor can use the fuel that the inefficient light water reactors can't burn. This unburned nuclear fuel is what you call waste.

We have enough nuclear fuel (waste) on hand right now in the US to power the entire country for over 150 years
You need to actually read the link.....

But since the 1990s, the government has allowed the private sector to have a larger role. Sweden currently has 823 private schools, mainly operated as for-profit companies with public funding. Some, such as the school chain Internationella Engelska Skolan, are offering teacher-led rather than pupil-led education, with considerably better results than the public schools.

Health care is also gradually moving away from public monopolies. As of 2019, more than 40 percent of the 1,100 health centers of Sweden are run by private, for-profit actors. While Sweden has universal health care, private sector employees are increasingly covered by private health insurances paid by their employers.

In the capital region of Stockholm, 62 percent of elder care home-visit hours are carried out by private, for-profit companies. The old state-run systems do live on in parts of Sweden, for example in the northern region of Norrbotten, where only 2 percent of elder care home visits are carried out by for-profit companies. But the welfare models are increasingly giving way to more centrist ones, with a role for both the private and public sectors.

Sweden’s pension system has also gradually become more connected to individuals’ work performance. Part of citizens’ pensions is invested in the market, and individuals can choose to invest in pension savings products from numerous private firms. Complementary private saving through employers is also becoming more important in future pension income. Throughout the region, pension reforms have included stricter rules for early retirement, a flexible retirement age, and a closer link between earned wage and accrued pensions.

As Swedish economists have shown, Sweden had an unusually even income distribution in 1920, and equality continued to grow until 1980. The lion’s share of income equality growth thus occurred during the free market era, predating the rise of the generous welfare state. In another study, economists showed that income equality in Denmark has increased since the 1920s, with much progress happening before the shift to higher taxes.

Much of the strength of Nordic societies lies in the advanced free market system, which is why it’s essential that they are returning to their centrist roots. As I have previously written with Klas Tikkanen, chief operating officer of Nordic Capital, Sweden is a leading innovation hub in Europe that’s able to attract foreign capital to growing companies. One reason for this success is its smart tax policy, where funds from a successful investment in one company may be invested in new companies, and taxation only applies when gains are realized. Thus, growth capital can be attracted to a high-tax country.
Everyone has health care paid for by their taxes. Everyone has education up through college paid for by their taxes. Income for all citizens is guaranteed. And 98% of their energy generation is performed by non-emitting technologies: wind, hydro and nuclear.
Everyone has health care paid for by their taxes. Everyone has education up through college paid for by their taxes. Income for all citizens is guaranteed. And 98% of their energy generation is performed by non-emitting technologies: wind, hydro and nuclear.

again......socialism is government control of the economy........that's it....what the people decide to do with their tax revenue is not socialism.....and as the article points out...they are getting less, not more government centric healthcare and educationi...
again......socialism is government control of the economy........that's it....what the people decide to do with their tax revenue is not socialism.....and as the article points out...they are getting less, not more government centric healthcare and educationi...
98% of all energy production being accomplished with non-emitting technologies.
We don't have any nuclear "waste"

A fast reactor can use the fuel that the inefficient light water reactors can't burn. This unburned nuclear fuel is what you call waste.

We have enough nuclear fuel (waste) on hand right now in the US to power the entire country for over 150 years

Any links on the subject

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