The. Surrender Monkey at Columbia - Or was he?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Revelations from George Stephanopoulos, Newsweek, and Columbia grads from Israel.


The recent DOJ report on James Comey, the ongoing FISA investigation, and the probe of the Russia-collusion investigators under John Durham are all pointing back to POTUS 44, formerly known as Barry Soetoro. He wanted to know how Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of the FBI’s coup clan were doing. In similar style, designated prevaricator Susan Rice is on record that 44 wanted the counterintelligence operation to be done “by the book.” It didn’t exactly work out that way.

As investigators probe what the president knew, and when he knew it, other revelations about the former Barry Soetoro have managed to escape notice. This lapse comes despite massive revelations from his own handlers.

According to official biographer and Pulitzer winner David Garrow, the defining Dreams from My Father is not a memoir or biography. It is a novel, and in this work of historical fiction the author is a “composite character.” The implications proved alarming to fans and family alike.

The president, “spent the first 20 years of his life going by the nickname Barry,” the former First Lady explains in the 2018 Becoming. “Somewhere along the way, though, he’d stepped into the fullness of his birth name – Barack Hussein Obama.” Michelle does not note that, in all his writings from 1958 to 1964, the Kenyan Barack Obama mentions nothing about an American wife and Hawaiian-born son. Becoming portrays the future president as an “exceptional” and “gifted” student who “worshipped books.” At Columbia he “consumed volumes of political philosophy as if it were beach reading.”

The stint at Columbia got dramatic treatment in the 2016 film Barry. As Matthew Cooper of Newsweek noted, the Netflix production “charts his college years in New York, when ‘Barry,’

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You’d think that people would have come out of everywhere saying they were college pals that were there at the time.
Everything about Obama's past is cloaked in secrecy, confusion and misdirection. Except his close circle of friends and associates from which he cannot hide. All anti-Americans, every one of them.

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