The Sun is getting brighter/ warmer

The whole thing with the Sun is actually plotted on what they call an H-R diagram. The Sun is a dwarf star along the main sequence (normal stellar evolution) a bit right of center along the diagonal line with the brightest and hottest Type O blue-white giants to the upper left and cool red-brown class-M sub-dwarfs to the lower right. Off the main sequence are the red super-giants at top and the tiny white dwarfs below, with size/brightness/temperature plotted at left and spectral class (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) along the bottom. The Sun is a yellow dwarf class G4.

The whole thing with the Sun is actually plotted on what they call an H-R diagram. The Sun is a dwarf star along the main sequence (normal stellar evolution) a bit right of center along the diagonal line with the brightest and hottest Type O blue-white giants to the upper left and cool red-brown class-M sub-dwarfs to the lower right. Off the main sequence are the red super-giants at top and the tiny white dwarfs below, with size/brightness/temperature plotted at left and spectral class (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) along the bottom. The Sun is a yellow dwarf class G4.

View attachment 243709

Indeed this is the golden age of astronomy and the discoveries are coming in at ... Ahem...Light speed if you will. :)

I believe the author of the article is sending
A veiled message. The process is constant
and the increase will follow a very gradual curve. I would think that someone has already done the algorithmic parsing down to a single day.

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