The Streets without Islam

And what is the difference that allows a man to live alone but a woman can't?
What is the difference that has a man punished for adultery by a whipping, and a woman is punished for the same crime by being executed?
Is the woman more responsible for the adultery? Is a woman incapable of living alone?
What differences make these blatant biases acceptable?
Your mistake is that you are trying to judge Islamic society and laws by western cultural standards which are based on Judeo-Christian concepts and todays secular society. ...... :cool:


Okay. That is fair.

The problem arises when some Muslims, those who adhere to strict Islamic/Sharia law, reside in western nations. These Muslims resort to all sorts of barbaric actions. Barbaric in the minds of westerns. It would seem these kinds of Muslims refuse to abide by western laws in western lands.
In what way is a woman different from a man, at law?

In what way is a woman different from a man, in the context of human rights?
In Islam men and women have separate social rights, legal rights, duties, and responsibilities.

And we really don't care if the West finds it offensive or disagreeable to their way of thinking. ...... :cool:

And that's OK, because The West doesn't really give a rat's ass if you find our perspective of your medieval, backwards, misogynistic copycat religion and its shameful treatment of women to be offensive or disagreeable to your way of thinking, either. Keep that primitive Neanderthal crap in your own shitholes where it belongs.
And that's OK, because The West doesn't really give a rat's ass if you find our perspective of your medieval, backwards, misogynistic copycat religion and its shameful treatment of women to be offensive or disagreeable to your way of thinking, either. Keep that primitive Neanderthal crap in your own shitholes where it belongs.
Sorry Poindexter,

But where ever muslim people reside, be it Europe, the U.S. or the Middle East.

We build mosques and run our lives and raise our families according to Islam.

That isn't going to change. ....... :cool:

And that's OK, because The West doesn't really give a rat's ass if you find our perspective of your medieval, backwards, misogynistic copycat religion and its shameful treatment of women to be offensive or disagreeable to your way of thinking, either. Keep that primitive Neanderthal crap in your own shitholes where it belongs.
Sorry Poindexter,

But where ever muslim people reside, be it Europe, the U.S. or the Middle East.

We build mosques and run our lives and raise our families according to Islam.

That isn't going to change. ....... :cool:

Until you idiots phukk-up once too often and on too grand a scale and get kicked out of Country A and B and C.

The way things are going, we should be seeing the first of that sort of treatment within the next decade or two.

The ironic thing is that you won't be able to help yourselves - you won't be able to modify your behaviors to prevent it - your sick, twisted ideology won't let you - you're locked into a pattern... violent... sick... and all-too-predictable, once Infidels study what makes your beehive collective tick.
Until you idiots phukk-up once too often and on too grand a scale and get kicked out of Country A and B and C.

The way things are going, we should be seeing the first of that sort of treatment within the next decade or two.
LOL......will never happen......except in your dreams. .... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

Given your co-religionists' behaviors and the threat-vector that The West is quickly coming to recognize, I wonder if you're right.

In any event, continued arrogance in this context and continued disbelief in such possibilities makes routine monitoring and counteractions that much easier.

Keep up the good work.
I assure you that we are very aware of any surveillance happening in or around our mosques.

We also hold regular seminars given by the ACLU about our Constitutional rights and protections from overzealous federal agencies.

It's the patriotic thing to do. ....... :thup:

I assure you that we are very aware of any surveillance happening in or around our mosques.

We also hold regular seminars given by the ACLU about our Constitutional rights and protections from overzealous federal agencies.

It's the patriotic thing to do. ....... :thup:

There is no such thing as an overzealous Federal agency, when it comes to the monitoring of an Islamic presence and related activity.

Once the Supreme Court rules Islam to be the hostile, dangerous, alien Political System that it is, rather than a Religion, the balloon will go up.

That's all it would take, to change the landscape, from a Constitutional perspective.

I suggest you-and-yours not push us that far, because we'll pull that trigger, if we have to.

And at the rate you're going...
Women are far more safer walking in Islamic countries than in Western nations. ...... :cool:
That must be a relative comparison. They (Women) have their clitorises forcibly cut off, have to wear bags over their heads/ bodies and have to submit to male domination. It's a real paradise Muslims got there.
I suggest you-and-yours not push us that far, because we'll pull that trigger, if we have to.

And at the rate you're going... wannabe Rambo types always give me a good laugh.. ....... :lol: :lol:

Nothing 'Rambo-ish' about using The Law to rid decent society of dangerous elements.

Once those elements have completed the process of proving themselves as dangerous and untrustworthy and disloyal.

Keep it up... you're (collectively) well on the way to such a goal.

Another decade or two like the last one will be enough to put the matter over the top.
Until you idiots phukk-up once too often and on too grand a scale and get kicked out of Country A and B and C.

The way things are going, we should be seeing the first of that sort of treatment within the next decade or two.
LOL......will never happen......except in your dreams. .... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

I think you under-estimate the power of fear and paranoia.

The US Supreme Court has consistantly declared internment camps of Japanese and German Americans in ww2 'constitutional' - so it is possible they could be used again.

Not saying that large scale terrorist attacks* will necessarily happen, as groups like ISIS and Al-Nusra Front struggle to find western-born fighters that would attack their home countries.

*Meaning like whole towns and cities set alight in big riots, or fear and paranoia to the same extent as the Cold War. Even 9/11 didn't manage to do enough damage to the American psyche.
Islam is vile and repugnant, it is a male driven ideology with no freedom or wiggle room for individuality. If we in the west applied the same rules across the board as Muslims, This thread wouldn't exist and Islam would have been bombed, shot, or forced to convert years ago. But here we are, isn't the west so NICE?
Islam is vile and repugnant, it is a male driven and ideology with no freedom or wiggle room for individuality. If we in the west applied the same rules across the board as Muslims, This thread wouldn't exist and Islam would have been bombed, shot, or forced to convert years ago. But here we are, isn't the west so NICE?
Islam is a blessing to all mankind. ...... :cool:

And what is the difference that allows a man to live alone but a woman can't?
What is the difference that has a man punished for adultery by a whipping, and a woman is punished for the same crime by being executed?
Is the woman more responsible for the adultery? Is a woman incapable of living alone?
What differences make these blatant biases acceptable?
Your mistake is that you are trying to judge Islamic society and laws by western cultural standards which are based on Judeo-Christian concepts and todays secular society. ...... :cool:


I am asking very simple questions. You claim that men & women are treated differently because men & women are different.

But you seem unable to explain why punishment for infidelity or adultery is a whipping for men and execution for women. I can see no reason for such a huge different. Is the woman more responsible for the adultery than the man?
I am asking very simple questions. You claim that men & women are treated differently because men & women are different.
But you seem unable to explain why punishment for infidelity or adultery is a whipping for men and execution for women. I can see no reason for such a huge different. Is the woman more responsible for the adultery than the man?
Men can be executed and women only whipped for adultery.

Just depends on the circumstances of the case. ...... :cool:

And that's OK, because The West doesn't really give a rat's ass if you find our perspective of your medieval, backwards, misogynistic copycat religion and its shameful treatment of women to be offensive or disagreeable to your way of thinking, either. Keep that primitive Neanderthal crap in your own shitholes where it belongs.
Sorry Poindexter,

But where ever muslim people reside, be it Europe, the U.S. or the Middle East.

We build mosques and run our lives and raise our families according to Islam.

That isn't going to change. ....... :cool:


Well, except for the fact that muslim men commit rapes at an alarming rate, and try to blame the immodest attire of the women in the West for their actions.

Is that according to Islam? Are the women in Europe not worthy of a muslim man's self control in not raping them?
Well, except for the fact that muslim men commit rapes at an alarming rate, and try to blame the immodest attire of the women in the West for their actions.
Is that according to Islam? Are the women in Europe not worthy of a muslim man's self control in not raping them?
I am not aware of the so called "fact" that muslim men are raping at an alarming rate?

I live in I really don't care about Europe's problems. ..... :cool:


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