The South Carolina incident & enabling

What I saw in the video, Mac, was an officer trained to arrest criminals. The officer was not trained to discipline students and that is where the trouble lies. The school system is using police officers for situations where they are not needed.

The student should have been left in her chair while the teacher asked the principal to send help in escorting the class to the library or another classroom not in use. The student who refused to get up could be left in the classroom for the remainder of the day until her guardian / parent came to take her home.

At that point the principal could decide on the length of suspension (with notification that a repeat offense will result in her being expelled from the school). If the student had attempted to leave the classroom after the other students had left then I would consider the principal had the right to expel her from the school.

You cannot sacrifice the entire classroom for one student who is challenging the authority of the teacher, the principal and in this case, a police officer. The classroom should be a place of order. Not chaos.
The point at which she refused to leave her chair at the request of law enforcement, after the school had applied its extent of leverage, the matter became a legal issue and no longer a school issue. That was public property and she was in violation.
The kid is a juvenile offender.

Right. Let me try this one more time. Law enforcement officers were trained to enforce the laws of the land. Not the rules of a school that the liberal school system doesn't have the guts to enforce - such as pick up the phone and call the parents - expel her or suspend her but handle the problem - these are adults - paid educators - teachers - school faculty - principal - assistant principal - and no one is capable or willing to enforce the rules that are on the books? Really? And so they resort to hiring a police officer to do their job? I do not believe that is the answer.

Make them do their jobs! Case closed!!

A police officer just had his career destroyed over this nonsense! Enough already! Make them do their jobs.
And that my friend is the reason the fucking LIB 'PC' school district and the fucking LIB controlled county is coughing up almost a million bucks to settle with Fields.
Fields couldn't give shit for his "career. He's already been offered a dozen jobs making twice what he was making .
The Police Union lawyers........the very best in the country are eating the fucking LIB run school distict and the LIB run county's fucking lunch.
You fuck-wit LIB assholes have no idea how much the Police Union have been waiting for this case. NO FUCKING IDEA.
The Police Union lawyers are going to be wearing a fucking grin for years after this case is settled.
FAIR WARNING! The Police Union is BEGGING some more LIB run fuckup county's to do this again.
It's like feeding a pack of lions a fucking baby gazelle!
Fields couldn't give shit for his "career. He's already been offered a dozen jobs making twice what he was making .
What illness is it that cause you to make up these insane lies? The guy is hanging around his apartment, talking with his one lawyer twice a day, and trying to figure out how to pay his rent next month.

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