The Somewhat Surprising History Of Democrat Leaders


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
A lot of folks would be offended if I were to entitle this "Know your enemy". After all, we're all supposed to be Americans. Problem is many of these folks have changed over time and no longer consider themselves to be Americans first. Matter of fact, talking of yourself as an American is actually a source for ridicule for the left. However, I think it's important to understand why Democrats in Washington do the things they do. Why did they pass Obamacare, and why are they willing to forge ahead now that they know that even they may have been sold a bill of goods that could eventually destroy their party. Yet they persist. I think it's because they refuse to admit they were wrong, or maybe they have too much invested in the ideology to let it go. Perhaps it can be better explained in this article. It explains why liberals get so defensive about their beliefs. Articles: The Obama Purchase

Who is Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi?


Harry Reid is the senior United States Senator from the state of Nevada. What does it mean to be a senator of the state where gambling and prostitution is legal? Everyone has to come to his office to obtain a gaming license. That means that if you don't grease his palm you don't get your license. Harry Reid was born in Nevada, which is a rarity these days considering all of the carpet-bagging that is going on. He married his high school sweetheart. His father was Harry Vincent Reid, a miner who committed suicide with a gunshot to the head in 1972 at the age of 58 when Harry was 32 years old.

Some could say that the only reason Dingy Harry is a senator today is because the GOP decided not to support their 2010 nominee Sharron Angle because she was considered one of those outsiders or affectionately described as a Tea Party candidate. Often times these days the Tea Party's worst critics are mainstream Republicans like John McCain.

Reid succeeded his predecessor Tom Daschle by paying his dues. In 1999 Harry Reid believed that Roe vs. Wade should be overturned. He believed that marriage should be between a man and a woman. He believed that abortion should only be legal in case of rape or incest. (Sounds like a Republican, doesn't it?) He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons). He even delivered a speech at Brigham Young University to about 4,000 students on October 9, 2007, in which he expressed his opinion that Democratic values mirror Mormon values. Harry Reid was born an agnostic but converted to LDS when he was in college. Strange how it's okay for Dingy Harry to be a Mormon but not Mitt Romney. I never understood that rationale.

Harry also seems to be very racially minded and often times very gruff in his description of folks that are different from him. I guess you could blame this on his religion, or the fact that he's just a bigot. Reid had remarked in 2008 that Obama could win the Presidency because the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama—to whom he referred as being "light-skinned" and "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one" In 2010 he apologized to Obama for this slight. Similar comments uttered by Trent Lott led to his resignation, but not Reid. Even though he was asked to step down the chances of that were non existent. Harry seems to say what's on his mind alot. In front of the 2010 national La Raza convention he said "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK. Do I need to say more?" Harry Reid spread a rumor on the floor of the Senate that Mitt Romney didn't pay his taxes. This rumor proved to be false, but calls for Mitt Romney's tax returns became the main focus early in the campaign. The rumor is believed to be given to Reid by John Huntsman, another Mormon and Barack Obama's ambassador to China, and also a GOP candidate for president. Seems political ambitions know no bounds.

I'm just scratching the surface here on this guy.


Nancy Pelosi represents what is considered by most to be the strongest Democrat district in the United States. It would have to be to re-elect this woman time and time again. She's the one who said "You have to pass it to find out what's in it". She can always be counted on to say something that is obviously total nonsense or ignores the truth even when it's staring everyone in the face. It would be extremely fitting that her ridiculous statements be accompanied by a laugh track because many of them are so out of touch with reality. Perhaps she's only there because they need someone to make Obama look competent and rational in comparison.

She also said this;

"Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs

"You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people."

“Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program”

“I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels.”

“I think it’s unAmerican.” (to enforce immigration law).

Pelosi is Italian-American and was born Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro in Baltimore, Maryland. She graduated from the Institute of Notre Dame, a Catholic all-girls high school in Baltimore. Yes, she's a Catholic. Funny how both of the Dems' leaders are so religious yet they're Democrats. Most would say this is odd. Nope. This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the left. Another example is the revelation of Pelosi and her insider trading, which resulted in the passing of the STOCK Act. The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act. In November 2011, 60 Minutes claimed that Pelosi and several other members of Congress had used information during closed sessions to make money on the stock market. The program cited Pelosi's purchases of Visa stock while a bill that would limit credit card fees was in the House. Pelosi vehemently denied the allegations and called the report "a right-wing smear." A right-wing smear.......from 60 Minutes no less. Pelosi voted for the bill and lauded its passing. Of Representatives Louise Slaughter and Tim Walz, who drafted the bill, Pelosi said they "shined a light on a gaping hole in our ethics laws and helped close it once and for all." Pelosi is the richest member of Congress now that John Kerry is Secretary of State. Almost as rich as Mitt Romney. Yup, those evil rich need to pay their fair share. Too bad Nancy doesn't. It's also strange that so many in Congress seem to have gotten rich off of the passing of Obamacare. I wouldn't be surprised if a few Republicans did too.


Top 10 Outrageous Quotes From Nancy Pelosi | NewsReal Blog
Harry Reid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nancy Pelosi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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