The shameful silence of the ‘anti-racists’.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012
Since Hamas’s pogrom in Israel on 7 October, anti-Semitism has surged across the UK. According to the Community Security Trust, anti-Semitic incidents have risen by 300 per cent compared with the same period last year. The Metropolitan Police have painted a similarly distressing picture, reporting that anti-Semitic hate crimes in London have risen by 1,350 per cent.

These grim statistics are shocking but not surprising. Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen ‘pro-Palestinian’ protesters calling for ‘jihad’ on the streets of London. We’ve seen posters for the Israeli kidnapping victims in Gaza being torn down. And we’ve heard anti-Semitic chants being sung on marches, calling for the extermination of the Jewish people.

And yet, almost as shocking as this eruption of anti-Semitic bile has been the silence of those who claim to care most about tackling racism and advancing social justice. Faced by a resurgence of the oldest hatred, all these quangos, advocacy groups and activists have largely looked the other way.

Europe has large Muslim communities. How else were they supposed to react?
Mass deportations around the free world is a must if the west wants to survive....
one at a time.... either that or lose your nation....

Europa is already lost due to demography, more as 60% teenagers are Muslims in the West Europa
Most of European 'men' are feminized cowardly pussies who can only call police while their wives get raped
In a fair fight one Muslim men is more strong as five European white cowards
As has been pointed out, it's most likely due to the large Muslim population now in Europe.
Not necessarily. Europe mostly supported pro-Palestinian UN resolutions in the past.
How can you deport more as 50m Muslims from Europa?
I'm waiting for your valued advice
You start by making it very difficult to exist. No permits to build mosques. Halal is not supported by food safety laws. The call to prayer must not be audible to the general public. No immigrant or student visas. Illegal entrants are immediately deported. No hearing required. No fiancee visas issued. Cannot receive any public benefits. Children of persons identified as coming from identified nations cannot be admitted to school.

Make life exceedingly difficult and many will leave on their own.

That's just what comes to mind.
Start with Criminals ( That would net 5 European Countries around 1.5-2 Million easily Deported ) then move on to Indigent and Watch list types
One Jewish immigrant is afraid to sleep in his own Amsterdamapartment after swastikas were drawn on his window. Others have told the Dutch Jewish Weekly to start delivering the magazine in a non-transparent envelope, so neighbors won’t know they’re Jewish.

Those are just a few examples of how terrified Dutch Jews are since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war last month, which has spurred a wave of antisemitic incidents in the Netherlands and across Europe.

Here in the United States. most Jewish people are liberals who have long advocated for civil rights.

So many of them are now bitterly disappointed that organizations like BLM are mouthing Hamas propaganda.

And gay rights advocates are outraged by the ignorance of protesters who carry placards saying "Queers for Palestine." They apparently have no idea of how gays are treated in Arab nations.
One Jewish immigrant is afraid to sleep in his own Amsterdamapartment after swastikas were drawn on his window. Others have told the Dutch Jewish Weekly to start delivering the magazine in a non-transparent envelope, so neighbors won’t know they’re Jewish.

Those are just a few examples of how terrified Dutch Jews are since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war last month, which has spurred a wave of antisemitic incidents in the Netherlands and across Europe.

I know of a person that is a member of a Think Tank and I will ask that person when I see them online again if they agree.

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