The Shaman is lucky

This is just like a mafia case, or a drug trafficking case. They prosecute from the lowest to the highest in hopes those pleading to lower crimes will incriminate those above them.
The judge said this guy was the leader, so it seems you are full of shit.:auiqs.jpg:
You should have called an obstructionist.
At least then, you wouldnt be enveloped in hyperbole, resident retard.
who pleaded guilty in September to a single count of felony obstruction of an official proceeding
I'll admit that what these men did on January 6th was wrong and they should be punshied for it. I doubt you'll ever admit on the left to the same eventhrough what you did was far worst and large scale. Tens of billions in damages, dozens killed and many federal buildings damaged for 8 months straight...
Those were state crimes. Complain to the local prosecutors.
Many Trump supporters suffer from mental illness, or they are extremely gullible. The "heartland", where most of these rubes come from, produces generation after generation of the appallingly ignorant, angry white male.
Ah, but we know which end of a Bible is up.
O’ look! A liberal is spouting baseless views which he holds dearly but for which he has zero evidence. How usual !
Have you ever spoken to, or listened to, a Trump supporter? These folks are boiling over with hatred. That is what is so troubling, I have no doubt there will be another January 6th in the future.

Also, if you believe in QAnon, here's your sign --------> STOOPID
3+ years for "obstructing a civil proceeding". No violence. No vandalism. Funny how I can't find any similar sentences for the 300+ who were arrested for "obstructing" the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings when they stormed the Hart Senate Office Building back in 2018.

We have entered a new era of tyranny.
3+ years for "obstructing a civil proceeding". No violence. No vandalism. Funny how I can't find any similar sentences for the 300+ who were arrested for "obstructing" the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings when they stormed the Hart Senate Office Building back in 2018.

We have entered a new era of tyranny.
Radical left's number one rule -- What is illegal for thee is not illegal for me.

It's called rank hypocrisy.
Have you ever spoken to, or listened to, a Trump supporter? These folks are boiling over with hatred. That is what is so troubling, I have no doubt there will be another January 6th in the future.

Also, if you believe in QAnon, here's your sign --------> STOOPID
I’m a Trump supporter to some degree. As opposed to Shrillary, voting for him was an obvious alternative.

W not sure what YOU mean by another 1/6. Another protest at of near the Capitol? Maybe. More criminal incidents like breaking into the Capitol Building or assaulting police officers? I suppose it’s possible someday. But that has little to do or more likely nothing to do with Trump.

I never found QAnon persuasive.

but that’s not all you had posted. Instead, you bleated out your gibberish presuppositions about angry white males from the Midwest. You rely on stereotypes in lieu of facts or logic. This makes you just a joke.
You should have called an obstructionist.
At least then, you wouldnt be enveloped in hyperbole, resident retard.
who pleaded guilty in September to a single count of felony obstruction of an official proceeding
With a max sentence of 20 years. I guess they didn't check with you first, before deciding this was a serious felony.
3+ years for "obstructing a civil proceeding". No violence. No vandalism. Funny how I can't find any similar sentences for the 300+ who were arrested for "obstructing" the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings when they stormed the Hart Senate Office Building back in 2018.

We have entered a new era of tyranny.
Because they didn't obstruct anything. I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out.

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