The Scam That Was Crossfire Hurricane


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.
From the OPs link:

Rather it focused on a "suggestion" passed on by Australian ambassador Alexander Downer that Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos might be coordinating with Russia the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton.

Downer had heard the information about the Russians during a bar conversation in May 2016 from Papadopoulos, who had heard it two months earlier from a European professor who had heard it from Russians allegedly.

The memo shows the case agent, Peter Strzok, expressed some doubts and reservations about the limitations of the evidence even as he opened the probe.

The memo cited concerns about "suggestions from the Russians that they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton."

Papadopoulos "suggested the Trump team had received some kind of suggestion from Russia" that it had damaging information, the memo said. But Strzok's memo immediately noted the limitations of the allegations forwarded from the Australians.

"It was unclear whether he or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly of through other means. It was also unclear how Mr. Trump’s team reacted to the offer," the memo stated.

Kevin Brock, the former chief of intelligence for the FBI, said the electronic communication did not meet the bureau's rigorous standards for predicating the opening of a criminal or counterintelligence case.

"There is nothing in the EC that meets the traditional thresholds for opening up a FARA or CI investigation," Brock told Just the News. "It appears hastily constructed."

The memo also contains evidence of other red flags, Brock explained, including that Strzok both drafted and approved the opening of his own investigation and originally segregated the memo so it could only be seen by "case participants" and not other FBI officials.

So, Strzok writes the CYA memo and then hides it so no one can see it except for those on the case, which basically means whoever he believes hates Trump and has no scruples about doing something about it. I mean, c'mon now, a guy talks to somebody in a bar somewhere who heard something from somebody else 2 months earlier, who heard it from somebody else who heard it from Russians? Maybe? This is ridiculous, the Obama Admin opened an investigations based at least in part on this? I realize there were some phone calls and meetings, NONE of which indicated any illegal or even improper actions were taken. What else did they have?

I do not know whether there is enough evidence that will stand up in a court of law to convict any of the miscreants involved. It ain't easy to convict democrats on stuff like this because they're so good at hiding or destroying any hard evidence. Maybe perjury, lying, obstruction of justice charges, we'll just have to wait and see what Durham can turn up.
The subsequent reviews of a lot of FISA warrants, I remember it was more than twenty, showed that every single one of them had flaws. The IG Report was scathing. But it showed a pattern of behavior in the FBI and DOJ. Every office was doing the same thing.

What finally brought it to light was that it targeted someone who could defend himself, and worse, cause it to be exposed. The truth is that this sort of thing has been happening for years. And it never should have.
The subsequent reviews of a lot of FISA warrants, I remember it was more than twenty, showed that every single one of them had flaws. The IG Report was scathing. But it showed a pattern of behavior in the FBI and DOJ. Every office was doing the same thing.

What finally brought it to light was that it targeted someone who could defend himself, and worse, cause it to be exposed. The truth is that this sort of thing has been happening for years. And it never should have.

Out of 42 applications, the report says, 39 included major defects. All told, the inspector general uncovered 390 deficiencies, including “unverified, inaccurate, or inadequately supported facts, as well as typographical errors.”

(further from the same link):

The December report was a black eye for the bureau. It prompted one judge on the surveillance court to reprimand the agents involved in the Page applications, temporarily barring them from appearing before it.

Those applications were so troubling that Horowitz launched an audit of how the FBI was complying with its own rules in all FISA applications between October 2014 and September 2019. His conclusion is straightforward. “We do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the report says.

The Woods procedures are crucial because the surveillance court is unlike other U.S. courts. For obvious reasons, it does not operate under the adversarial system, whereby a lawyer representing the suspected spy or terrorist can challenge the government’s evidence. Instead, the court itself is supposed to provide special scrutiny to the prosecution’s case — but as the Page fiasco showed, it is in no position to do so.

The result is a system that relies almost exclusively on the FBI being scrupulous with its facts. Horowitz’s findings show that the bureau has been systematically unscrupulous.

Think about it: If Hillary Clinton had been elected, we wouldn't know about any of this. I do not understand how any American can think this is acceptable, regardless of your political leanings.
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.

The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation. No criminal charges will be filed unless they are fake. Durham had better make sure he doesn't end up in jail.
The subsequent reviews of a lot of FISA warrants, I remember it was more than twenty, showed that every single one of them had flaws. The IG Report was scathing. But it showed a pattern of behavior in the FBI and DOJ. Every office was doing the same thing.

What finally brought it to light was that it targeted someone who could defend himself, and worse, cause it to be exposed. The truth is that this sort of thing has been happening for years. And it never should have.

Out of 42 applications, the report says, 39 included major defects. All told, the inspector general uncovered 390 deficiencies, including “unverified, inaccurate, or inadequately supported facts, as well as typographical errors.”

(further from the same link):

The December report was a black eye for the bureau. It prompted one judge on the surveillance court to reprimand the agents involved in the Page applications, temporarily barring them from appearing before it.

Those applications were so troubling that Horowitz launched an audit of how the FBI was complying with its own rules in all FISA applications between October 2014 and September 2019. His conclusion is straightforward. “We do not have confidence that the FBI has executed its Woods procedures in compliance with FBI policy,” the report says.

The Woods procedures are crucial because the surveillance court is unlike other U.S. courts. For obvious reasons, it does not operate under the adversarial system, whereby a lawyer representing the suspected spy or terrorist can challenge the government’s evidence. Instead, the court itself is supposed to provide special scrutiny to the prosecution’s case — but as the Page fiasco showed, it is in no position to do so.

The result is a system that relies almost exclusively on the FBI being scrupulous with its facts. Horowitz’s findings show that the bureau has been systematically unscrupulous.

Think about it: If Hillary Clinton had been elected, we wouldn't know about any of this. I do not understand how any American can think this is acceptable, regardless of your political leanings.

Why people think it is no big deal? Television and Movies. Every episode of TV cops has them breaking rules to get the bad guy. The illusion created is that the Cops possess some sort of sixth sense to know who the bad guy is. For what? 17 years now Gibbs has been knowing who the baddie was in every episode of NCIS.

Every movie shows cops breaking the rules. 24 every season has Jack Bauer breaking every law to stop a Terrorist attack.

So when the people hear that this cop or that agent did something wrong, assuming they do hear, they believe the cop just made a mistake. His sixth sense was wrong this one time.

The other reason is family and friends. The family and friends are either cops or know some. Can you imagine your Brother Sister or Dad doing any of this? Not them.

Finally it is the regional issue. If you are rural, of course big city cops are corrupt. But our guys would never do it. If you are in a city. Of course those old Sheriff’s are corrupt. What do you expect of those backwoods cretins.

People have a lot of reasons to overlook it. They have no shortage of excuses when they see some sign of it.

The last argument is the dumbest. If we do anything about bad cops or agents. We will have anarchy. As if we have only two choices. Corruption or anarchy.
This is a waste of time deep state wont turn on each other, we need to burn it down and rebuild!
I don't think burning down the Constitution is a very good idea. But it has been damaged by people who worship power, and not the will of American people. The Democrats have produced a rogue Congress that does not work with the Republicans at all, and they do it in an In-Your-Face way. That destroyed the order of governance in America, all because unwritten standards the Founders assumed were universal far into the future. Who knew one of the political parties would represent the interests of atheists over that of a Christian nation.
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.

The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation. No criminal charges will be filed unless they are fake. Durham had better make sure he doesn't end up in jail.
You cannot illegally spy on you political opponents. Didn't you learn anything from the Nixon administration?
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.

The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation. No criminal charges will be filed unless they are fake. Durham had better make sure he doesn't end up in jail.
You cannot illegally spy on you political opponents. Didn't you learn anything from the Nixon administration?

The gov't is not supposed to illegally spy on ANY American citizen, a special warrant (FISA) is required to make it legal.

"The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation."

The Horowitz report basically said that the bar for being sufficiently legal is so low as to be insignificant. IOW, according to the law and current gov't regs, they can investigate anybody for almost any reason and with very little evidence. IMHO, Congress ought to be revising those laws and put some teeth in 'em so if an investigation is started without just cause then the people who authorized it end up in jail. Or if they break the rules during the investigation too. Or prosecution.
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.
Remember when Trump tweeted Obama wire tapped Trump Tower. Fake News went wild and wanted to impeach after a month.

Newly declassified phone conversation revealed....
Durham is turning over the rocks in BONOBO's Oval office.
Criminal charges will be filed and some top BONOBO officials will be facing federal prison time.
Imagine the country in late Sept. with job numbers rising. Virus numbers flattened. The economy in general picking up steam and watching a dozen former BONOBO officials being led into federal courtrooms in handcuffs.
Biden has dropped out of the race and the civil war inside the DNC is raging over who to replace Biden with.

The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation. No criminal charges will be filed unless they are fake. Durham had better make sure he doesn't end up in jail.
You cannot illegally spy on you political opponents. Didn't you learn anything from the Nixon administration?

The gov't is not supposed to illegally spy on ANY American citizen, a special warrant (FISA) is required to make it legal.

"The IG determined that there was sufficient legal cause for the investigation."

The Horowitz report basically said that the bar for being sufficiently legal is so low as to be insignificant. IOW, according to the law and current gov't regs, they can investigate anybody for almost any reason and with very little evidence. IMHO, Congress ought to be revising those laws and put some teeth in 'em so if an investigation is started without just cause then the people who authorized it end up in jail. Or if they break the rules during the investigation too. Or prosecution.
They gave false information to receive the warrant. Yes, that's against the law.
This is a waste of time deep state wont turn on each other, we need to burn it down and rebuild!
I don't think burning down the Constitution is a very good idea. But it has been damaged by people who worship power, and not the will of American people. The Democrats have produced a rogue Congress that does not work with the Republicans at all, and they do it in an In-Your-Face way. That destroyed the order of governance in America, all because unwritten standards the Founders assumed were universal far into the future. Who knew one of the political parties would represent the interests of atheists over that of a Christian nation.

It is said that we all make God in our own image. What that means is that we believe God thinks the same way we do. Nothing could be further from the truth. We can not even begin to grasp the enormity of God’s wisdom. We strive to understand a sliver of God’s genius during our short existence.

The same truth could be said about the Constitution. We tend to remake it in our own vision. It takes lots of study before you begin to realize how wrong you are about it. Large books filled with writings of the era are a great place to start. And like our understanding of the Lord, it is a journey that takes us an entire life to grasp.

An obvious example is the First Amendment. Many people object to the Amendment protecting profanity or pornography. They rightly say the Founders never would have allowed this. It is true. But it is also true that the same founders protected speech that no other nation on earth would tolerate during the era. It was revolutionary. The signers of the Declaration of Independence knowingly committed Treason for months before they decided to act on their beliefs.

So it is hard to say what these same Founders would argue today regarding the First Amendment. They pushed for unheard of freedoms and rights during their era. But most of all they expected the Constitution to adapt and mature. No other Government in history had allowed the future People’s to change the rules. The British could not amend the Magna Carta As one little example.

I can not speak for the founders. I suspect. And it is a belief of mine, I could be wrong. I suspect the Founders would be wary about reducing or restricting freedoms.

I believe that because they were risking everything to reject the idea that these things could be or should be controlled. The idea that freedom should be restricted.

When we view the Constitution we have to embrace all of it. The parts we like and the parts we do not. The rights and freedoms within are intertwined and can not be disentangled. You can’t restrict one without losing others. You diminish one with another exception and you find the others are weaker too. Soon the ones you think are the most important are diminished as well.

The first clue to this is the writings of the era. The Founders wanted more freedom for everyone. Burning it down is an option. But it is one you need to be wary of. Because the person leading the charge almost certainly does not envision the same future as you do. It might be better. It will probably be much worse for all of us.

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