The SC Overturns Texas Restrictive Abortion Laws…Where’s Drumpf?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I thought he was “raw”, “spoke from the hip”,”said what he thinks” blah blah blah.

Are his supporters ready to admit that he is waiting to see where the politics go on this to make a statement??? Just like every other politician?

Oh wait Hillary tweeted support for the ruling.

It’s just Drumpf waiting until its safe to make a statement.
Trump was never against abortion. Some of those New York values Cruz was moaning about. Trump is personally pro life, without imposing that on anyone else.
I thought he was “raw”, “spoke from the hip”,”said what he thinks” blah blah blah.

Are his supporters ready to admit that he is waiting to see where the politics go on this to make a statement??? Just like every other politician?

Oh wait Hillary tweeted support for the ruling.

It’s just Drumpf waiting until its safe to make a statement.

This will start a cascade of undoing all these draconian far right-wing anti-abortion laws that Republican state legislatures have been frantically passing for the last 5 years across the country.
I thought he was “raw”, “spoke from the hip”,”said what he thinks” blah blah blah.

Are his supporters ready to admit that he is waiting to see where the politics go on this to make a statement??? Just like every other politician?

Oh wait Hillary tweeted support for the ruling.

It’s just Drumpf waiting until its safe to make a statement.

Hooray! Women will be even freer to abort their "mistakes" and the eugenics plan that leftards love will continue unabated. BTW, the U.N is dictating to the Barrypuppet on shipping in refugees to backfill our population because they didn't get the memo about birth control. The watering down of our nationalism and soveriegnty has really picked up speed with Barrypuppet in charge, (snicker)
I guess there were some liberals way back in the 1800's who thought that sanitary facilities and proper medical care translated into "restrictive laws". The abortion industry has powerful allies in the liberal media and the democrat party. Be careful what you wish for, your daughter might end up in the back ally abortion mills that the Court justified.
This was nothing about sanitary laws, whitehall.

It was about denying abortion pure and simple.
I guess there were some liberals way back in the 1800's who thought that sanitary facilities and proper medical care translated into "restrictive laws". The abortion industry has powerful allies in the liberal media and the democrat party. Be careful what you wish for, your daughter might end up in the back ally abortion mills that the Court justified.

Back ally? I think you're on the wrong side of the abortion debate.
I thought he was “raw”, “spoke from the hip”,”said what he thinks” blah blah blah.

Are his supporters ready to admit that he is waiting to see where the politics go on this to make a statement??? Just like every other politician?

Oh wait Hillary tweeted support for the ruling.

It’s just Drumpf waiting until its safe to make a statement.

Hooray! Women will be even freer to abort their "mistakes" and the eugenics plan that leftards love will continue unabated. BTW, the U.N is dictating to the Barrypuppet on shipping in refugees to backfill our population because they didn't get the memo about birth control. The watering down of our nationalism and soveriegnty has really picked up speed with Barrypuppet in charge, (snicker)

"Over the past 50 years, the U.N. has devoted extensive resources to promoting population control. Educated Westerners listened and today this demographic is reproducing barely at replacement rates. We all thought this was the point. But now the U.N. is promoting what it calls “replacement migration.” Because Western populations are reaching retirement age in large numbers, and because the U.N. now says the workforce cannot sustain itself without help, our population must be supplemented with those who never got the memo about containing population growth. So after exhorting us to limit family size through abortion and birth control, the U.N. wants to backfill our declining populations with newcomers from countries where abortion and birth control are largely not practiced and often illegal. This is the kind of insanity that occupies the minds of the U.N. globalists. But there is a method to their madness: it is the Left’s goal to build a “permanent progressive majority” ruling class. The open borders agenda is the perfect vehicle. Millions of needy poor become bought and paid for Democrat voters once citizenship is obtained. And erasing American culture, traditions, and adherence to rule of man-made law inspires calls for still more government to solve the manufactured crisis. The more exotic and incompatible the immigrant population, the better, in some of their estimations. The threat posed by jihadis and our nation’s other enemies does not concern the Left. The way some of them see it, such a threat will only serve to edge American society closer to anarchy and collapse. The Left envisions its cherished dictatorship of the proletariat rising from the ashes. Many of the Left’s really bad ideas are birthed in the United Nations. Drafted by Soviet agent-of-influence Alger Hiss, the U.N. Charter always envisioned a world body that would reflect Soviet global ambitions. The outlines of the open borders agenda were framed in the Vancouver Plan of Action at the 1976 U.N. Conference on Human Settlements."

You might want to read this document in it's entirety, Jake Starkey.......pretty sobering and does not bode well for what is left of America and it should piss any sane person off.
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Dale needs to get together with the other pro-lifers to settle on one consistent story. Most pro-lifers declare abortion is used to exterminate minorities, while Dale implies it's used to exterminate white people.
You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic. In a close vote the Supremes said that the quantity of the killing was more important than the quality. The Nazis couldn't have said it better.
Dale needs to get together with the other pro-lifers to settle on one consistent story. Most pro-lifers declare abortion is used to exterminate minorities, while Dale implies it's used to exterminate white people.

It is being used as a eugenics program, dumb has no "color", you nitwit.
Only way Drumpf would have an opinion is if he could make a buck but he did abort at least one of his own. Or rather, force the woman to.
What eugenics program? These are fetuses, they are not unborn children, and our GOP who overwhelmingly say they love mommies and babies keep cutting the funds to help take care of them.
I thought he was “raw”, “spoke from the hip”,”said what he thinks” blah blah blah.

Are his supporters ready to admit that he is waiting to see where the politics go on this to make a statement??? Just like every other politician?

Oh wait Hillary tweeted support for the ruling.

It’s just Drumpf waiting until its safe to make a statement.

Hooray! Women will be even freer to abort their "mistakes" and the eugenics plan that leftards love will continue unabated. BTW, the U.N is dictating to the Barrypuppet on shipping in refugees to backfill our population because they didn't get the memo about birth control. The watering down of our nationalism and soveriegnty has really picked up speed with Barrypuppet in charge, (snicker)


Birth control memo?

Its men who cause pregnancy.

So Dale = you a tee pottier?
You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic. In a close vote the Supremes said that the quantity of the killing was more important than the quality. The Nazis couldn't have said it better.

Whitehall-the-butcher here is angry that abortion will remain safe, legal and available. He's been working so hard to make every clinic like that of pro-life hero Dr. Gosnell. The horrible liberals put a stop to his bloodsoaked plan to kill women, so now he haz a sad.
What eugenics program? These are fetuses, they are not unborn children, and our GOP who overwhelmingly say they love mommies and babies keep cutting the funds to help take care of them.

Were you not a feus at one time????? If it's not a life, then why is there a need to "snuff" it out? This is an argument that you have no hope of winning and you can play the semantics game all day but it changes nothing.

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