The Saturday rally


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.
Unmasked? You mean like the hundred of thousands that were attending concerts in Democrat controlled New York City and Chicago in July?

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.
Except that those asshole mobsters are going to go home and to work and spread it lots of other people

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.
Wishing ill upon your fellow citizens? The 'tolerant' left, at it's best. Bravo!

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.
There are 10,000 illegals gathered in Del Rio at a Dimmer party under a bridge.
I'm part of the right and I don't support this. I don't support violence or people who commit violence unless it's self-defense.

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.

I'm part of the right and I don't support this. I don't support violence or people who commit violence unless it's self-defense.

Thomas Jefferson would have been disappointed in you.

Our country is too broke by the greedy Left to be fixed at the ballot box, especially now that the filthy Democrats have learned how to steal elections.

It is time for "no justice no peace".

Here's everything we know​

Here, I brought a thimble to put it all in.

I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless.

So, it'll be just like Obumma's birthday party and Nancy's fundraisers! I see!

Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 5.49.52 PM.png

Yet, despite the fact that there is not a single documented super-spreader event from ANY of the many Trump events he held last year or any rally by him or anyone, these morons still wax on like children that somehow THIS one will be the one, AND it will all be no one but republicans and Trump supporters, culminating in how good it will be for the country!!


I think we know that the vast majority of attendees will be unvaccinated and maskless. From the perspective of the left, that's a good thing as there should be significant spread of the virus within the mob. So, the more of them who exercise their "freedom," the better it is for the country.
It's the rally of treason and lies.
The Nazis burned the Reichstag building so they could blame it on the Jews and promote hatred. It would be in the interests of the democrat party to promote violence at the rally and blame it on republicans. Indications were that Gov. Northam invited outside thugs to Charlottesville but the left wing media wasn't interested enough to pursue it.
Thomas Jefferson would have been disappointed in you.

Our country is too broke by the greedy Left to be fixed at the ballot box, especially now that the filthy Democrats have learned how to steal elections.

It is time for "no justice no peace".

So then you're supposed to solve it with violence?

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