The Saint: IRA Dance (Democracy & Milk-Money)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I really wanted to capture this modern age Coronavirus quarantine-time symbolic lifestyle drama with a dioramic democracy-drama vignette, and this comics-stylized humorous anti-terrorism parable references the rather iconic socialization struggle of the Irish people and IRA politics regarding new age minority rights and media access. After all, shouldn't media access to this global quarantine encourage us to think about the challenges of 21st Century dystopian terrorism? This yarn was inspired by The Benny Hill Show and the film Patriot Games! Thanks so much,



Ajay Satan was a consummate thief and political philosophy advocate who'd studied at Dartmouth College and became interested in Third World politics and revolutionary ideas after immigrating from politically-troubled Algeria to the USA to study at the prestigious Ivy League. Ajay decided to join an underground IRA (Irish Republican Army) sympathizer group in America called Green Devils (GD) which was invested in various financing and arming activities such as munitions purchasing, bank robberies, and information espionage. The Green Devils (GD) asked Ajay to do a special London bank job for them, and Ajay knew he had the necessary human skills to complete the daring task in the name of democratic revolution during the Coronavirus quarantine.


Meanwhile, the Belfast Brigadeers (BB) in Northern Ireland were planning a careful attack on London during the Coronavirus quarantine after British Parliament refused Sinn Fein the legal and political right to broadcast Irish Catholic songs and parties on an independent Internet network in Belfast. The BB soldiers were masked and ready but awaited their new Algerian-American operative and friend, Ajay Satan to work with the Green Devils (GD) to bring to them special finances and weaponry for this attack on London in the summer of 2020. This was to be a very important 'adventure' for the modern era IRA since the disappointing partition of Ireland from Northern Ireland.


Now, Ajay Satan was a big fan of Marvel Comics and their presentation of IRA stories in the Earth-616 series of storybooks, all with colorful picture presentations and pictorial portrayals of modern IRA struggles in places such as London, Belfast, and Dublin. In fact, Ajay Satan decided to keep a copy of his Marvel Comics IRA story-issues in his pocket while he planned his daring mission in America and England for the Green Devils (GD), a special new inventive cubical of the main IRA and the Provisional IRA.


Ajay Satan was given the GD/IRA code-name Saint and was commanded to break into the impressive new Lloyds Bank in London and steal the new Nazi gold exhibition treasures kept there by the United Nations for future international evaluation. The Saint was to enter the Lloyds bank building, quite impressive, wearing some kind of disguise and concealing some kind of self-assembling hand-gun to perform the daring robbery. The Saint (Ajay Satan) was not sure how he'd accomplish this unusual feat, but at least he was able to use his new underground connections in North America to procure a special miniature self-assembling 'ice-gun' which he intended to use for the incredible heist in London to help the BB (Belfast Brigadeers).


On a bright Saturday morning, the Saint (Ajay Satan) walked into the Lloyds Bank building in London wearing a clown-mask and trench-coat and concealing in his long-boots parts of the self-assembling ice-gun which he'd put together while putting his materials in organized fashion in the bank bathroom! The Saint walked in the bank, pretending to be a nearby circus clown and requesting to open a new account before asking to go to the bathroom first. He went to the bathroom and pulled out the separate parts of his miniature ice-gun hidden in the lining of his leather long-boots and put the parts together and then stormed out of the bathroom claiming he was sent by a radical Israeli group intending to steal the Nazi gold stored in the bank vault for a special news report about the unethical storage and transportation of Nazi gold and treasures. The employees and customers at the bank were stunned, as they realized that the Saint (Ajay Satan) was a messenger of modern dogma, even during the Coronavirus tribulation!


The Lloyds bank building the Saint (Ajay Satan) entered and proceeded to perform the heist of the incredible Nazi gold was incredibly impressive. It resembled a giant winding concrete and metal and glass leviathan. In fact, the Saint remarked how the design and flow of the building reminded him of something resembling a modern civilization capitalism battleship. The Saint made sure the night before this robbery of the Nazi gold, he scrambled the bank's computer-automated security-alarm systems using a pre-programmed algorithm virus given to him by the Green Devils (GD). The Saint remarked that the Lloyds bank was indeed a modern leviathan!


The Saint managed to take hostage a bank manager/executive, so no one bothered to try to get in his way. The Saint was taken to the vault where the Nazi gold was kept. He took the gold and placed about 1/3 of it in a large duffel-bag and hauled it out of the bank and loaded it onto the parked stolen white van he kept outside. The security guards were simply too afraid to pester the Saint, since the 'ice-gun' he wielded was filled with liquid-nitrogen and could simply freeze and shatter any part of the human body it was fired upon by the wielder. The Saint performed the daring Nazi gold heist that day at Lloyds Bank.


The next week, the newspapers in England and America declared the Saint to be a modern-day Clyde Barrow or Dillinger. In fact, the CIA and British intelligence were immediately dispatched to confirm if this unusual thief was indeed allied to the Jewish political organizations interested in criticizing the United Nations' treatment of retrieved Nazi gold from WWII. The Saint became a media celebrity overnight, but he reported back to his GD (Green Devils) allies of the IRA and proceeded to help them plan their next move towards the summer invasion of London by the BB (Belfast Brigadeers).


The Saint was told by the GD to record the mission objective of his Nazi gold heist onto a green audio cassette and send it to the Washington Post. The Saint voice-recorded his revolutionary speech, in which he claimed the stolen Nazi gold would be distributed to IRA agents in North America and Ireland and Belfast (Northern Ireland) ahead of the summer 2020 move on London by the Belfast Brigadeers (BB). This entire initiative would be designed to demand Parliament consider more Irish Catholic interests in free-speech media on the Internet geared only towards the Irish minority still living in Belfast during the Coronavirus quarantine tribulation. The CIA called this Saint tape-recording the Belfast Bounty.


The Saint (Ajay Satan) then swiftly traveled to Dublin (Ireland) where he enjoyed traditional Irish beef-stew pot-pie and a tall pint of Guinness bear in a very hospitable Irish pub. The Saint remarked that this entire adventure was ironically meant to offer more media spotlights on Irish Catholic interests during quarantine and wondered if this was all somehow some kind of dystopian adventure!


The Saint decided to send some very nice comic book artworks of the IRA from Earth-616 issues and Monarchy/Queen comics portraits to the London Times, claiming that Sinn Fein had no intention to market this mission initiative as anything but a populist interest in celebrating Internet access to Irish Catholic media. In fact, the Saint claimed many Irish Catholics in Belfast today, even during quarantine, wanted to see various monarchy and politics folk-tales on the Internet without fear of censorship or scandal.


The Saint decided to don the identity of the Green Lantern (DC Comics) superhero and created a blog about the value of mustering various resources underground in modern times, especially during the quarantine tribulation, to advocate global media access to democratic issues and political unrest. The Saint (Ajay Satan), aka, 'Green Lantern' (DC Comics), claimed this was a necessary progress designed to keep Western media ahead of Al Jazeera and other non-Western media outlets. Even the CIA couldn't help but commend the Saint for these rather avant-garde comics posts on the Internet in North America during the Coronavirus quarantine.


The Saint began dating a gorgeous Irish woman named Loreena Collins who became a big fan of his pro-IRA blogs but was not allowed to know of his secret dealings with the Green Devils (GD) or the IRA in Belfast. Loreena became the Saint's special personal Barbie-doll, but he knew he'd have to keep their timely romance a dark secret!


The Saint managed to connect Green Lantern (DC Comics) art to modern IRA struggles and Internet forums and platforms and therefore made the unusual green-colored comic book superhero a special political 'avatar' for the upcoming Belfast Brigadeers mission on London. The Saint's use of the Green Lantern was reminiscent of the use of Captain America as a democracy-symbol during criticism of Nazi Germany.


SAINT: All we really want is for Irish Catholics in Belfast to feel like they have unfettered access to personal media on the Internet, especially during the Coronavirus quarantine tribulation! In other words, to wrought diarism from this new age democratic media deformity, we seek to forge bridges to special between censorship and free-speech rhetoric. That's the only way the Irish Catholic minority living in Belfast will feel like media/Internet during the Coronavirus quarantine will represent the diction (and dance!) of all the people. That's the goal of modern news, isn't it?




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By the way, just to confirm my neutrality for this democratic discussion during quarantine, I want to clarify that I have no ties or political involvement with official or even unofficial Irish politics and only wanted to reference one world problem in recent times to highlight this quarantine-time focus on media matters. Nevertheless, I certainly find the IRA problem a legitimate drama and don't likewise claim I have no sympathy for the plight of British Protestants and Irish Catholics seeking to live peacefully and side-by-side during this quarantine tribulation which certainly exhibits democracy-dilemma proportions! Incidentally, that's why I chose to spice up this IRA tale with a funny clown-costumed bank robbery anecdote to lighten the terrorism-tribulation discussion. I hope readers will find that entertaining.

Thanks so much, (stay safe all during this tribulation)

Ken Burns

Here's a lyrical cheeky addendum inspired by the Monty Python's Life of Brian!


"My name is Ken. I've been secretly working for the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) for the past 10 years through networks underground in America. I have to destabilize Protestant sympathizers in the USA working to secretly fund raids by rogue street-forces employed by the British police and army in Northern Ireland. This requires adept networking with resource and munitions companies and groups dedicated to providing PIRA with the necessary weapons and goods to make defiance possible. After all, British Parliament will not tolerate any form of mediocrity in this modern cat-and-mouse game of intelligence, organization, and guerrilla warfare. My PIRA agent named is Green-Fire (GF).

During the Easter Rising, Irish revolutionary Michael Collins was rumored to be courting a complicated love-romance with the fiancee of one of his IRA cohorts. This may have led to a friendship schism between Michael and his friend who ended up siding with Eamon de Valera after Irish independence. Eamon defied Michael's insistence to allow British Parliament to keep Northern Ireland as a hopeful temporary concession in exchange for the gifting of Dublin and the entire southern portion of the Irish territory which today is known as Ireland. When Eamon and Michael became at odds, things became complicated for Irish Catholic nationalists seeking to dream of a unified Ireland.

Knowing of this complexity requires me to be sensitive to all kinds of sociocultural concerns while working as the PIRA secret-agent Green-Fire (GF) in the USA. I always wear a blue trenchcoat and carry a small silencer-pistol in the off-chance that I'm being tracked by British Parliament agents hiding in America and forcing their way into the cooperative security of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Our job as PIRA sympathizers and agents in North America is to prevent British Parliament from painting the struggles of Sinn Fein and the Irish Republican Army in Europe as simple criminals or misguided terrorists. I have to be sure that my reputation is therefore free from blemish and that I'm not considered a basic 'mole' or 'badger' susceptible to the winds of human lust or even child-like emotion!

Of course, serving the army requires much skill and foresight. We might have to rob banks, hide in caves, or work with strangers while roaming Northern Ireland as defiant soldiers of PIRA seeking to destabilize undesirable Parliamentary policy or control. We might have to sleep with strange bedfellows or find grocery silos or secret wealthy investors in North America while networking with the CIA and hopefully American intellectuals so that the concerns of the Irish Catholic minority living in Belfast (Northern Ireland) today are really taken seriously and not treated as simple 'banter' by wayward sentimental poets or madmen.

Our final goal is peace, and many of us depressed or level-headed or pensive agents and soldiers of the Irish Republican Army simply hope to see the dreams of deceased Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams realized and British Parliament finding ways to bridge sociocultural manners between Irish Catholics and British Protestants at least trying to live side-by-side peacefully in modern-day Belfast (Northern Ireland). Protestants and Catholics are still both Christians and worship the Lord Jesus, so surely, there are ways to make this modern democratic struggle one of lyrics, good humor, and perhaps even inter-religious cooperation. All of that is certainly possible...with a proper 'Irish' dosage of daydream ale and dogmatic asparagus. God bless Ireland...and final peace."


The Hood

The Hood Museum of Art (Dartmouth College) was an institution I visited regularly as an admiring college student. This addendum speaks to the power that modern institutions possess in presenting and re-presenting modern ideas within the framework of academic dance! Thanks for reading,


The new political exhibit at the Hood Museum of Art (Dartmouth College) was about to open in the summer of 2021, right after the Coronavirus quarantine ended. The curator and coordinator, Mary Boone, wanted the event to showcase some of the Republicanism art from Northern Ireland (Belfast) and Irish culture/society as a statement about Protestant-Catholic rifts in the UK and the impact on modern globalization consciousness. Boone knew most people today cared about the petroleum politics of Israel-Palestine and OPEC and weren't as interested in this division between the Protestants and Catholics in Belfast, so the new political art exhibit at the Hood Museum would showcase some modernism relevant thinking about peaceful commerce and traffic!


The art pieces collected for the grand exhibit at the Hood would present some of the loud and outlandish political murals found everywhere in Belfast (Northern Ireland). These building-wall paintings depicted great Republican idealism and political rhetoric in the form of pictorial designs signifying historical characterizations and events designed to promote intriguing awareness of this deeply troubling separation between Protestants and Catholics in the UK. Why where the two dominant denominations in the global Christian community drifting apart in Belfast?


Hood coordinator Mary Boone knew from personal research that this was a socioeconomic problem in the UK and it spoke to Parliament's failures to address socioeconomic disparities between the two Christian communities (British Protestants and Irish Catholics) in Northern Ireland. In Belfast, the Irish Catholic minority had lived for years under a British Protestant majority population settled/descended from generations of English colonialists in mainland Ireland. Mary Boone knew that since socioeconomic divisions/disparity between Protestants and Catholics in Belfast was troubling, the murals in Northern Ireland spoke to a special 'folk art' tradition of translating politics into pedestrian life!


Boone employed a special US government ambassador to the Belfast consulate in Northern Ireland to mange securities and consult with media/PR for this political exhibit opening at Dartmouth College. Dartmouth was a prestigious Ivy League school founded to 'Christianize' Native-Americans originally and hence continued to develop over the generations as hub of theological seminary oriented thought which contributed to its neo-classical outlook on private-school education! Boone wanted this political exhibit at the Hood to represent a social understanding of how 'pedestrian art' in Northern Ireland spoke to a 'living consciousness' in the UK regarding the serious neglect of Protestant-Catholic rifts.


Meanwhile, the Hood Museum at Dartmouth College was proudly showcasing this Boone-managed exhibit to celebrate the embracing of modernism thinking as it related to new age democratic consciousness! This Belfast-murals exhibit speaking to a social neglect of Protestant-Catholic rifts in the UK among American college students who were equally 'blindsider' by all the new era petroleum politics imagination surrounding OPEC and Israel-Palestine would capture Dartmouth's commitment to neo-classical democratic dialogue in North America. After all, Irish-American US Presidents (Kennedy, Clinton) had offered their opinions/voices to this Protestant-Catholic problem in the UK in the 20th Century.


Mary Boone was nervous about the summer 2021 opening of the political exhibit at the Hood and simply wanted everything to go beautifully. She made sure there was adequate media talk about customs and etiquette as well as anti-terrorism dialogue and event security! She didn't want the event to be sullied by ideas about the frailty of free-speech and art approaches to globalization storytelling in the United States!


Well, the opening went very well. People appreciated the juxtaposition of classic and modern non-political art paired with the paintings and reprints of the extraordinary and loud Belfast-murals in Northern Ireland. There was an air of erudition and celebration of free-speech and open dialogue in the USA regarding Protestant-Catholic divisions that troubled everyday life in Belfast. People were seriously intrigued by the use of art to address the modern problem of socioeconomics-driven inter-religious dioramas!


One exhibit at the opening featured a portrait and video-profile and sculpture of the extraordinary CIA/P-IRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) underground operative Isaac Satan (code-name: 'Green Shadow')! Isaac (Green Shadow) worked to build bridges between P-IRA and Sinn Fein and Parliament to move the 'troubling war' between British Protestants and Irish Catholics in Belfast towards focused addresses of British miltary/police barracks conflicts and hurdles and the problem of anti-terrorism gauged controversial British police brutality and military violence sometimes directed at Protestant and Catholic civilians in Belfast out of pure frustration. Green Shadow wanted Parliament and Sinn Fein to be able to talk openly about how socioeconomic disparity between the two religious communities in Northern Ireland created troubling neighborhood schisms, glorifying terrorism and ignoring retaliatory police brutality. Green Shadow was therefore something like the 'Patrick Henry' of CIA/P-IRA movements in Northern Ireland, and the exhibit about his life and mission at the Hood Museum was advertised by Mary Boone as a 'typical example' of political dialogue in local folklore!


One of the event scholars/artists at the Hood opening was presenting his re-interpretation of an iconic book about the development of Irish thought in North America. This individual talked about the concept of 'fenianism' and how it related to 'Semitism' in North America and why Irish-Catholic Americans in the USA were compelled to ignore Protestant-Catholic rifts in Northern Ireland because of the petroleum politics priorities regarding Israel-Palestine/OPEC in capitalist America. Would such trends lead to 'anti-Fenianism' as it did 'anti-Semitism' even in the USA?


MARY BOONE: I so want to thank everyone for attending this deeply important sociopolitical art exhibit at the Hood at Dartmouth this weekend. I know it's hot and we're all just grateful for the end of the Coronavirus tribulation, so I truly hope this exhibit speaking to modern Protestant-Catholic troubles in the United Kingdom will lend new voices to the stirring discussion about community divisions threatening new age lifestyle visions of a special commercial design in this grand new age of dollar-driven decorations! Cheers,


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" (Ecclesiastes)

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