'The Russian Federation could collapse' because of Ukraine's counter-offensive

He makes a lot of sense.

Very sad. In essence Great Russians and Little Russians are the same people. This is not the first Civil War in Russia. This is the sixth one.

Time of Troubles -- early 1600s -- First Civil War.
Stepan Razin Rebellion -- 1671 -- Second Civil War.
Kondratii Bulavin Rebellion -- 1707-1708 -- Third Civil War.
Yemelian Pugachev Rebellion -- 1773-1774 -- Fourth Civil War.
Revolution -- 1917-1921 -- Fifth Civil War.
Ukraine -- 2022 -- Sixth Civil War.
Very sad. In essence Great Russians and Little Russians are the same people. This is not the first Civil War in Russia. This is the sixth one.

Time of Troubles -- early 1600s -- First Civil War.
Stepan Razin Rebellion -- 1671 -- Second Civil War.
Kondratii Bulavin Rebellion -- 1707-1708 -- Third Civil War.
Yemelian Pugachev Rebellion -- 1773-1774 -- Fourth Civil War.
Revolution -- 1917-1921 -- Fifth Civil War.
Ukraine -- 2022 -- Sixth Civil War.
This is not at all a civil war. Russia had recognized Ukraine as an independent sovereign nation and pledged to never violate its borders. Neither you nor Russia have any place among the civilized people of the world.

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