The Roosevelt Myths vs. The Facts


At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
MS. Chic, what I recognize is a charter member of the None So Blind club of disgruntled Republicans. I'll bet your nose ring even has fake rhinestones.'re passing up another opportunity to find any error in my OP?

You're content to post "is not, issss nooottttttt!"


See ya.'
At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
Why did the Great Depression not last more than a year or two when the GOP was in control?

Why did the Depression last a decade under FDR?

Answer: because he wanted it to.
I guess Hoover wanted it to last that long also..

You sure don't want to talk about the terrible job Roosevelt did, huh?

No wonder why.
When the facts are revealed, those who have been raised on hagiography, the "Roosevelt is God" groupies, don't try to deny the facts...the squeal like stuck pigs, they obfuscate, they attack the one revealing the facts.

Why not admit the truth?

Answer: because once any truth is admitted, the flood gates would open and their most closely held beliefs and worldview, i.e., Roosevelt and collectivist governance, would dissolve, like sand castles when the tide rolls in.

The opening statement is simply wacko. FDR's programs and ideas have outlasted the 20th Century and continue into the 21st Century. No other President of the 20th Century can compare to the lasting influence and legacy of FDR.
The opening statement is simply PoliticalChic telling everyone that if they would simply accept her warped and distorted opinions, everyone would understand and realize what a horrible leader FDR was and reject the opinions of the world's leading historians as well as the folks who lived during his era and re-elected him over and over.

Could you name one or two of FDR's programs that have outlasted the 20th century?
When the facts are revealed, those who have been raised on hagiography, the "Roosevelt is God" groupies, don't try to deny the facts...the squeal like stuck pigs, they obfuscate, they attack the one revealing the facts.

Why not admit the truth?

Answer: because once any truth is admitted, the flood gates would open and their most closely held beliefs and worldview, i.e., Roosevelt and collectivist governance, would dissolve, like sand castles when the tide rolls in.

The opening statement is simply wacko. FDR's programs and ideas have outlasted the 20th Century and continue into the 21st Century. No other President of the 20th Century can compare to the lasting influence and legacy of FDR.
The opening statement is simply PoliticalChic telling everyone that if they would simply accept her warped and distorted opinions, everyone would understand and realize what a horrible leader FDR was and reject the opinions of the world's leading historians as well as the folks who lived during his era and re-elected him over and over.

Could you name one or two of FDR's programs that have outlasted the 20th century?
Social Security
Tennessee Vally Authority
Farm Credit Administration
Federal Communications Commission
SEC and the Security Act of 1933
National Labor Relations Act
Fair Labor Standards Act (Established 40-hour work week)
2. Republicans prior to Hoover provided prosperity for the nation.
But Hoover only gave Americans, the Great Depression, then did nothing about it, and Americans were pissed, so, no GOP president was elected till the 1950's...
So you're saying Republicans have the Roaring 20's, the Greatest Generation and Morning in America while Democrats have the Great Depression, Malaise and Public Housing?
No, I am saying that the GOP had control when the market crashed for almost 4 years, yet the depression was not miraculously over by 4 years of ignoring the plight of the consumers or producers..

"If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most,and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling insteadprolonged the misery for over 10 years. Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933. "
Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed
Then the same goes with FDR... It was unlike all others because we had become a world exporter in markets ruined by WWI...We were also lending money to Germany in the 1920's to help their economy...

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
MS. Chic, what I recognize is a charter member of the None So Blind club of disgruntled Republicans. I'll bet your nose ring even has fake rhinestones.'re passing up another opportunity to find any error in my OP?

You're content to post "is not, issss nooottttttt!"


See ya.'

You know I never read your OPs
Tedious, deceptive and boring as all shit

Everyone reads my FDR quotes though
The facts and the truth of FDRs wretched performance speak for themselves. That's why we calmly keep presenting them to you.

The Progressives reflexive defense is to say, "but historians say he's great" as if that supercedes the facts.

We'll be waiting here when you finally wake up

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

The Great Depression was already three years old when FDR took office, so your 1-2 years was already past

FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work and taking care of those who needed it. He really didn't care if stock portfolios returned as quickly as possible

Like FDR said.....People don't eat in the long run

"FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work..."

In that case, he was a horrible failure.

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gonefrom Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 andUnemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. " “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

3. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.”

This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.
Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
Why did the Great Depression not last more than a year or two when the GOP was in control?

Why did the Depression last a decade under FDR?

Answer: because he wanted it to.
I guess Hoover wanted it to last that long also..

You sure don't want to talk about the terrible job Roosevelt did, huh?

No wonder why.
I believe that your hindsight is 20/20, but living in the times is much harder to see... You are judging only one man and a party.. I don't see the need for divisiveness over an issue which has long been over and the USA is the better for the leadership of the times...Both sides made mistakes, that is part of a learning experience that every generation has made..
The facts and the truth of FDRs wretched performance speak for themselves. That's why we calmly keep presenting them to you.

The Progressives reflexive defense is to say, "but historians say he's great" as if that supercedes the facts.

We'll be waiting here when you finally wake up
With baited breath...

The worker was well paid all along, you dunce.

1. Here is that view from demagogue Roosevelt, himself:
"Now it is worth remembering, and the cold figures of finance prove it, that during that time there was little or no drop in the prices that the consumer had to pay, although those same figures proved that the cost of production fell very greatly; corporate profit resulting from this period was enormous; at the same time little of that profit was devoted to the reduction of prices. The consumer was forgotten. Very little of it went into increased wages; the worker was forgotten, and by no means an adequate proportion was even paid out in dividends--the stockholder was forgotten."
Roosevelt's Nomination Address, Chicago, Ill., July 2, 1932

2.Here's the truth:
a. In 1921, the top 5% earned 25.47% of the nation's 1929, the top 5%'s share skyrocketed all the way up to ......26.09%!!!!

b. Corporate profits? They averaged 8.2% from 1900 to 1920. But what about from 1920 to 1929??? They remained at 8.2%.
For those in Rio Linda, that means that there was no upsurge in said profits during the decade.

c. But what about employee wages during the decade of the '20s?? They rose...from 55% to 60% of corporate income.

d. Wait...what about the percentage of GNP that went to consumption? Bet it fell, huh? Wrong.
It rose from 68% in 1920 to 75% in 1927, 1928, and 1929.
"Coolidge and the Historians," by Thomas B. Silver, p.124-136, and Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal," p.34-35

For clarity....are you a liar, or simply really, really dumb????


At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
MS. Chic, what I recognize is a charter member of the None So Blind club of disgruntled Republicans. I'll bet your nose ring even has fake rhinestones.'re passing up another opportunity to find any error in my OP?

You're content to post "is not, issss nooottttttt!"


See ya.'

You know I never read your OPs
Tedious, deceptive and boring as all shit

Everyone reads my FDR quotes though

This is the lie you tell when you are being thoroughly thrashed.

It's a 'tell' I look forward to.
My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.
Why did the Great Depression not last more than a year or two when the GOP was in control?

Why did the Depression last a decade under FDR?

Answer: because he wanted it to.
I guess Hoover wanted it to last that long also..

You sure don't want to talk about the terrible job Roosevelt did, huh?

No wonder why.
I believe that your hindsight is 20/20, but living in the times is much harder to see... You are judging only one man and a party.. I don't see the need for divisiveness over an issue which has long been over and the USA is the better for the leadership of the times...Both sides made mistakes, that is part of a learning experience that every generation has made..

"I believe that your hindsight is 20/20, but living in the times is much harder to see..."

FDR was warned, advise, and had studied Harding.

He knew what he was doing.

Case in point:
1. He did appoint Lewis Douglas as budget director. "A conservativeDemocrat, Douglas advocated fiscal responsibility ... a reputation as a man of principle. During theGreat Depressionhe adhered to the economic orthodoxy of his time, arguing that low tariffs and a balanced federal budget were essential requirements for an economic recovery..... Douglas's time as budget director proved frustrating."
Lewis Williams Douglas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Now then: did appointing Lewis Douglas mean that Roosevelt would carry out his promises? begin with, in March of 1933, he didn't fill his cabinet with persons committed to a balanced budget. A pretty much poke 'in your eye.'

a. Nah....instead the bunch put together the huge spending and administrative expansion of his first hundred day, Douglas knew the real deal.

b. Roosevelt expanded the federal government and ran up deficits much greater than those of Hoover.

3. Poor Douglas....Roosevelt would promise him cuts, then go to Rexford Tugwell and Harry Hopkins and give them whatever they wanted. Of course, the 'Brain Trust' was made up of socialists, fascists and communists....but, what the heck.

Douglas quit.

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

The Great Depression was already three years old when FDR took office, so your 1-2 years was already past

FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work and taking care of those who needed it. He really didn't care if stock portfolios returned as quickly as possible

Like FDR said.....People don't eat in the long run

"FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work..."

In that case, he was a horrible failure.

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gonefrom Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 andUnemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. " “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

3. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.”

This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

A picture is worth a thousand Political Chic cut and pastes

The facts and the truth of FDRs wretched performance speak for themselves. That's why we calmly keep presenting them to you.

The Progressives reflexive defense is to say, "but historians say he's great" as if that supercedes the facts.

We'll be waiting here when you finally wake up
With baited breath...

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

The Great Depression was already three years old when FDR took office, so your 1-2 years was already past

FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work and taking care of those who needed it. He really didn't care if stock portfolios returned as quickly as possible

Like FDR said.....People don't eat in the long run

"FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work..."

In that case, he was a horrible failure.

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gonefrom Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 andUnemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. " “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

3. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.”

This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

A picture is worth a thousand Political Chic cut and pastes


Let's have Schlesinger interpret it for you:

1. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .
Your point?

The Depression was already going for three years when FDR took office. Hoovers "Prosperity is just around the corner" was a took FDR to actually DO something

The greatness of FDR was that he realized that the depression was more about the suffering of the poor than about the profits for the rich

My point?

At your advanced age, one would imagine that you recognize this truth:

Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Prior to the 'Great Depression,' this nation had over thirty economic downturns.
They lasted 1-2 years.

Roosevelt, by design, in order to undermine our nation's foundings, extended the depression by a factor of four or five times....along with the agony inflicted on the people.

So....quoting words merely is simply an exercise in what you always do.....lie.

The Great Depression was already three years old when FDR took office, so your 1-2 years was already past

FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work and taking care of those who needed it. He really didn't care if stock portfolios returned as quickly as possible

Like FDR said.....People don't eat in the long run

"FDRs policies were directed at easing suffering, putting people back to work..."

In that case, he was a horrible failure.

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gonefrom Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 andUnemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. " “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

3. March 4, 1933, in his first Inaugural Address, FDR said “Our greatest primary task is to put people to work.”

This meant that the New Deal was a wretched, ill-conceived failure.

A picture is worth a thousand Political Chic cut and pastes


Let's have Schlesinger interpret it for you:

1. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

No question FDR bungled the 1937 crash. He was believing his numbers and thought he had the depression licked. He gave in to the right and slashed spending to balance the budget (sounds like Republicans today doesn't it?). The result was a hike in unemployment by 9%

FDR learned not to listen to Republicans again

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