The Road to Auschwitz Ran Through American Genocide. Part V

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.


That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.


The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:





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1 it is worth noting that the vast majority of indian deaths were from disease. If the explorers were all gandi clones armed with nerf swords, the death toll would have been pretty much the same.

2. At least one of your pictures, is from a disney movie, and the character is an European nobleman. So, that is insanely dishonest of you.
1 it is worth noting that the vast majority of indian deaths were from disease. If the explorers were all gandi clones armed with nerf swords, the death toll would have been pretty much the same.

2. At least one of your pictures, is from a disney movie, and the character is an European nobleman. So, that is insanely dishonest of you.

1. Well, if you are such a supporter of accuracy and a decent person, then it should be said that many Indian nations died out of diseases brought to the continent as a result of the so-called "Colombian exchange." And I write about it.

Would you like to insist that genocide of Native Americans did not take place in America? Or do you think that genocide was only when the Jews were exterminated????

2. Yes, the pictures are really taken from a set of American caricatures, so what? You want to say that in the fables that the Christian church was actively dissolving among the colonists, the Native Indians looked EVEN worse???

3. It is immoral to believe that the Indians, Germans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Palestinians may be exterminated. As a scientist, I’m trying to explore the roots of dehumanization of American public consciousness, the carrier of which, as I see from the commentary, you are ...
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?

1 it is worth noting that the vast majority of indian deaths were from disease. If the explorers were all gandi clones armed with nerf swords, the death toll would have been pretty much the same.

2. At least one of your pictures, is from a disney movie, and the character is an European nobleman. So, that is insanely dishonest of you.

1. Well, if you are such a supporter of accuracy and a decent person, then it should be said that many Indian nations died out of diseases brought to the continent as a result of the so-called "Colombian exchange." And I write about it.

Would you like to insist that genocide of Native Americans did not take place in America? Or do you think that genocide was only when the Jews were exterminated????

2. Yes, the pictures are really taken from a set of American caricatures, so what? You want to say that in the fables that the Christian church was actively dissolving among the colonists, the Native Indians looked EVEN worse???

3. It is immoral to believe that the Indians, Germans, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Palestinians may be exterminated. As a scientist, I’m trying to explore the roots of dehumanization of American public consciousness, the carrier of which, as I see from the commentary, you are ...

1. Calling the effects of the spread of disease "genocide" is not accurate or honest.

2. At least one of the pictures is from a modern disney film, yet is presented as though it was from colonial literature of the time. That is dishonest of you. And I'm pretty sure that is not the only one.

3. Your claim that you are trying to explore the roots of dehumanization are undermined by your use of disney movie art and ignoring of the fact that the vast majority of deaths were the result of disease, and not murder.
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



there was no America when the so-called genocide occurred America as a country didn't exist yet so the so-called genocide needs to be contributed mostly to the Spanish
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



What happened to Native American civilization after the arrival of European colonists is certainly a tragedy. But humanity has been slaughtering and stealing land since day 1. Only in the past few decades have we become enlightened enough to begin wondering if that's immoral. We still think it's fine, of course, but hey, baby steps.
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



there was no America when the so-called genocide occurred America as a country didn't exist yet so the so-called genocide needs to be contributed mostly to the Spanish

Oh, NO! Please, read all five chapters. The US colonists contributed much to the American genoside. It is NOT "So-called", it is a well-documented fact.

Your try to refuse to accept responsibility for it once again shows to what extent our society is either hypocritical or mentally ill. Or both...

the blankets infected with smallpox and poisonous food were passed on to the native Americans by American colonists (authorities), not Spaniards ...

And they shot unarmed Native Americans or deported the Spaniards from their territories ALSO ???

The mass executions of unarmed Native Americans or the deportation of Native Americans from their territories were also carried out by the Spaniards ???

The Mystic massacre
The Indian Removal Act
The Sand Creek massacre
And hundreds of others

In a speech before representatives of Native American peoples in June, 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom apologized for the genocide.

Newsom said, "That’s what it was, a genocide. No other way to describe it. And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books."
Last edited:
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



What happened to Native American civilization after the arrival of European colonists is certainly a tragedy. But humanity has been slaughtering and stealing land since day 1. Only in the past few decades have we become enlightened enough to begin wondering if that's immoral. We still think it's fine, of course, but hey, baby steps.

Thank you for the comment. This comment proves that decent people remained in America who recognize the tragic and anti-human deeds of their ancestors.

But I am very embarrassed by the fact that when I pointed out such a positive feature of Mr. Trump’s administration’s policy as reluctance to kill OTHERS and send YOURS to death, this infuriated some of the Democrats. It is no coincidence that The Wall Street Journal once called the Democratic Party "the party of war"...
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed

WHO told you I took you SERIOUSLY???!

Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



there was no America when the so-called genocide occurred America as a country didn't exist yet so the so-called genocide needs to be contributed mostly to the Spanish

Oh, NO! Please, read all five chapters. The US colonists contributed much to the American genoside. It is NOT "So-called", it is a well-documented fact.

Your try to refuse to accept responsibility for it once again shows to what extent our society is either hypocritical or mentally ill. Or both...

the blankets infected with smallpox and poisonous food were passed on to the native Americans by American colonists (authorities), not Spaniards ...

And they shot unarmed Native Americans or deported the Spaniards from their territories ALSO ???

The mass executions of unarmed Native Americans or the deportation of Native Americans from their territories were also carried out by the Spaniards ???

The Mystic massacre
The Indian Removal Act
The Sand Creek massacre
And hundreds of others

In a speech before representatives of Native American peoples in June, 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom apologized for the genocide.

Newsom said, "That’s what it was, a genocide. No other way to describe it. And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books."
Dude any colonists who had smallpox died, they did not use the disease as germ warfare. However if the Indians had no prior exposure to this their immunity would be less
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed

WHO told you I took you SERIOUSLY???!

Who takes nerds posting Disney characters seriously
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:




Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



there was no America when the so-called genocide occurred America as a country didn't exist yet so the so-called genocide needs to be contributed mostly to the Spanish

Oh, NO! Please, read all five chapters. The US colonists contributed much to the American genoside. It is NOT "So-called", it is a well-documented fact.

Your try to refuse to accept responsibility for it once again shows to what extent our society is either hypocritical or mentally ill. Or both...

the blankets infected with smallpox and poisonous food were passed on to the native Americans by American colonists (authorities), not Spaniards ...

And they shot unarmed Native Americans or deported the Spaniards from their territories ALSO ???

The mass executions of unarmed Native Americans or the deportation of Native Americans from their territories were also carried out by the Spaniards ???

The Mystic massacre
The Indian Removal Act
The Sand Creek massacre
And hundreds of others

In a speech before representatives of Native American peoples in June, 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom apologized for the genocide.

Newsom said, "That’s what it was, a genocide. No other way to describe it. And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books."
Dude any colonists who had smallpox died, they did not use the disease as germ warfare. However if the Indians had no prior exposure to this their immunity would be less

To begin with, your tone regarding the Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy is not permissible.

As for the fact that everyone who became infected with smallpox died - this is a great exaggeration, which shows your ignorance of the subject.

Those who had smallpox and recovered were never sick again. Smallpox disfigured the faces of those who were ill, sometimes people lost their sight.

Your thesis that “the smallpox colonists all died” is the fruit of your ignorance and fiction. All the colonists had developed immunity by then.

Smallpox mortality seems to have peaked in London in the 1760s, before declining slowly, and then rapidly after 1800 (both as a proportion of burials, and as absolute numbers of burials reported in the London Bills) . The rapid decline in smallpox burials after 1800 coincided with the widespread adoption of Jenner's cowpox vaccination method, and despite incomplete coverage and low levels of re-vaccination, vaccination programmes succeeded in reducing smallpox to a relatively minor cause of death by the beginning of civil registration in 1837.

However, the cause of the slower decline in smallpox burial totals before 1800 remains obscure. The practice of inoculation (deliberate infection with attenuated smallpox virus to confer immunity) became popular in the 1760s with the introduction of a safer and more effective procedure (known as the ‘Suttonian method’)
The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London
Were you abused by Michael Jackson at Neverland as a child?


Men do not take fools seriously, unless they are dangerous and need to be committed
Servants of Satan in the Cassocks

The Christian Church, both Catholic and Baptist, made a decisive contribution to the genocide of the American Indians, forming in the minds of intellectually limited, poorly educated, but greedy people an extremely negative stereotype of the “Indian”, according to which he did not even belong to the human race ... Therefore, not only that hordes of Englishmen — professional killers who had tempered their skills in destroying the Catholic population of Northern Ireland — were drawn to America, but the vast majority of the colonists had a clearly defined by priests the idea that they were dealing with human-like, “monstrous races” but not people ...

Theoretical sources of this perception of OTHERS originate from in the writings of Homer, Ctesias, Megasthenes, dating back as far as the eight century B.C. – along even with the earlier parallels in the Ancient Near East.

The major compilation describing the appearance and character of the different “monstrous races” belongs to Pliny the Elder with his first century A.D.” Natural History”. In thirty six volumes Pliny seriously writes about the existence of different people, living in far off lands.

View attachment 284373

That is how they looked:

their feet turned backwards, upper or lower lips are so large that they curl them back over their heads to use as umbrellas. They walk upside down. They walk on all fours. They are covered with hair. They have no mouths and nourish themselves by smelling their food. They have neither heads nor necks. Their faces are embedded in their chests. They have one two or three eyes. They have heads of dogs and breathe flames. They have one leg but run very fast. The leg contains an enormous foot they shield themselves from the sun. They may be gigantic or small in size. They have six fingers of six hands. They have hooves instead of feet. They have ears so long they use them as blankets. Their women conceive at age five and die by eight. Their children are born with white hair that turns black as they grow (that is also a crime to get involved in sex so young! A young lady caught in premarital sex in Middle Ages was supposed to be sold as a slave… (My understanding is that we have this law in America today, there will be no girls in age of 12 to 16… - A.F.)


These races spoke strangely. “Barbarians” were literally barbaraphonoi , or those speech sounded “bar bar” to Greek ear. They ate and drank strange foods and potions, from insects to human flesh to dog’s milk. They went unclothed or covered with animal skins. They used crude weapons of war, clubs or other wooden objects, or were ignorant of weaponry at all. They lived in small communities, not urban environments.”

Once integrated into primitive Christian thinking the monstrous races were associated with the lineage of Cain, which meant that they were actual creatures whose strangeness was part of their deserved sufferings as result of their progenitor’s sin. That is why all the Europeans - colonists considered themselves to be “chosen” people (competing with Jews), the inhabitants of the center and most civil domain of human life.

The further removed from the center anything in nature was, the further it was removed from God… The fact “monstrous” races were said to live on the distant extremes of the earthy realm was the crucial element of their racial “otherness”. The fact that monstrous races lived on the distant extremes of the Earth was the crucial element in their radical “otherness”. It was so great that their alienation from the world of God – or the gods that they were denied the label of “man”.


Actually that was a great theological problem for the church … Saint Augustine wrote in his “The City of God” that “whoever is born anywhere as a human being, … however strange he may appear to our senses in bodily form or color or motion or utterance… let not true believer have any doubt that such an individual is descended from one man who was first created”.

But there was a loophole in his theory as far as how to judge who descended from whom. Some races might seem to be human, but are not. Stories circulated all around medieval Europe of creatures with hooves for feet, with claws. Or even about the people with heads of dogs who ate human flesh – the dog-headed creatures with “long hair, and eyes glittering like the morning star in their heads, with teeth like the tusks of a wild boar”. And, so, these creatures were incapable of being converted into Christianity and were not of a human kind.

As far as nudity of the wild people contradicted the Christian medieval ascetic ethics (this ethic did not interfere with the holy men practice to abuse sexually thousands of beautiful women and if they refused – to burn them in fires - and caused “unhealthy” interested of the sexually suppressed men and women of the time, so as far as contradicted the pure hearts of innocent Christian citizens, wild men and women had to be associated with devil and had to be eradicated.

The notion of wilderness to the European mind of that time suggested “everything that eluded Christian norms and the established framework of Christian Society, referring to what was uncanny, unruly, raw, unpredictable, foreign, “uncultured” and “uncultivated”. The wild man, in this sense, was only the distant personification of the beast-like baseness that existed within even the most holy of the Church’s saints, the beast-like baseness that must be overcome – if necessary by terrifying campaigns of violence – in which any Christian soldier of adventurer to attain a proper state of holiness. Wild woman and wild men “must cease to exist, must either be civilized or sacrificed to civilization which means eradicated.

View attachment 284376

The racist anti-human theory was formulated and launched to be introduced into the minds of future colonists. And all this looks like a targeted psychological brainwashing of the population in the light of the future destruction of the indigenous population of America

One of the religious theorists of the time, Anthony Pagden, wrote:

“… the highest member of one species always approaches in form to the lowest of the next… … the wonderful linkage of beings” – a place for a “man” who is so close to the border with the beast, that he is no longer fully recognizable by other men as a member of the same species”.

The Church theological scholars were certain that in the murky zones of species there lived creatures who may have seemed bestial, but MIGHT become the holiest of saints it treated with Christian care or become, as Aquinas wrote, “the animated instruments of service” to civilized Christian humanity. Or those residents of darky and shadowy lands, the distant descendants of the children of Adam and Eva, have fallen below the condition of animality itself and can be slained with impunity”.

I guess everyone perceives all that as a theoretical base both for American shameful slavery, German Nazi concentration camps and the South-African apartheid. Everyone knows that the Jewish community of South Africa used to be the richest in the world.

In sum, the wilderness and the carnal wild man within the wilderness was to be confronted by the Christendom, confronted and converted, domesticated, or … destroyed.


The above-mentioned religious theories created a framework and the psychological foundations of the American genocide.

The Wheel of History made a revolution and only in a few centuries, a fairly talented forever hungry Vienna natural landscape artist from the Austrian town of Linz will start carefully studying this satanic theory and use it as one of the theoretical pillars of the German National Socialism, which the Germans themselves will ultimately become a victim of ...

The former artist and later the leader of the German nation in his speech at the NSDAP party convention in September 1937 was assailing the rulers of “Jewish Bolshevism” and invoked his racist worldview, according to which the Jews were definitely not mentally or morally superior but rather in both respects an inferior race, though and though.

A little time will pass and a former artist and the current Chancellor of Germany will make a statement in Reichstag that “should the war again occur, the result would be the extermination of the Jewish race in Europe”.

And adults and children throughout Germany will sing songs of the following content:

«Place the Jews and the bog shots against the wall,

Through the Jewish gangs out of our German Fatherland,

Send them to Palestine and there cut their throats,

So will they never be able to come back again’’


Do you remember the cries of American Christian misanthropes at the Denver Colorado Opera House:


The Wheel of History made another revolution and the boomerang of Pain, Sufferings and Death, launched into the native inhabitants of America, returned to Europe...

The Bloodied Wheel of History made another half turn and the members of the U.S. Air Force 77th Tactical Fighter Squadron were singing their new song:

“Phantom flyers in the sky,

Persian-pukes prepare to die,

Rolling in with snake and nape,

Allah creates but we cremate”.


The shooter reports to the commander:

«Ready for the turkey shoot”.

And the pilot is reporting to the tower:

“Ready to go to exterminate the “cockroaches “.

Through interference on the air, he heard the roar of a crowd chanting:



there was no America when the so-called genocide occurred America as a country didn't exist yet so the so-called genocide needs to be contributed mostly to the Spanish

Oh, NO! Please, read all five chapters. The US colonists contributed much to the American genoside. It is NOT "So-called", it is a well-documented fact.

Your try to refuse to accept responsibility for it once again shows to what extent our society is either hypocritical or mentally ill. Or both...

the blankets infected with smallpox and poisonous food were passed on to the native Americans by American colonists (authorities), not Spaniards ...

And they shot unarmed Native Americans or deported the Spaniards from their territories ALSO ???

The mass executions of unarmed Native Americans or the deportation of Native Americans from their territories were also carried out by the Spaniards ???

The Mystic massacre
The Indian Removal Act
The Sand Creek massacre
And hundreds of others

In a speech before representatives of Native American peoples in June, 2019, California governor Gavin Newsom apologized for the genocide.

Newsom said, "That’s what it was, a genocide. No other way to describe it. And that’s the way it needs to be described in the history books."
Dude any colonists who had smallpox died, they did not use the disease as germ warfare. However if the Indians had no prior exposure to this their immunity would be less

To begin with, your tone regarding the Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy is not permissible.

As for the fact that everyone who became infected with smallpox died - this is a great exaggeration, which shows your ignorance of the subject.

Those who had smallpox and recovered were never sick again. Smallpox disfigured the faces of those who were ill, sometimes people lost their sight.

Your thesis that “the smallpox colonists all died” is the fruit of your ignorance and fiction. All the colonists had developed immunity by then.

Smallpox mortality seems to have peaked in London in the 1760s, before declining slowly, and then rapidly after 1800 (both as a proportion of burials, and as absolute numbers of burials reported in the London Bills) . The rapid decline in smallpox burials after 1800 coincided with the widespread adoption of Jenner's cowpox vaccination method, and despite incomplete coverage and low levels of re-vaccination, vaccination programmes succeeded in reducing smallpox to a relatively minor cause of death by the beginning of civil registration in 1837.

However, the cause of the slower decline in smallpox burial totals before 1800 remains obscure. The practice of inoculation (deliberate infection with attenuated smallpox virus to confer immunity) became popular in the 1760s with the introduction of a safer and more effective procedure (known as the ‘Suttonian method’)
The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London

Look fuckwad, no one at the time knew what smallpox was, no one even knew what a germ was, thus biological warfare using blankets as germ delivery vehicles was FULLY IMPOSSIBLE. But your small brain can not connect the dots

Now go play with your mother, again
1 it is worth noting that the vast majority of indian deaths were from disease. If the explorers were all gandi clones armed with nerf swords, the death toll would have been pretty much the same.

2. At least one of your pictures, is from a disney movie, and the character is an European nobleman. So, that is insanely dishonest of you.

Just a couple of questions: Who are the authors of the following statements - to misanthropes Columbus, Cortes, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Caddafi:

1."... lay waste all settlements around... that the country may not be merely overrun but destroyed, ... don't listen to any overture of piece before the total ruin of their ... is effected". (They) both being beasts of prey, tho' different in shape"

2. " ... the whole ... Nation ought to be scurged".

3.(They are) "savage dogs"

4. (Kill ... women and children who were hiding, in order to complete their extermination: to do otherwise was equivalent to pursuing "a wolf in the hamocks without knowing first where her den and whelps were"


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