The rise of the disingenuous UNEQUAL "equals"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Tragically, we see it all across the United States today. That sect of our population who believes that the rules do not apply to them. They expect you to share your wealth - but they won't share their's. They expect you to accept something which is against your belief system, but they won't accept something against their's. If it is something they like, they apply their position one way. If it is something they don't like, they refuse to apply that position the exact same way. And here it is once again. Diana Delgado Cornejo is an illegal alien. Now - to be fair - she seems like a perfectly nice person. No reason to believe she is out committing crimes. The article (if accurate) indicates that she has tried hard to assimilate into American culture, and she's currently in college getting her education. But none of that changes the fact that she is still an illegal alien.

Her and some students at the University of Loyola Marymount erected a wall mocking Donald Trump. On it they wrote "No human being is illegal" and "Dreams have no borders". And this is where I take serious issue with these disingenuous unequal "equals". Somewhere right now is a homeless man with big dreams. Is he allowed to force his way into their home/dorm room/apartment to make sure he has a roof over his head and stay as long as he wants? What do you think would happen if he did do that? I can tell you - these disingenuous jerks would call the police and have the man arrested. They would exhibit zero compassion for him or his plight. Right now there is a woman and her children who are really hungry. How many of these illegal alien students have shared their student meal plans with them? None. Zip. Zero.

You see - these disingenuous unequal "equals" refuse to apply their position consistently. They apply it only when it benefits them. If it benefits someone else at their expense, then they refuse to accept their own position. If "dreams have no borders" then that extends to the borders of their home/apartment/dorm room - and they must open that up to all of society without question. You can't hold that position only when it benefits you in a major way, and deny to everyone else when it benefits them. It's the worst form of hypocrisy, it's the worst form of selfishness, and sadly it embodies the entire liberal ideology today. And here is the worst part - if "dreams have no borders" - then that extends to your body as well liberal college ladies. Who are you to deny a man their dream to your body? Your body has no "borders" by your logic.

Either a nation has rules and laws that must be obeyed in order to build a civilized society or it doesn't. You can't pick and choose when to follow the law and when not to based on when it is advantageous to you and when it isn't.

Loyola Marymount's 'Trump' wall sparks strong feelings on campus
Another good example here:

Harvard Students Feel Guilty About Their ‘Privilege’

And yet none of them voluntarily surrender their spot at Harvard so that a minority can take their place and get a premier Ivy League education. See, they won't apply their position to themselves. Everyone else must make sacrifices, but not them.

The Absurd Demands of Harvard Students Who Feel Guilty About Their 'Privilege'
Another good example here:

Harvard Students Feel Guilty About Their ‘Privilege’

And yet none of them voluntarily surrender their spot at Harvard so that a minority can take their place and get a premier Ivy League education. See, they won't apply their position to themselves. Everyone else must make sacrifices, but not them.

The Absurd Demands of Harvard Students Who Feel Guilty About Their 'Privilege'
Kids say the darnedest things, because ignorance is a lack of experience...

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