The richest of the rich are supporting hilary...I wonder what they know about her tax plan......


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....the wealthiest people in the country.....are supporting hilary clinton.........I wonder why?

Clinton Cash: Billionaires Donate to Hillary 20-to-1 over Trump - Breitbart

Hedge fund billionaire George Soros is the biggest spender among donors on the index, giving almost $11.9 million to Clinton’s cause. A Hungarian immigrant to the U.S., Soros is the 17th-richest person in the country with $24.7 billion, according to the index. The co-founder of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies — and former NSA codebreaker — James Simons, is the second-biggest spender, giving $7 million to Clinton.
Yep....the wealthiest people in the country.....are supporting hilary clinton.........I wonder why?

Clinton Cash: Billionaires Donate to Hillary 20-to-1 over Trump - Breitbart

or maybe smart money knows that Donald is a train wreck and a horrible businesman

No....they have already paid for hilary through her foundation.......she is bought and paid for...sadly for them...clinton's don't stay bought....

2aguy has managed to ---ENUNCIATE (well---put into words---writing) that which I have kind 'felt' about Hillary (thanks
guy) She is a FRIGGIN' ARISTOCRAT at heart on the
level of that "let them eat cake" bitch from Versailles (not
that I believe that libel on poor little Marie Antoinette---but the phrase really does describe Hillary). I do believe that Trump---rich bastard that he is----is far more interested in FIXING
the economic crisis that the bulk of americans face than is
"kiss my ass" Hillary
Yep....the wealthiest people in the country.....are supporting hilary clinton.........I wonder why?

Clinton Cash: Billionaires Donate to Hillary 20-to-1 over Trump - Breitbart

Hedge fund billionaire George Soros is the biggest spender among donors on the index, giving almost $11.9 million to Clinton’s cause. A Hungarian immigrant to the U.S., Soros is the 17th-richest person in the country with $24.7 billion, according to the index. The co-founder of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies — and former NSA codebreaker — James Simons, is the second-biggest spender, giving $7 million to Clinton.

In public they demonize the 1%, while in private they are stuffing their bank accounts with the 1% money. The rank and file Democrats are fine with it because they are too stupid to understand what is happening.
keep money off shore in corporate account, that does not do anything, or joint with child, or different name, not subject to death tax.

Some mega billionaires seem to agree with paying more taxes, too rich they don't care. Most money is in self named charity not personal account. Most property in business account.
Yep....the wealthiest people in the country.....are supporting hilary clinton.........I wonder why?

Clinton Cash: Billionaires Donate to Hillary 20-to-1 over Trump - Breitbart

Hedge fund billionaire George Soros is the biggest spender among donors on the index, giving almost $11.9 million to Clinton’s cause. A Hungarian immigrant to the U.S., Soros is the 17th-richest person in the country with $24.7 billion, according to the index. The co-founder of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies — and former NSA codebreaker — James Simons, is the second-biggest spender, giving $7 million to Clinton.

In public they demonize the 1%, while in private they are stuffing their bank accounts with the 1% money. The rank and file Democrats are fine with it because they are too stupid to understand what is happening.

yes yes----and FINALLY getting to HAVE THE LIFE-STYLE OF THE 1%. My sense of Trump-----which---is just
a sense (ie I have no data ---just female intuition) ---HE DOES NOT SEEK THE OBSCENE TOO DAMNED rich life-style that Hillary craves (bill too)

I am a registered democrat-----IMHO ---Trump is more democrat than is Hillary
Yep....the wealthiest people in the country.....are supporting hilary clinton.........I wonder why?

Clinton Cash: Billionaires Donate to Hillary 20-to-1 over Trump - Breitbart

Hedge fund billionaire George Soros is the biggest spender among donors on the index, giving almost $11.9 million to Clinton’s cause. A Hungarian immigrant to the U.S., Soros is the 17th-richest person in the country with $24.7 billion, according to the index. The co-founder of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies — and former NSA codebreaker — James Simons, is the second-biggest spender, giving $7 million to Clinton.

In public they demonize the 1%, while in private they are stuffing their bank accounts with the 1% money. The rank and file Democrats are fine with it because they are too stupid to understand what is happening.

yes yes----and FINALLY getting to HAVE THE LIFE-STYLE OF THE 1%. My sense of Trump-----which---is just
a sense (ie I have no data ---just female intuition) ---HE DOES NOT SEEK THE OBSCENE TOO DAMNED rich life-style that Hillary craves (bill too)

I am a registered democrat-----IMHO ---Trump is more democrat than is Hillary
I spoke a bit broadly. I know many Democrats, mainly Sanders fans, that understand and will not vote for Hillary. Trump is a moderate Democrat with a nationalist streak in him. I'll take that any day over Hillary who has repeatedly used US tax dollars on her friends that donate to her slush fund.

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