The Republic is Dead; Short Live the Crypto-fascist Regime!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Definitions used:

Fascism; an ideology that states the state should have the following characteristics -
1) alliance between largest corporations and the government,
2) the state having the legal power to arrest anyone at any time and press no charges,
3) restrictions on freedom of speech and privacy,
4) is led by a chief executive who has the power to decree any change in law he wants without review or consent by the people or their representatives,
5) the public subject to propaganda that the nation is in constant danger and so all must support the central state or be labeled traitors, and
6) exessive incarceration.

Republic; a state that has the following characteristics -
1) distribution of power into separate institutions,
2) the citizenry possesses broad rights that the government can not simply ignore,
3) the scope of the government's power is deliberately limited,
4) a portion of the government's officers are elected by a segment of the population.

Crypto - hidden, disguised, camouflaged

We have seen in the past 10 years under Bush and Obama the federal government acquire powers over our people that would have made FDR blush. In peace time, our government can seize any resource, any funds, any property, and any human being and compel them to work without compensation, i.e. slavery. These were previous to Obama limited to war time or emergency areas, but Obama has broadened them to peace time non-emergency conditions anywhere and at any time. Looking at how Obama has constantly amended the ACA laws he supported, we now have a President who can rule by decree. Looking at how the ACA was developed, corporate interests matter more to our government than what the American people want, and the cynics will say it has always been this way, but that is a lie often used to protect the corrupt and no honest man should believe it. That corruption existed before today does not prove the corruption has not grown and become worse. International corporations now own the US government. And our own government spies on us at an incredible saturation once believed paranoid previous to Snowdens treachery. It has been shown that our government has even contracted the British government to spy on us when they could not do so legally, even under these draconian 'Patriot Act' laws.

We have the highest documented incarceration rate of any nation on the planet, comparable to that of North Korea, and most of it due to convictions regarding nonviolent crime. But now corporations, some partially owned by the judges and lawyers in the system themselves, now make money off each criminal in jail and so we have incentivized our legal system to incarcerate our own citizens for harmless infractions that pose no direct threat to anyone either physically or financially. This amounts to a legal form of slavery and indentured servitude.

A US citizen can now be designated as a terrorist by the government and then be subject to arrest without being charged, confined indefinitely without access to legal council, without access to family and friends or anyone other than his jailors. The government can even, after designating you a terrorist, have you assassinated, all legally. There is no legal check on who the government can designate as a terrorist, nor any definition of what process and criteria are used.

Our government has been exposed as lying to the American people about a huge range of issues from Ruby Ridge to Fukushima to the NSA scandal. Corporations now own our electoral process as they flood the political system with their money and then use their elected puppets to give them huge amounts of US currency, currently at the rate of $85,000,000,000 each MONTH. We are being robbed in broad daylight and the people are too distracted, confused and misled by its own press, a press that is owned by the same corporations that are fleecing the public via the controlled politicians.

Julius Caesar destroyed the Roman Republic not by declaring it ended, but by letting the form of that government continue while he changed the process to make the Senate and other institutions of that republic impotent and irrelevant by simply ruling by decree.

We are seeing the same thing happen today, only we are seeing the head of state being changed every 8 least for now. Such a revolving dictatorship does not change the dicatorial nature of the office, but only aids in the camouflage of that office as not what it truly is; a dictatorial office with the legal right to execute and incarcerate in hidden cells any member of the American public.

THAT is fascism.

At least some are becoming aware of it....

[ame=]AMERICA, Freedom to Fascism (Full length film) - YouTube[/ame]
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JimB would be correct but most knuckleheads in these forums think we have some ideological struggle going on......they pick a side and beat their chest with the little victories here and there.......while the Big Boys laugh their balls off.

JimB.....something to bookmark my friend >>>

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Correct, but many years late. Wilson, and prior to him Lincoln, imprisoned opponents, closed opposition papers, and ignored habeas corpus. Each treated the government coffers as a money funnel to their corporate sponsors.
Correct, but many years late. Wilson, and prior to him Lincoln, imprisoned opponents, closed opposition papers, and ignored habeas corpus. Each treated the government coffers as a money funnel to their corporate sponsors.

Didn't he do that as a war emergency power, much like Lincoln?
Patriots on the left and the right as well as those of the middle all sense the death of this democratic Republic.

Some of them joined and were fooled by OWS, others joined and were fooled by the TEA PARTY.

But most did so ONLY with the hope of reviving the grand old republic.

The only advice I can give is this...


And anyone who seeks to make you hate your neighbor is seeking to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
The enemy is those citizens who refuse to get involved in their basic duty of being informed and voting.

If they would do so, the country would easily withstand the nonsense from the far right and the far left.
Patriots on the left and the right as well as those of the middle all sense the death of this democratic Republic.

Some of them joined and were fooled by OWS, others joined and were fooled by the TEA PARTY.
But most did so ONLY with the hope of reviving the grand old republic.

The only advice I can give is this...


And anyone who seeks to make you hate your neighbor is seeking to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

I think the ones doing the fooling are the leaders; most of the rank and file were honest people, though I think the OWS group got pretty silly over time.

Look at this video and listen to the cries of 'Mindcheck!' when anyone said anything they disagreed with.

[ame=]Occupy Atlanta Silences Civil Rights Hero John Lewis! - YouTube[/ame]
Patriots on the left and the right as well as those of the middle all sense the death of this democratic Republic.

Some of them joined and were fooled by OWS, others joined and were fooled by the TEA PARTY.

But most did so ONLY with the hope of reviving the grand old republic.

The only advice I can give is this...


And anyone who seeks to make you hate your neighbor is seeking to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

that is true, but when half a year ago I started the thread with a question to the left - are they willing to join ranks ( provided they are OWS types) with TP - the answer was usual bickering, smear and pledge of allegiance to dimocrap plantation.

So far the fascist regime really has the grip over the stupid sheeple.

And then it will be too late.

It is actually amazing to observe the repeat of history even if it is with predictable atrocious results.
Correct, but many years late. Wilson, and prior to him Lincoln, imprisoned opponents, closed opposition papers, and ignored habeas corpus. Each treated the government coffers as a money funnel to their corporate sponsors.

Didn't he do that as a war emergency power, much like Lincoln?
If one can simply ignore or suspend notice of constitutionally protected freedoms in times of stress, what meaning do they have when things are easy?
Patriots on the left and the right as well as those of the middle all sense the death of this democratic Republic.

Some of them joined and were fooled by OWS, others joined and were fooled by the TEA PARTY.

But most did so ONLY with the hope of reviving the grand old republic.

The only advice I can give is this...


And anyone who seeks to make you hate your neighbor is seeking to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
I think the ones doing the fooling are the leaders; most of the rank and file were honest people, though I think the OWS group got pretty silly over time.

I agree that OWS got a bit silly after a while, but I still think they stayed true to their roots longer than the Tea Party. Republicans took over the Tea Party, and now it is being funded by the same corporate interests OWS was speaking out against. That's why one movement still exists, and the other doesn't.
I think the ones doing the fooling are the leaders; most of the rank and file were honest people, though I think the OWS group got pretty silly over time.

I agree that OWS got a bit silly after a while, but I still think they stayed true to their roots longer than the Tea Party. Republicans took over the Tea Party, and now it is being funded by the same corporate interests OWS was speaking out against. That's why one movement still exists, and the other doesn't.

^ that

As to the OP, JimCrowie1958 & his chicken little "sky is falling" threads. :eusa_doh: NEWSFLASH JimCrowie1958!!! The sky was falling from 2000-2006 (complete Repub control of gov't) & where were you?
I think the ones doing the fooling are the leaders; most of the rank and file were honest people, though I think the OWS group got pretty silly over time.

I agree that OWS got a bit silly after a while, but I still think they stayed true to their roots longer than the Tea Party. Republicans took over the Tea Party, and now it is being funded by the same corporate interests OWS was speaking out against. That's why one movement still exists, and the other doesn't.

^ that

As to the OP, JimCrowie1958 & his chicken little "sky is falling" threads. :eusa_doh: NEWSFLASH JimCrowie1958!!! The sky was falling from 2000-2006 (complete Repub control of gov't) & where were you?

Raising hell about Bush and his neocon allies, that is where.

It just wasn't here.
Also, I would recommend the linked Aaron Russo documentary. My mother showed it to me years ago, and I have watched it a few times since. You may not agree with it, but it's interesting nonetheless.
As to the OP, JimCrowie1958 & his chicken little "sky is falling" threads. :eusa_doh: NEWSFLASH JimCrowie1958!!! The sky was falling from 2000-2006 (complete Repub control of gov't) & where were you?

Lol, this is the epitome of why it is so hard to get people to realize what a fascist regime is being set up, when partisan hacks like this cretin DotCom completely ignore the major points, tacitly conceding them as true, to go straight to character assassination and ad hominem attacks with not one fact presented not one argument made.


Makes me wonder if we measure up to the challenge of keeping our Republic and freedom intact.
Obama On Executive Actions: ?I?ve Got A Pen And I?ve Got A Phone? « CBS DC

With two weeks left before delivering an economy-focused State of the Union address to Congress, Obama is picking up the pace of his jobs message and demonstrating how he can advance his economic agenda administratively and through his ability to coax action from important interest groups.

“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need. I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone,” Obama said Tuesday as he convened his first Cabinet meeting of the year.

Obama continued: ”And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward in helping to make sure our kids are getting the best education possible, making sure that our businesses are getting the kind of support and help they need to grow and advance, to make sure that people are getting the skills that they need to get those jobs that our businesses are creating.”

More direct damage to the separation of powers.

If only we had a party that would truly oppose these fascists (like an opposition party should), but all we got are these RINO led GOP nutless squishes.
Patriots on the left and the right as well as those of the middle all sense the death of this democratic Republic.

Some of them joined and were fooled by OWS, others joined and were fooled by the TEA PARTY.

But most did so ONLY with the hope of reviving the grand old republic.

The only advice I can give is this...


And anyone who seeks to make you hate your neighbor is seeking to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.

that is true, but when half a year ago I started the thread with a question to the left - are they willing to join ranks ( provided they are OWS types) with TP - the answer was usual bickering, smear and pledge of allegiance to dimocrap plantation.

So far the fascist regime really has the grip over the stupid sheeple.

And then it will be too late.

It is actually amazing to observe the repeat of history even if it is with predictable atrocious results.

An here we go. You are my neighbor and you are my enemy. And you see this far more from the right than from the left.

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