The religious right and social conservatism are going to destroy the Republicans.

It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

There is no room left for people that think gays shouldn't marry and the scientists are lying to us about evolution and other topics.

You just demonstrated my point.

You are the people that are trying to make your views that only allowable views.

Playtime posted a complaint about religious people, and you just demonstrated the action that she was complaining about.

Does that matter to you? Or are you actively aware that your stated concerns are not your real issues?

my 'complaint' is that NO religion belongs in politics




Where in the Constitution does it say that exactly?

The only thing guys like you point to is a private letter from Jefferson.....a private letter.

The First Amendment protects religion from government, not the other way around.
I never saw how worshiping a god was a panacea for any societal ill
Then you have little understanding of God and the Bible....IMHO.
I have little use for god and the bible.
...says the 'lost'. I will pray for you.
Save your breath.

I want nothing from any god
Praying for someone's soul is not a waste of breath. In fact, if we spent more time praying for each other and helping each other instead of hating one another the world would be better off....

Just one of those things from the bible that would help to solve some of the world's 'societal ills'.

We don't have to ask some god to intervene for another we can do that ourselves.

A prayer is is a waste of breath when the person praying believes that is all he need do.

I am a nontheist. I do not believe it matters how we got here or what will happen after we die. All that matters is that we are here in this impermanent moment and that our action from each moment to the next is all that matters. When that action is born of respect, compassion and thankfulness to be of service to others then we have contributed to the greater good
dude couldn't be any more psychic if he tried:



It is you liberals that are tying to make your views, the only alternatives.

ANY other views, are labeled as ist or phobic and dog piled.

barry goldwater was a (R) ... & a fiscal conservative.

that was when the GOP was worth a damn. saint ronny - who - by today's (R) 'standards' would ironiclly be considered a liberal.... started the whole christianity infused political arena.

Wrong...the Republican party was started by Christian abolitionists......they fought a war against the democrat party to free black humans from slavery.
I've been hearing this for as long as I could remember and yet the Republican Party endures.

Conservatism as we know it has no choice but to change or become irrelevant. Religious conservatism is becoming more and more of a loser in politics.

Again...75 million conservative Trump supporters disagree with you....
The U.S is less and less religious every generation and as time goes on religious traditionalism becomes more and more of a loser at the polls. The party either needs a tune up or it needs to disband and reform as a party more focused on true economic conservatism. I might actually vote for Republicans from time to time if they ditched the bigoted, science denying religious nuts that constantly make the party look toxic and ignorant.

I'd take you more seriously if you didn't have to cheat out in the tens of millions of votes column. The democrat Party is in the late career Bernie Madoff stage. Sure, you guys look like hot shit on paper, but there's a bill coming due.
sadly the prayer is seen as the deed when it is not.
There are going to be a lot of shocked 'Christians' when they get to Heaven. Sitting in the pews on Sunday and claiming to have accepted Jesus as their savior yet not living the teachings of the Bible isn't what saves people.

No panacea for societal ills?

Honor your father and mother
Do not murder
Don not steal
Do not commit adultery
Do not envy / covet - be thankful for what you have
Love your fellow man
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated
In all things show kindness
Be generous
Do not cheat others (Zacceus, the tax collector)

Look outside yourself and our own problems / issues and understand those around you are also going through their own similar problems

Jesus did not hang out with as much with those who had been 'saved' - he sought out the lost, the abandoned, the sick, the lame, the lost

Where you see the teachings of Jesus are no 'panacea for societal ills' I see a 'how to' manual / teachings that, if learned / accepted / applied correctly / lived would solve just about all of our societal ills.

Unfortunately men are born of sin and it is our sin that has taken control, separated us from God, and has created our societal ills.

But that's just me. We disagree, and that's ok. I respect that and you.
I think if that were the case it would have already happened. Take the example of abortion. A subject that the religious right is passionate about and opposes. However, they always try to do away with it by legislation by states and stacking the courts to get it banned or restricted. They won't focus on the bigger picture of eliminating or even reducing the need for it. By supporting things like freely available contraception, Planned Parenthood (for's amazing how many of them use this as just a talking point), sex education in schools without screaming about parental rights, services for single mothers or underadvantaged women, and public education for children. They'll scream bloody murder about a fetus but once it drops out of the mother they couldn't give a shit about the kid. They'll vote to take everything away from the kid..even if there's a good chance the kid will end up out on the street.

But I don't believe the religious right is going to do the Republican party in this time. I truly believe it will be the Trump supporting wing of nutjobs. I've never seen fanaticism like this in my lifetime.

Behold, the only thing statist bootlicks will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads.
sadly the prayer is seen as the deed when it is not.
There are going to be a lot of shocked 'Christians' when they get to Heaven. Sitting in the pews on Sunday and claiming to have accepted Jesus as their savior yet not living the teachings of the Bible isn't what saves people.

No panacea for societal ills?

Honor your father and mother
Do not murder
Don not steal
Do not commit adultery
Do not envy / covet - be thankful for what you have
Love your fellow man
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated
In all things show kindness
Be generous
Do not cheat others (Zacceus, the tax collector)

Look outside yourself and our own problems / issues and understand those around you are also going through their own similar problems

Jesus did not hang out with as much with those who had been 'saved' - he sought out the lost, the abandoned, the sick, the lame, the lost

Where you see the teachings of Jesus are no 'panacea for societal ills' I see a 'how to' manual / teachings that, if learned / accepted / applied correctly / lived would solve just about all of our societal ills.

Unfortunately men are born of sin and it is our sin that has taken control, separated us from God, and has created our societal ills.

But that's just me. We disagree, and that's ok. I respect that and you.
you seem to think those ideas about behavior originated in the Old Testament.

They didn't.

And I do not believe a man is born a sinner. The only time all men are indeed equal is as a babe dependent on others for his very life.
my 'complaint' is that NO religion belongs in politics




Aside from the fact that's meaningless baby talk, all of you leftist deviants get your religion off me and out of politics.
you seem to think those ideas about behavior originated in the Old Testament.

They didn't.

And I do not believe a man is born a sinner. The only time all men are indeed equal is as a babe dependent on others for his very life.
The 10 Commandments were given to the children of Israel fleeing the Pharaoh through Moses, and many of what I mentioned was taught by Jesus. I was talking collectively about the teachings of the Bible. People can make the argument that these are not beliefs solely attributed to the Bible, but I do not believe all comes from the Old Testament.

The Bible teaches man has a sinful nature within him, that as he grows he is weak to and susceptible to giving in to temptation and sin.

A babe learns from those around him, and if he is not taught and raised up (to be good) by his parents / loved ones he will then be raised up in the world. Based on the way the world has gone...and gone down hill...especially in the last couple of decades...there is little I want my grandson to be taught by 'the world' we live in.

That, again, is just me.,
The U.S is less and less religious every generation and as time goes on religious traditionalism becomes more and more of a loser at the polls. The party either needs a tune up or it needs to disband and reform as a party more focused on true economic conservatism. I might actually vote for Republicans from time to time if they ditched the bigoted, science denying religious nuts that constantly make the party look toxic and ignorant.
The only reason that the GOP has had any success is because of those two voting blocks.
you seem to think those ideas about behavior originated in the Old Testament.

They didn't.

And I do not believe a man is born a sinner. The only time all men are indeed equal is as a babe dependent on others for his very life.
The 10 Commandments were given to the children of Israel fleeing the Pharaoh through Moses, and many of what I mentioned was taught by Jesus. I was talking collectively about the teachings of the Bible. People can make the argument that these are not beliefs solely attributed to the Bible, but I do not believe all comes from the Old Testament.

The Bible teaches man has a sinful nature within him, that as he grows he is weak to and susceptible to giving in to temptation and sin.

A babe learns from those around him, and if he is not taught and raised up (to be good) by his parents / loved ones he will then be raised up in the world. Based on the way the world has gone...and gone down hill...especially in the last couple of decades...there is little I want my grandson to be taught by 'the world' we live in.

That, again, is just me.,
I have a thought that we are on different roads to the same city
you seem to think those ideas about behavior originated in the Old Testament.

They didn't.

And I do not believe a man is born a sinner. The only time all men are indeed equal is as a babe dependent on others for his very life.
The 10 Commandments were given to the children of Israel fleeing the Pharaoh through Moses, and many of what I mentioned was taught by Jesus. I was talking collectively about the teachings of the Bible. People can make the argument that these are not beliefs solely attributed to the Bible, but I do not believe all comes from the Old Testament.

The Bible teaches man has a sinful nature within him, that as he grows he is weak to and susceptible to giving in to temptation and sin.

A babe learns from those around him, and if he is not taught and raised up (to be good) by his parents / loved ones he will then be raised up in the world. Based on the way the world has gone...and gone down hill...especially in the last couple of decades...there is little I want my grandson to be taught by 'the world' we live in.

That, again, is just me.,
I have a thought that we are on different roads to the same city
Perhaps. I pray so. As I said, I will pray for you and for your journey. Couldn't hurt, right? :)
I never saw how worshiping a god was a panacea for any societal ill
Then you have little understanding of God and the Bible....IMHO.
I have little use for god and the bible.
...says the 'lost'. I will pray for you.
Save your breath.

I want nothing from any god
Praying for someone's soul is not a waste of breath. In fact, if we spent more time praying for each other and helping each other instead of hating one another the world would be better off....

Just one of those things from the bible that would help to solve some of the world's 'societal ills'.

We don't have to ask some god to intervene for another we can do that ourselves.

Yeah.... that's worked so well, that having moved away from G-d in this country, everyone is perfectly fine and we have a Utopia, because everyone is intervening for each other.

If there is anything, that appears clearly self evident, it is that we are doing an absolutely terrible job of helping each other.
The only reason that the GOP has had any success is because of those two voting blocks.
Except more minorities voted for the GOP this election than ever before.... I guess there are a lot of blacks who decided they ARE / WERE black, even if they did not vote for Biden.

you seem to think those ideas about behavior originated in the Old Testament.

They didn't.

And I do not believe a man is born a sinner. The only time all men are indeed equal is as a babe dependent on others for his very life.

No one said anything about the Old Testament being the origin of moral common sense. God equipped man to know the difference between right and wrong from the jump.

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