The religion euphemism: masking anti constitution ideology

You moved out already? Good, tell us, when did you see a white white Muslim? And the time before that was..?

How silly. Islam is a religion that spans a variety of cultures and races.
I know that, my point was quite concrete to your - well someone's - everyday life. They contradicted my claim, you rarely see them, which I admit is relative, and I asked him to provide his own personal experience. He didn't but claimed I didn't have my own - as far as I'm aware - because I don't ...belong to his great great world?

It's a pity people can't find it within themselves to sit down and have lunch with some of the "despised group" and just talk.

Maybe it's too scary to realize that....the "other" is not much different then you or I.

If you are willing to talk to the "other", yeah, you will find more similarities than you realize.

Two examples out of my own life...................

In the 80's, we pulled into port at the same time a Russian ship did. We were told that we had to report any interaction with them, and to be careful if they approached us. This was still during the Cold War. Well, myself and some of my friends were sitting at a cafe eating, and a group of Russian sailors sat down next to us. Well, after a couple of minutes, we hollered at them, "hey, are you supposed to report contact with us like we have to with you?" They said yeah, they were required to report conversations with us. One of us then said, hey, do your officers suck like ours do? (We were talking to enlisted sailors), and they said yeah, and that led into a conversation between all of us for the next hour or so. Found out we both hate the same things, and like a bunch of the same things. Basically, they were just like us, only from a different country.

Same thing happened when I was running around Dubai in the 90's. One of the things that shopkeepers do there is to haggle with you and have conversation and coffee. It's really quite a social event to go to the bazaars, and a lot of fun. What did I discover there? Yeah, we might have different belief systems, and we might live in different countries, but they, like me, had someone they loved, had people they cared about and causes they believed in.

If you give people a chance, you might find out they are more like you than you might realize.

And................if you treat people with suspicion and mistrust, they will always act badly towards you. Treat them with friendship and politeness, and they usually respond in the same manner.

Worked that way for the 20 years I was in the Navy. Never had a problem finding and making friends, no matter where I went, and I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of stuff.

I don't think I can top that story but I've had the same experiences in moving among other cultures and countries. It's true, direct experience is the poison of paranoia. I seriously think the hair-on-fire fearmongers on this site and elsewhere are the way they are because they've bottled themselves up into a safe little snowflakey bubble where any threat of a challenge to the their base belief paradigm is ruthlessly kept away.

Everybody everywhere should at some point look around them and decide "this can't be all there is" and then go prove it.

I've got LOTS of those kind of stories. Another time, I was teaching a friend of mine Dave, how to rollerblade while we were in Catania Sicily. Well, when we got to the park, a whole bunch of Italians who had heard us talking, came up and asked if we could help them practice their English. We said sure, and started talking, and ended up with friends after the first hour or so. Everytime we pulled into Catania, I would go to the park that evening and all the people we'd met and been skating with would be there waiting for us. If they saw the ship pull in, they were in the park at 7:00 pm that evening.

But, if we would have done the paranoid thing or been acting like an "ugly American", we would have never had those friends.

A good friend of mine named Owen once told me, "look for the similarities rather than the differences, and you'll get a lot farther".

He was right.
.. ..Islam is a religion that spans a variety of cultures and races.
Infecting each culture it touches with a bloodthirsty hybrid religion / political system / warrior cult that breeds superficial practices and violence-embracing expansionism.

It is inherently and historically and functionally hostile to Western culture and ideals and it is entirely and irredeemably incompatible with Western Civilization.

You talk to any American Muslims? They might be surprised to hear this.
One need look no further than Londonistan or Parisistan or Detroitistan to know the truth of the matter.

Islam is an aggressive and expansionist Warrior Cult - the last of its kind and size on the face of the planet.
How silly. Islam is a religion that spans a variety of cultures and races.
I know that, my point was quite concrete to your - well someone's - everyday life. They contradicted my claim, you rarely see them, which I admit is relative, and I asked him to provide his own personal experience. He didn't but claimed I didn't have my own - as far as I'm aware - because I don't ...belong to his great great world?

It's a pity people can't find it within themselves to sit down and have lunch with some of the "despised group" and just talk.

Maybe it's too scary to realize that....the "other" is not much different then you or I.

If you are willing to talk to the "other", yeah, you will find more similarities than you realize.

Two examples out of my own life...................

In the 80's, we pulled into port at the same time a Russian ship did. We were told that we had to report any interaction with them, and to be careful if they approached us. This was still during the Cold War. Well, myself and some of my friends were sitting at a cafe eating, and a group of Russian sailors sat down next to us. Well, after a couple of minutes, we hollered at them, "hey, are you supposed to report contact with us like we have to with you?" They said yeah, they were required to report conversations with us. One of us then said, hey, do your officers suck like ours do? (We were talking to enlisted sailors), and they said yeah, and that led into a conversation between all of us for the next hour or so. Found out we both hate the same things, and like a bunch of the same things. Basically, they were just like us, only from a different country.

Same thing happened when I was running around Dubai in the 90's. One of the things that shopkeepers do there is to haggle with you and have conversation and coffee. It's really quite a social event to go to the bazaars, and a lot of fun. What did I discover there? Yeah, we might have different belief systems, and we might live in different countries, but they, like me, had someone they loved, had people they cared about and causes they believed in.

If you give people a chance, you might find out they are more like you than you might realize.

And................if you treat people with suspicion and mistrust, they will always act badly towards you. Treat them with friendship and politeness, and they usually respond in the same manner.

Worked that way for the 20 years I was in the Navy. Never had a problem finding and making friends, no matter where I went, and I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of stuff.

I don't think I can top that story but I've had the same experiences in moving among other cultures and countries. It's true, direct experience is the poison of paranoia. I seriously think the hair-on-fire fearmongers on this site and elsewhere are the way they are because they've bottled themselves up into a safe little snowflakey bubble where any threat of a challenge to the their base belief paradigm is ruthlessly kept away.

Everybody everywhere should at some point look around them and decide "this can't be all there is" and then go prove it.

I've got LOTS of those kind of stories. Another time, I was teaching a friend of mine Dave, how to rollerblade while we were in Catania Sicily. Well, when we got to the park, a whole bunch of Italians who had heard us talking, came up and asked if we could help them practice their English. We said sure, and started talking, and ended up with friends after the first hour or so. Everytime we pulled into Catania, I would go to the park that evening and all the people we'd met and been skating with would be there waiting for us. If they saw the ship pull in, they were in the park at 7:00 pm that evening.

But, if we would have done the paranoid thing or been acting like an "ugly American", we would have never had those friends.

A good friend of mine named Owen once told me, "look for the similarities rather than the differences, and you'll get a lot farther".

He was right.

--- and the three intervening posts since you posted those words are named "Q", "E" and "D".
I know that, my point was quite concrete to your - well someone's - everyday life. They contradicted my claim, you rarely see them, which I admit is relative, and I asked him to provide his own personal experience. He didn't but claimed I didn't have my own - as far as I'm aware - because I don't ...belong to his great great world?

It's a pity people can't find it within themselves to sit down and have lunch with some of the "despised group" and just talk.

Maybe it's too scary to realize that....the "other" is not much different then you or I.

If you are willing to talk to the "other", yeah, you will find more similarities than you realize.

Two examples out of my own life...................

In the 80's, we pulled into port at the same time a Russian ship did. We were told that we had to report any interaction with them, and to be careful if they approached us. This was still during the Cold War. Well, myself and some of my friends were sitting at a cafe eating, and a group of Russian sailors sat down next to us. Well, after a couple of minutes, we hollered at them, "hey, are you supposed to report contact with us like we have to with you?" They said yeah, they were required to report conversations with us. One of us then said, hey, do your officers suck like ours do? (We were talking to enlisted sailors), and they said yeah, and that led into a conversation between all of us for the next hour or so. Found out we both hate the same things, and like a bunch of the same things. Basically, they were just like us, only from a different country.

Same thing happened when I was running around Dubai in the 90's. One of the things that shopkeepers do there is to haggle with you and have conversation and coffee. It's really quite a social event to go to the bazaars, and a lot of fun. What did I discover there? Yeah, we might have different belief systems, and we might live in different countries, but they, like me, had someone they loved, had people they cared about and causes they believed in.

If you give people a chance, you might find out they are more like you than you might realize.

And................if you treat people with suspicion and mistrust, they will always act badly towards you. Treat them with friendship and politeness, and they usually respond in the same manner.

Worked that way for the 20 years I was in the Navy. Never had a problem finding and making friends, no matter where I went, and I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of stuff.

I don't think I can top that story but I've had the same experiences in moving among other cultures and countries. It's true, direct experience is the poison of paranoia. I seriously think the hair-on-fire fearmongers on this site and elsewhere are the way they are because they've bottled themselves up into a safe little snowflakey bubble where any threat of a challenge to the their base belief paradigm is ruthlessly kept away.

Everybody everywhere should at some point look around them and decide "this can't be all there is" and then go prove it.

I've got LOTS of those kind of stories. Another time, I was teaching a friend of mine Dave, how to rollerblade while we were in Catania Sicily. Well, when we got to the park, a whole bunch of Italians who had heard us talking, came up and asked if we could help them practice their English. We said sure, and started talking, and ended up with friends after the first hour or so. Everytime we pulled into Catania, I would go to the park that evening and all the people we'd met and been skating with would be there waiting for us. If they saw the ship pull in, they were in the park at 7:00 pm that evening.

But, if we would have done the paranoid thing or been acting like an "ugly American", we would have never had those friends.

A good friend of mine named Owen once told me, "look for the similarities rather than the differences, and you'll get a lot farther".

He was right.

--- and the three intervening posts since you posted those words are named "Q", "E" and "D".
Your Honor... the Prosecution rests.

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