The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
There a very appriecable upside to this growing movement of feminizing of men. Regardless of any social initiative; biology trumps all. Women still prefer to breed with dominant alpha males, regardless of what they choose to natter on about. That means more pussy, and more babies for "real" men. And that's as it should be. Its how nature intended the pecking order to work itself out. There's never been a better time, to be a man, amongst males...
This is why I find the term "gender is a social construct" - I saw that quite a bit as I was putting the OP together - so telling. They want to completely ignore biology in order to attain their goal of diluting and minimizing masculinity.

That's a standard behavior of ideologues: Denying the obvious if it doesn't fit the agenda.

Explain why you believe this is emasculating to the boys in this case.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President
. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.

Where did he admit to that, I recall a private NBC video from 15 years ago used in the election by BJ Bill's wife...?
grabbing a girl right by the pussy without her consent is sexual assault, regressive lumpy
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
There a very appriecable upside to this growing movement of feminizing of men. Regardless of any social initiative; biology trumps all. Women still prefer to breed with dominant alpha males, regardless of what they choose to natter on about. That means more pussy, and more babies for "real" men. And that's as it should be. Its how nature intended the pecking order to work itself out. There's never been a better time, to be a man, amongst males...
This is why I find the term "gender is a social construct" - I saw that quite a bit as I was putting the OP together - so telling. They want to completely ignore biology in order to attain their goal of diluting and minimizing masculinity.

That's a standard behavior of ideologues: Denying the obvious if it doesn't fit the agenda.

Explain why you believe this is emasculating to the boys in this case.
I have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

You just made that claim up.

My point is not about this specific case.

I can't imagine that's not clear.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
lol i called him biff, he reminds me of biff and also francis from pee wee's big adventure

I said a long long time ago that Trump reminds me of Biff Tanner - an impotent raging bully who backs down as soon as someone stands up to him. Then the writers of Back to The Future said that Biff was modelled on Donald Trump.
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.
lol i called him biff, he reminds me of biff and also francis from pee wee's big adventure

I said a long long time ago that Trump reminds me of Biff Tanner - an impotent raging bully who backs down as soon as someone stands up to him. Then the writers of Back to The Future said that Biff was modelled on Donald Trump.
To me, Trump is an exaggerated version on the sleezy used car salesman they put into movies that exaggerates how fulla shit he is...

and i was SHOCKED at the amount of people that couldnt see that, because I just....considered it so freakin blatant.

Aint a hillary guy either....but still, neither was an ok choice by me.

They hired Biff to run the free world. Thats Hilarious! Idiocracy is a great movie, too.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

I don't see it that way. My boys and my oldest daughter were in scouts. The Girl Scouts do better down here. Always have . They got to go to this camp down on the water, hike trails, ride bikes, learn to ID critters and plants, learned how to sail a sunfish, and just all that camp stuff. The boys? Wel, they got to watch a vedio on fire making, they were not allowed to do real fire. No pocket knives, no nothing no camp mohawk nothing. BSA has been an ailing organization for ever. The way they went about this whole thing only showcases their incomptance that much more. To me, it is more useful to lament the lack of masculinity in society. Whats going on with the scouts is a symptom of that if anything.

There were already co-ed scouting options.
Explorer Scouts (they changed the name to Venturing Scouts) are co-ed ... They offer most of the same scouting opportunities, especially in high adventure areas.

[url=]Venturing Scouts[/url] ... Ages 13-20 ... 158000 scouts and 58000 Adult Volunteers.

It also falls under the Boy Scouts of America co-op.
The same facilities and structure are offered ... They have the same privileges to Scouting venues and activities.

To force the Boy Scouts to take on gender challenges they should not be required to is wrong.
If there isn't a Venturing Scouts troop in your area ... And your child wants to participate ... Then start one ... :thup:

And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President
. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.

Where did he admit to that, I recall a private NBC video from 15 years ago used in the election by BJ Bill's wife...?
grabbing a girl right by the pussy without her consent is sexual assault, regressive lumpy

Considering what you say on line I can only imagine what you'd say in a private conversation with the guys, That was an invasion of privacy, a set up by NBC in collusion with the DNC .. granted though, I'd never say crap like that.
Last edited:
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
There a very appriecable upside to this growing movement of feminizing of men. Regardless of any social initiative; biology trumps all. Women still prefer to breed with dominant alpha males, regardless of what they choose to natter on about. That means more pussy, and more babies for "real" men. And that's as it should be. Its how nature intended the pecking order to work itself out. There's never been a better time, to be a man, amongst males...
This is why I find the term "gender is a social construct" - I saw that quite a bit as I was putting the OP together - so telling. They want to completely ignore biology in order to attain their goal of diluting and minimizing masculinity.

That's a standard behavior of ideologues: Denying the obvious if it doesn't fit the agenda.

Explain why you believe this is emasculating to the boys in this case.
I have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

You just made that claim up.

My point is not about this specific case.

I can't imagine that's not clear.
I have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

You just made that claim up.

My point is not about this specific case.

I can't imagine that's not clear.

Are you serious?
That's your entire premise.

The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

Sheesh who has has girls
And right away, they jump in to change the subject and make it about me.

Looks like ol' Mac has nailed it yet again.

Wow, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you! It strikes me that you have some serious issues with your masculinity.

You haven't "nailed it". You haven't even hit the tree much less the target.

The left doesn't have "masculinity problems". They aren't the ones who are marching with tiki torches chanting "The Jews will not replace us", or claiming that white men are under attack. They don't call women "feminazis". It's the right wing men who have these masculinity issues.

Men who don't have masculinity issues, see women as equals, and aren't intimidated by smart, strong women. They don't have a problem with sharing power either because they know that everyone needs to work together to build a strong nation.

It's only the insecure, weak men who have a problem sharing power. Men like the asshole you elected President who can't stand criticism and wants media outlets who tell the truth about his craptacular administration, shut down.

Who married women who don't dare stand up to him and then bullies them around. A guy so insecure he lives in a gold apartment to show off how rich he is. Biff Trump is so insecure he threatened to take the license if the network that broke the story of Tillerson calling him a "moron".

You elected a man who admits to sexually assaulting women as President
. I guess Trump knows that he's so odious that no woman would be open to a consensual relationship with him.

Where did he admit to that, I recall a private NBC video from 15 years ago used in the election by BJ Bill's wife...?
grabbing a girl right by the pussy without her consent is sexual assault, regressive lumpy

Considering what you say on line I can only imagine what you'd say in a private conversation with the guys, That was an invasion of privacy, a set up by NBC in collusion with the DNC .. granted though, I'd never say crap like that.
Ive never said to someone that ive sexually assaulted a chick, dude.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View

I don't see it that way. My boys and my oldest daughter were in scouts. The Girl Scouts do better down here. Always have . They got to go to this camp down on the water, hike trails, ride bikes, learn to ID critters and plants, learned how to sail a sunfish, and just all that camp stuff. The boys? Wel, they got to watch a vedio on fire making, they were not allowed to do real fire. No pocket knives, no nothing no camp mohawk nothing. BSA has been an ailing organization for ever. The way they went about this whole thing only showcases their incomptance that much more. To me, it is more useful to lament the lack of masculinity in society. Whats going on with the scouts is a symptom of that if anything.

There were already co-ed scouting options.
Explorer Scouts (they changed the name to Venturing Scouts) are co-ed ... They offer most of the same scouting opportunities, especially in high adventure areas.

Venturing Scouts ... Ages 13-20 ... 158000 scouts and 58000 Adult Volunteers.

It also falls under the Boy Scouts of America co-op.
The same facilities and structure are offered ... They have the same privileges to Scouting venues and activities.

To force the Boy Scouts to take on gender challenges they should not be required to is wrong.
If there isn't a Venturing Scouts troop in your area ... And your child wants to participate ... Then start one ... :thup:

Or people that dont like the boyscouts doing this can start their own scouting organization :thup:
I remember when men were men and women were ladies...


There were already co-ed scouting options.
Explorer Scouts (they changed the name to Venturing Scouts) are co-ed ... They offer most of the same scouting opportunities, especially in high adventure areas.

Venturing Scouts ... Ages 13-20 ... 158000 scouts and 58000 Adult Volunteers.

It also falls under the Boy Scouts of America co-op.
The same facilities and structure are offered ... They have the same privileges to Scouting venues and activities.

To force the Boy Scouts to take on gender challenges they should not be required to is wrong.
If there isn't a Venturing Scouts troop in your area ... And your child wants to participate ... Then start one ... :thup:

Or people that dont like the boyscouts doing this can start their own scouting organization :thup:

People who are suggesting the Scouts should do more than they already do ... Are just ignorant or have another agenda ... :thup:

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
There a very appriecable upside to this growing movement of feminizing of men. Regardless of any social initiative; biology trumps all. Women still prefer to breed with dominant alpha males, regardless of what they choose to natter on about. That means more pussy, and more babies for "real" men. And that's as it should be. Its how nature intended the pecking order to work itself out. There's never been a better time, to be a man, amongst males...
This is why I find the term "gender is a social construct" - I saw that quite a bit as I was putting the OP together - so telling. They want to completely ignore biology in order to attain their goal of diluting and minimizing masculinity.

That's a standard behavior of ideologues: Denying the obvious if it doesn't fit the agenda.

Explain why you believe this is emasculating to the boys in this case.
I have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

You just made that claim up.

My point is not about this specific case.

I can't imagine that's not clear.
I have no idea if this "is emasculating to the boys in this case".

You just made that claim up.

My point is not about this specific case.

I can't imagine that's not clear.

Are you serious?
That's your entire premise.

The Regressives are going after masculinity bigly

The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
So somehow you don't see a difference between what you're trying to accomplish, and whether it's being accomplished.

Well, there's nothing I can do about that. The distinction there should be pretty clear, for anyone whose eyes are open.
There were already co-ed scouting options.
Explorer Scouts (they changed the name to Venturing Scouts) are co-ed ... They offer most of the same scouting opportunities, especially in high adventure areas.

Venturing Scouts ... Ages 13-20 ... 158000 scouts and 58000 Adult Volunteers.

It also falls under the Boy Scouts of America co-op.
The same facilities and structure are offered ... They have the same privileges to Scouting venues and activities.

To force the Boy Scouts to take on gender challenges they should not be required to is wrong.
If there isn't a Venturing Scouts troop in your area ... And your child wants to participate ... Then start one ... :thup:

Or people that dont like the boyscouts doing this can start their own scouting organization :thup:

People who are suggesting the Scouts should do more than they already do ... Are just ignorant or have another agenda.

Everyones free to judge and be a busy body. They're also free to start their own clubs, with their own values, and quit being such a little bitch about everyone else's because it exibits the very behaviour theyre complaining about.
The current situation with the Boy Scouts illustrates yet another way the Regressive Left is trying to "fundamentally change" the country, and it's certainly working.

The Regressives have determined that they must dilute and decrease masculinity, which is why we're seeing so many stories where they are actively working to meld the two genders together.

From the Boy Scouts to Target's "Gender Neutral Kid's Collection" to gender-neutral parenting (Should You Raise a Gender-neutral Baby?), this is certainly a train that won't be stopping until masculinity is marginalized in every possible corner of our society.

If you want to know what people are thinking, just pay attention to what they are saying and doing, So, as usual, I'll provide some supporting material, all written in favor of this movement:

How to Combat Toxic Masculinity: Don’t be Afraid to Engage
Bullying and Toxic Masculinity
We Need To 'Undefine' Masculinity
The Mean Progressive: Trumped-Up Masculinity
A Guy’s Guide to The Gender-Minimized 1st Date -
Feminism 101: What is Toxic Masculinity?
Why Masculinity Needs To Be Crushed
Should We End Masculinity - The Progressive View
Soon women will be the toughest men in the military.
Everyones free to judge and be a busy body. They're also free to start their own clubs, with their own values, and quit being such a little bitch about everyone else's because it exibits the very behaviour theyre complaining about.

If anyone wants co-ed scouting ... The Boy Scouts of America already offers that ... Bitch ... :thup:
The people attempting to make the Boy Scouts change their troop structure are the meddling busy bodies.

If I visited a Campus in Cally for potential schooling...

And they said some odd shit like.....ya cant call women women.....or men men....theres no identities here....

Id think.....uhh, thats fuggin odd ill brb.

And then ill go somewhere else, a lot less bizarre to me.

I somehow think thats a better solution than whining from the highest mountains that my values are being taken over and rawwwr rawwr drama queening....

something fishy tells me that the attention Id give their awkward little cause would be a net negative, for me
Oh, Noes, Mac... the PC Police want to "emasculate" you.

Although reading your posts constantly whining about how everyone is out to get you, I think that occurred a long time ago.

Why yes, there is a planned conspiracy to destroy manhood because thats reasonable
Everyones free to judge and be a busy body. They're also free to start their own clubs, with their own values, and quit being such a little bitch about everyone else's because it exibits the very behaviour theyre complaining about.

If anyone wants co-ed scouting ... The Boy Scouts of America already offers that ... Bitch ... :thup:
The people attempting to make the Boy Scouts change their troop structure are the meddling busy bodies.

The only people that can change it, are the scouts themselves.

And if ya dont like what the scouts do....

Ill guarantee you dont even need a door.....youre already out in the great outdoors, yo!

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