The region’s biggest protest, ever Tens of thousands rally in Khabarovsk to defend their arrested governor


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The people of Khabarovsk have enough of Putin's corrupted Zionist mafia, they want to get their Freedom and honest governor Furgal back. The clan of thieves in Kremlin arrested Furgal shortly before due to the false acquisitions of organized crime.The true agenda behind is, Mr Furgal became too strong and could became a challenge and danger for the gang of Kremlin midget.Hopefully many other regions will support protest and kick the Kremlin NWO thief out from power.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Russia’s Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk on Saturday, July 11, for an unpermitted protest against the arrest of their governor, Sergey Furgal. It was the biggest public assembly of its kind in the region’s history. Before the rally, messages circulated on social media and on public announcement boards in apartment lobbies, urging people to attend, reports the local news site DVHAB.RU. The city’s authorities tried to prevent the demonstration by fencing off Khabarovsk’s main square, where organizers planned to stage the protest, under the pretext that the area was being disinfected. This police tactic failed, and protests poured in not just from all around the city but from neighboring towns, as well. Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Russia’s Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk on Saturday, July 11, for an unpermitted protest against the arrest of their governor, Sergey Furgal. It was the biggest public assembly of its kind in the region’s history. Before the rally, messages circulated on social media and on public announcement boards in apartment lobbies, urging people to attend, reports the local news site DVHAB.RU. The city’s authorities tried to prevent the demonstration by fencing off Khabarovsk’s main square, where organizers planned to stage the protest, under the pretext that the area was being disinfected. This police tactic failed, and protests poured in not just from all around the city but from neighboring towns, as well.

How ironic that the Russian people are protesting for freedom while American Democrats, who harped about the evils of Russia for the last 3 1/2 years, are protesting for totalitarian Marxism and the denying of all our basic human rights.
How ironic that the Russian people are protesting for freedom while American Democrats, who harped about the evils of Russia for the last 3 1/2 years, are protesting for totalitarian Marxism and the denying of all our basic human rights.

Sorry, but that's not enough to win the Q'Anon award. Try harder next time. I know you can do it.
How ironic that the Russian people are protesting for freedom while American Democrats, who harped about the evils of Russia for the last 3 1/2 years, are protesting for totalitarian Marxism and the denying of all our basic human rights.

Because Russians know the true face of Marxism and its baby Putinism

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