Diamond Member
1.This American Dream:
"The "white picket fence dream" is what I have named the point in one's life where you have finally reached the standard of living in a fully detached (free-hold) house, 2 cars, 2.5 kids (including the dog), and of course, your little white picket fence in front. Life is assumed to be very content and all goals have been reached." The Old Joel on Software Forum - The "white picket fence dream"
2. So....how does one get to that "white picket fence dream"?
What, did you say you "earn it"????
Why...you hateful, born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth, white-privileged racist bigot, you!!!!
Next thing I expect to hear from you is 'personal responsibility... .you....you.....conservative you!!!
Get with the program,man: occupy wall street, redistribute their wealth, after all.....they didn't earn it, and you're just as good as they are!!!!
3. OK....so earning is .... passé.
We learned that from Franklin Roosevelt....he changed the ethos of America-"...Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee eight specific rights: Employment(right to work), Food, clothing and leisure, viaenough income to support them, Farmers' rights to a fair income, Freedom fromunfair competitionandmonopolies, Medical care, Social security,, Education.......and Housing," Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
....and that white picket fence????
Know what 'guaranteed' means?
A formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability...
..... a formal pledge to pay another person's debt or to perform another person's obligation in the case of default. (Google)
What a country, huh?
"The "white picket fence dream" is what I have named the point in one's life where you have finally reached the standard of living in a fully detached (free-hold) house, 2 cars, 2.5 kids (including the dog), and of course, your little white picket fence in front. Life is assumed to be very content and all goals have been reached." The Old Joel on Software Forum - The "white picket fence dream"
2. So....how does one get to that "white picket fence dream"?
What, did you say you "earn it"????
Why...you hateful, born-with-a-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth, white-privileged racist bigot, you!!!!
Next thing I expect to hear from you is 'personal responsibility... .you....you.....conservative you!!!
Get with the program,man: occupy wall street, redistribute their wealth, after all.....they didn't earn it, and you're just as good as they are!!!!
3. OK....so earning is .... passé.
We learned that from Franklin Roosevelt....he changed the ethos of America-"...Roosevelt's remedy was to declare an "economic bill of rights" which would guarantee eight specific rights: Employment(right to work), Food, clothing and leisure, viaenough income to support them, Farmers' rights to a fair income, Freedom fromunfair competitionandmonopolies, Medical care, Social security,, Education.......and Housing," Second Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
....and that white picket fence????
Know what 'guaranteed' means?
A formal promise or assurance (typically in writing) that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability...
..... a formal pledge to pay another person's debt or to perform another person's obligation in the case of default. (Google)
What a country, huh?