The Red Wave is Coming

A sour and angry America poised to punish Dems this fall​

Ho hum. They'll win and then what?
Start Deporting Criminal Illegals /Visa Overstayers & Criminal Refugees & their Families ,Build more Wall , Drill Baby Drill /Build tha Pipelines , Reveal The Steal , ...
Well, from what I hear at local GOP meetings, this time is going to be a different approach.

How you say?

IF they retake the House and Senate, they are going to introduce "skinny bills" one after the other, basically one or 2 page bills, then force the Democrats to vote up or down, and the President to either veto or sign. No more hiding in 200 page bills. You know, like finish the wall, keep people in Mexico, finish the pipeline, open up Alaska, no sexual content below 7th grade in schools, etc; all separate bills of 1 or 2 pages.

In this manner, Americans can see what is going on, and nobody can hide behind what is said on page 130 of a 200 page bill. To do this the GOP has got to control the House and Senate, otherwise the Dems will bloat the bills as fast as they can to give themselves cover by putting in poison pills.

Reality is-------------->the PERCEPTION of what the Left wants, is highly unpopular with the vast majority of Americans. If the GOP can keep a narrow focus through 2024 on going against these policies, while forcing the Democrats to either go along for the good of the country,(meaning they will have just admitted their policies suck) or making them vote against it while supporting their unpopular policies publicly, they will be wiped out in 24 also, especially if they choose the latter.

Can the GOP restrain themselves and stay on a narrow vision for 18 to 24 months? I do not know, but the plan sounds logical to me, if they don't get full of themselves and start trying to go off road!

In my long life I have been glad when the Republicans have taken the White House and the Congress away from the Democrat filth.

But in reality not much ever changes. We still have growth of the Federal government, more debt and the welfare state continues. Come budget time we should get massive reduction in the cost of government but we never do.

Just look what could have been accomplished during the two years with Trump and a Republican Congress but hardly anything was done. Most of the good stuff Trump had to do on his on.

I think the Democrat filth will get its ass kicked in the mid terms and they will curtail some of the damage that could be done by Potatohead but it won't amount to a hill of beans compared to the structural problems caused by this massive bloated out of control Federal government.

Republicans are always better than the Democrats but since that is such a low bar then it doesn't take much.

I'll gloat and ridicule the stupid Moon Bats when the Republicans take over Congress in the midterms but I am not going to get my hopes up that anything meaningful will be done.
Start Deporting Criminal Illegals /Visa Overstayers & Criminal Refugees & their Families ,Build more Wall , Drill Baby Drill /Build tha Pipelines , Reveal The Steal , ...
"Reveal the steal" is one area both Repubs and Demonazis agree. Both hated Trump and just want to move on
Adhering to the system would fix it. Equal justice, no censorship, and government staying out of personal decisions concerning families.
More like, GOP does well because no one is paying attention during midterms, and then they remind the country how crazy they are.

It's what happened in 2010
It's what happened in 1994

Much to the chagrin of Bob Dole and Mitt Romney.

You just cited two of the worst Presidential candidates to run................Bob dole had barely enough energy to get out of bed, and romney has the spine of a idiot.....
Democrats gave us more than crazy, like not even being able to tell us what a woman is

They have given us so much more, massive inflation, shortages, a fuel crisis, a border crisis, wars and genocide and mass immigration across the globe

Really they never stop giving.

Don't forget....

grooming kids
flooding the country with illegal aliens
gas prices through the roof
food prices through the roof
store shelves running out of inventory

Yeah....just one of those issues would be bad.....and those aren't even the whole list
Don't forget....

grooming kids
flooding the country with illegal aliens
gas prices through the roof
food prices through the roof
store shelves running out of inventory

Yeah....just one of those issues would be bad.....and those aren't even the whole list
And the third party crowd will tell you there's no difference
More like, GOP does well because no one is paying attention during midterms, and then they remind the country how crazy they are.

It's what happened in 2010
It's what happened in 1994

Much to the chagrin of Bob Dole and Mitt Romney.
The country and the world will continue to deteriorate morally and ethically until The End comes.

There will be certain periods where revival will occur and people come to their senses and realize what a woman is, and that abortion is wrong and is murder but as we near The End Times these periods will lessen and shorten until it seems the entire world has little concept between what is right and wrong and becomes mired in moral confusion.

Satan is the author of that confusion.

Then The End comes like a “Thief In The Night”

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