The Red-Pill Ballad of the Recovering Never-Trumper

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

This guy speaks a lot of what I feel.

I was always for Trump after he was nominated (he wasn't my first pick...but I hopped on board when he was nominated).

Don't like him as a person.....

But we are fighting for more than the WH.

Great article:


I enthusiastically voted for Gary Johnson in 2016. I wrote articles opposing Donald Trump’s presidency and welcomed the title of Never-Trumper. I was a part of the system. I thought Donald Trump was the enemy, even up until the point I was filling out my 2020 ballot. My ballot this year, for some reason, had down-ticket races first and Presidential last. I was excited to fill out my ballot for some of my very close friends running for office. It wasn’t until I got through the ballot and realized I hadn’t voted for president. Except that I did. I had voted for another four years of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, without even thinking about it. That was the moment I unplugged.

I realized Donald Trump isn’t the enemy. The media-created system is. Donald Trump is simply the tool for fighting it. That… That’s why I voted for Donald Trump. That’s why I want another four years of disruption, because I refuse to be part of the system that perpetually divides Americans. The system knows we all hate that division, so it embedded code to convince us to think that, if we maybe vote for a particular candidate, that the division will go away.
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Trump knew exactly where the weaknesses in the System were to tweak it to get a result he wanted. This man singularly defeated scandal after scandal after media-created scandal, to the point where they literally were digging in decade-old media footage in a basement to come up with the “grab ’em by the p***y” comments. That is how Donald Trump red-pilled me. What did he know that I didn’t? How could he literally say that Megyn Kelly was menstruating on live effing television and get away with it?

Do I like the guy? What the hell is there to like about him? Literally, none of us would ever be friends with the guy. Not a single one of us. He is the antithesis of the “regular Joe American.” He is about as relatable of a guy to us as is 99% of the Hollywood Elite. He literally would be the last guy any of us would ever invite to our homes for a Saturday barbeque. This dude literally can’t comprehend our lives in any way. Do you think he would know, for a fraction of a millisecond, what it would be like to wear a T-shirt and shorts, sitting on the couch, watching “Schitt’s Creek” and drinking a lukewarm Mountain Dew? He is not one of us, and we will never be one of his. Ever.


As say the same thing.

I don't like Trump as a person. He annoys me. I'd punch his lights out after to long.

But...the author will explain...this really does not matter.
The part on Harris made me realize democrats are having so many issue with propping Joe up and covering for his cognitive issues they really haven't promoted Harris.

TRUMP has successfully prevented the MSM for being able to self-correct, and while many whine about his tweets and other things as being not presidential, by doing these thing TRUMP exposes the MSM code and renders it useless.

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