The reason there a bigger turnover in this administration than Der Wienersnitzel?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Remember when Trump invited the Russians into the Oval office, (May 15, 2017) he had kicked out American media & let Russian media in. There were only 3 other Americans in that room with him. They were H. R. McMaster, National Security Adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post that Trump had given the Russians classified information?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


A couple of months before U.S. intelligence had warned Israeli Intelligence to not give classified information to Trump, citing he may be compromised by Vladimir Putin.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

So we have leaks coming in from everywhere. White House aids, High level cabinet officials, people very close to Trump, etc. etc. etc. So listening to a CIA expert on this, it became very clear. These same people swore an oath to this country to defend and protect this country against Foreign & Domestic enemies. It's that they consider Trump to be the enemy and in the terms of many--(they are the last line of defense against Vladimir Putin's puppet, Donald Trump.) So all of these firings or transfers to a closet job is what Trump is doing. He's getting rid of high level officials who are watching his every move, his every phone call, and are leaking to the press about everything regarding Russia.
Tom Bossert is out — here are all the casualties of the Trump administration so far
(note that this list does not include Rex Tillerson & H.R. McMaster) the most recent fires of Trump.

A great book to read about this is:


Very well written, informative, easy to follow,
and hard to put down.
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The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.
Michael Isikoff....:puhleeze:

Eh .. he's too much of a parasite news flunky to be taken seriously, zero credibility, just another suckholing socialist and liberal anti-American seditionist.. a Yahoo journalist... :lol:
The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.
The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Well, feel free to point out all these problems now. Record low unemployment, no idiotic regime change wars in the Middle East, cutting back on immigrants and refugees from third world shitholes, the Korean conflict being handled peacefully by a show of strength, and lowered taxes and strong economy.

Makes me hungry...

Me too....Forget this idiot OP....I had no idea they were still in business...tomorrow I drive over to Tempe and PIG OUT!
I recommend the chili cheese dogs!

Once I drove over a hundred miles up to Flagstaff because I was jonesing for their polish dogs with pickle and sauerkraut. I thought they were long gone and so I just looked and there's one about 15 minutes from me.

Makes me hungry...

Me too....Forget this idiot OP....I had no idea they were still in business...tomorrow I drive over to Tempe and PIG OUT!
I recommend the chili cheese dogs!

Once I drove over a hundred miles up to Flagstaff because I was jonesing for their polish dogs with pickle and sauerkraut. I thought they were long gone and so I just looked and there's one about 15 minutes from me.
If you are in Tempe than that makes sense....the best pig out spots are in college towns...
The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Well, feel free to point out all these problems now. Record low unemployment, no idiotic regime change wars in the Middle East, cutting back on immigrants and refugees from third world shitholes, the Korean conflict being handled peacefully by a show of strength, and lowered taxes and strong economy.

Okay, I'll point out the problems.

1) Record low unemployment.

There isn't any record low unemployment.

Unemployment is at 4.1%.

1948's highest unemployment rate was 4.0%
1953 had 2.5%

4.1% is never, ever in a million years going to be a record low no matter how much you want it to be.

There are states with a lower unemployment rate than 2.5% right now, it's Hawaii. 2.1%

I only have stats going back to 1976, not going back to the 1940s and 1950s when unemployment was much lower. Hawaii has had low unemployment rates, in 2006 it was down to 2.4%, in 1989 it was also down to 2.4%, so yes, there are some states with record lows, seeing as the records didn't start until 1976.

Alaska on the other hand is at 7.3. Who's shouting out how great Trump is there? That's 0.3% HIGHER since Trump got elected.

In fact in 2014 it was at 6.5% in March, the same month this year that's got 7.3%.

Yes, Alaska has typically high unemployment, but then again under the boom times of the 2000s they were in the 6.somethings for long periods of time.

We can look at things both ways.

Now we have to look at the impact a president actually has on unemployment rates.

We can look at unemployment figures and see that most states saw a surge of unemployment just after George W. Bush left office.

Bush had an average rate of 5.31%. Only 5 other post war presidents had lower. Does this mean that Bush had a positive impact on unemployment? Well no. His legacy is one of seeing the economy fall out from under its feet right at the end of his second term. He had 8 years to stop it happening, but it happened.

Do we credit Bush or bash Bush? We bash him, because it was his policies, his inaction that helped to cause the problems. There are other issues too. Bush tried to do something but Congress wouldn't. So, the President doesn't make legislation. Yes, he's expected to push for legislation and he didn't seem to push very hard to get something in place that he knew would cause problems from causing problems.

Then you have Obama. Unemployment dropped massively under Obama. Do we credit Obama for this? Was it his policies that saw this happen? In part yes, but in part no. Once again we have Congress making the legislation.

Also we have patterns. When you have a recession, you tend to find that it's followed by increased growth and prosperity.
Obama kept the ship steady, and it happened. Only if someone had not kept the ship steady, would the economy not have grown as it did.

Trump came in right on the back of this prosperity. Just as it's hitting some high points. Now, what is the potential impact of Trump's policies?

He's messing around with China. Trade wars have a tendency of weakening an economy.
Tax cuts, they have a tendency of giving a small boost to the economy, follow by a dip, like a sugar rush.

Bush W. introduced tax cuts, increased spending, where did this lead the US? To a recession.

If you look at China, they're trying to LIMIT growth. Why? Because they don't want boom and bust. Trump is pumping the economy for all its worth and it WILL lead to a bust at some point. When? Who knows. Some predict this year, I'd say probably in about 10 years time, long after Trump has left office. At which point people will stick their head in the sand and pretend that Trump's policies had no impact.

The national debt is rising too. What's the impact of that? It could be massively problematic, and it'll be the poor who get hurt the most.

United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 1940-2018 | Data | Chart

As a percentage of GDP, the debt now is getting to levels not since since just after WW2. It's over 100, when in the 1970s it was under 40.
The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Well, feel free to point out all these problems now. Record low unemployment, no idiotic regime change wars in the Middle East, cutting back on immigrants and refugees from third world shitholes, the Korean conflict being handled peacefully by a show of strength, and lowered taxes and strong economy.

Okay, I'll point out the problems.

1) Record low unemployment.

There isn't any record low unemployment.

Unemployment is at 4.1%.

1948's highest unemployment rate was 4.0%
1953 had 2.5%

4.1% is never, ever in a million years going to be a record low no matter how much you want it to be.

There are states with a lower unemployment rate than 2.5% right now, it's Hawaii. 2.1%

I only have stats going back to 1976, not going back to the 1940s and 1950s when unemployment was much lower. Hawaii has had low unemployment rates, in 2006 it was down to 2.4%, in 1989 it was also down to 2.4%, so yes, there are some states with record lows, seeing as the records didn't start until 1976.

Alaska on the other hand is at 7.3. Who's shouting out how great Trump is there? That's 0.3% HIGHER since Trump got elected.

In fact in 2014 it was at 6.5% in March, the same month this year that's got 7.3%.

Yes, Alaska has typically high unemployment, but then again under the boom times of the 2000s they were in the 6.somethings for long periods of time.

We can look at things both ways.

Now we have to look at the impact a president actually has on unemployment rates.

We can look at unemployment figures and see that most states saw a surge of unemployment just after George W. Bush left office.

Bush had an average rate of 5.31%. Only 5 other post war presidents had lower. Does this mean that Bush had a positive impact on unemployment? Well no. His legacy is one of seeing the economy fall out from under its feet right at the end of his second term. He had 8 years to stop it happening, but it happened.

Do we credit Bush or bash Bush? We bash him, because it was his policies, his inaction that helped to cause the problems. There are other issues too. Bush tried to do something but Congress wouldn't. So, the President doesn't make legislation. Yes, he's expected to push for legislation and he didn't seem to push very hard to get something in place that he knew would cause problems from causing problems.

Then you have Obama. Unemployment dropped massively under Obama. Do we credit Obama for this? Was it his policies that saw this happen? In part yes, but in part no. Once again we have Congress making the legislation.

Also we have patterns. When you have a recession, you tend to find that it's followed by increased growth and prosperity.
Obama kept the ship steady, and it happened. Only if someone had not kept the ship steady, would the economy not have grown as it did.

Trump came in right on the back of this prosperity. Just as it's hitting some high points. Now, what is the potential impact of Trump's policies?

He's messing around with China. Trade wars have a tendency of weakening an economy.
Tax cuts, they have a tendency of giving a small boost to the economy, follow by a dip, like a sugar rush.

Bush W. introduced tax cuts, increased spending, where did this lead the US? To a recession.

If you look at China, they're trying to LIMIT growth. Why? Because they don't want boom and bust. Trump is pumping the economy for all its worth and it WILL lead to a bust at some point. When? Who knows. Some predict this year, I'd say probably in about 10 years time, long after Trump has left office. At which point people will stick their head in the sand and pretend that Trump's policies had no impact.

The national debt is rising too. What's the impact of that? It could be massively problematic, and it'll be the poor who get hurt the most.

United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 1940-2018 | Data | Chart

As a percentage of GDP, the debt now is getting to levels not since since just after WW2. It's over 100, when in the 1970s it was under 40.

It’s the lowest it’s been in decades. In this day and age it would be near impossible to get below 4% because of bottom feeders that want to be unemployed to get welfare. The real number to look at is the percentage of the population that is in the workforce. During the Hussein era it was really low, since most unemployed just stopped looking for a job, which also artificially lowered the unemployment rate. Now the percentage is high again AND we have a low unemployment rate.

Thanks for bringing up China, I forgot to add that to the great things this President is doing. We finally have a leader willing to play hardball with them, and fight back against their unfair trade practices. Tariffs are a great thing, and the President is going to use them. Every other country uses them to their advantage, it’s refreshing to see we finally have a leader who will do the same for us.
The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Well, feel free to point out all these problems now. Record low unemployment, no idiotic regime change wars in the Middle East, cutting back on immigrants and refugees from third world shitholes, the Korean conflict being handled peacefully by a show of strength, and lowered taxes and strong economy.

Okay, I'll point out the problems.

1) Record low unemployment.

There isn't any record low unemployment.

Unemployment is at 4.1%.

1948's highest unemployment rate was 4.0%
1953 had 2.5%

4.1% is never, ever in a million years going to be a record low no matter how much you want it to be.

There are states with a lower unemployment rate than 2.5% right now, it's Hawaii. 2.1%

I only have stats going back to 1976, not going back to the 1940s and 1950s when unemployment was much lower. Hawaii has had low unemployment rates, in 2006 it was down to 2.4%, in 1989 it was also down to 2.4%, so yes, there are some states with record lows, seeing as the records didn't start until 1976.

Alaska on the other hand is at 7.3. Who's shouting out how great Trump is there? That's 0.3% HIGHER since Trump got elected.

In fact in 2014 it was at 6.5% in March, the same month this year that's got 7.3%.

Yes, Alaska has typically high unemployment, but then again under the boom times of the 2000s they were in the 6.somethings for long periods of time.

We can look at things both ways.

Now we have to look at the impact a president actually has on unemployment rates.

We can look at unemployment figures and see that most states saw a surge of unemployment just after George W. Bush left office.

Bush had an average rate of 5.31%. Only 5 other post war presidents had lower. Does this mean that Bush had a positive impact on unemployment? Well no. His legacy is one of seeing the economy fall out from under its feet right at the end of his second term. He had 8 years to stop it happening, but it happened.

Do we credit Bush or bash Bush? We bash him, because it was his policies, his inaction that helped to cause the problems. There are other issues too. Bush tried to do something but Congress wouldn't. So, the President doesn't make legislation. Yes, he's expected to push for legislation and he didn't seem to push very hard to get something in place that he knew would cause problems from causing problems.

Then you have Obama. Unemployment dropped massively under Obama. Do we credit Obama for this? Was it his policies that saw this happen? In part yes, but in part no. Once again we have Congress making the legislation.

Also we have patterns. When you have a recession, you tend to find that it's followed by increased growth and prosperity.
Obama kept the ship steady, and it happened. Only if someone had not kept the ship steady, would the economy not have grown as it did.

Trump came in right on the back of this prosperity. Just as it's hitting some high points. Now, what is the potential impact of Trump's policies?

He's messing around with China. Trade wars have a tendency of weakening an economy.
Tax cuts, they have a tendency of giving a small boost to the economy, follow by a dip, like a sugar rush.

Bush W. introduced tax cuts, increased spending, where did this lead the US? To a recession.

If you look at China, they're trying to LIMIT growth. Why? Because they don't want boom and bust. Trump is pumping the economy for all its worth and it WILL lead to a bust at some point. When? Who knows. Some predict this year, I'd say probably in about 10 years time, long after Trump has left office. At which point people will stick their head in the sand and pretend that Trump's policies had no impact.

The national debt is rising too. What's the impact of that? It could be massively problematic, and it'll be the poor who get hurt the most.

United States Gross Federal Debt to GDP | 1940-2018 | Data | Chart

As a percentage of GDP, the debt now is getting to levels not since since just after WW2. It's over 100, when in the 1970s it was under 40.

It’s the lowest it’s been in decades. In this day and age it would be near impossible to get below 4% because of bottom feeders that want to be unemployed to get welfare. The real number to look at is the percentage of the population that is in the workforce. During the Hussein era it was really low, since most unemployed just stopped looking for a job, which also artificially lowered the unemployment rate. Now the percentage is high again AND we have a low unemployment rate.

Thanks for bringing up China, I forgot to add that to the great things this President is doing. We finally have a leader willing to play hardball with them, and fight back against their unfair trade practices. Tariffs are a great thing, and the President is going to use them. Every other country uses them to their advantage, it’s refreshing to see we finally have a leader who will do the same for us.

Yes, there are always excuses/reasons/etc that will change statistics over time. I say excuses because someone like Trump will proudly boast all the good things and ignore or need excuses for the bad things.

Hussein? When the hell was Saddam president? Oh, wait, you're being childish... right.... [for fuck's sake]

Obama was dealing with a completely different situation to Trump. We could look at all of this in different ways.

Obama got into power and unemployment rose for the first 9 months, then dropped. Totally what you'd expect. It had nothing to do with Obama that it rose, nor that it started to drop again.

But say we take October (because 10% unemployment was Oct 2009), it dropped 0.6% one year, 0.6% the next year, 1% the year after, 0.6% the year after, 1.5% the year after that, 0.7% the year after that, 0.1% the year after that.

Yes, I can make it all look great for Obama. But you see what happened at the end? It dropped off. Unemployment was dropping more steadily.

Trump got in at 4.8% and now it's 4.1%, so Trump's seen a 0.7% drop in 2 years. Obama never saw such a slow drop.

What does this say about Obama and Trump? Nothing. It says more about the situations they are in. Obama came in during a period of economic recession. It had nothing to do with him, the recession had started months before he became president.

Same for Trump, he came in during an era of prosperity that had nothing to do with him. Yet he's taking the credit for it all.

Yes, I brought up China. However you've gone off talking about something else. Just because I use the word "China", does not mean you can talk about ANYTHING to do with "China".

Trump is playing hardball with China, and China is playing the US and winning.

China doesn't need to keep up its economic rate, the CCP has been struggling to keep the growth rate DOWN. A slowing of the economy will NOT see the CCP kicked out of office.

However a slowing US economy might.

China's on 6.8% growth, the US will never get anywhere near this. The US can drop a few percentage points and it will be noticeable massively. China can drop double that and no one will even notice.
It’s the lowest it’s been in decades. In this day and age it would be near impossible to get below 4% because of bottom feeders that want to be unemployed to get welfare. The real number to look at is the percentage of the population that is in the workforce. During the Hussein era it was really low, since most unemployed just stopped looking for a job, which also artificially lowered the unemployment rate. Now the percentage is high again AND we have a low unemployment rate.

So, you think the Workforce participation rate has gone up under Trump? really? sounds like fake news to me.

Thanks for bringing up China, I forgot to add that to the great things this President is doing. We finally have a leader willing to play hardball with them, and fight back against their unfair trade practices. Tariffs are a great thing, and the President is going to use them. Every other country uses them to their advantage, it’s refreshing to see we finally have a leader who will do the same for us.

Tariffs are great things if you believe the Fed Govt should control the economy in a socialistic manner.
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The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Sorry but the previous two idiots that occupied the white house created more problems than trump could ever dream to surpass.
The President is authorized to share classified information to foreign powers as he sees fit.

The problem would probably be that he's not FIT to make such judgements.
You can repeat that to yourself as many times as you want.

Clicking your heels over and over ain’t taking you back to Kansas either, princess.

And in the future we'll be able to point to the problems he's caused.

But hey, you lot will continue to have you heads up your asses pretending it isn't so.

Sorry but the previous two idiots that occupied the white house created more problems than trump could ever dream to surpass.

Based on what?

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