The reason Iran and North Korea get away with their nuclear ambitions is because of Russia & China


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.
Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.

While I see where you are coming from, I do not believe human civilization at large would benefit from arming a host of "Second-World" nations with thermonuclear weapons. Rather, that could backfire in America's face, to the tune of more than one mushroom cloud. Perhaps even a domino set of them. I do agree, however, that American foreign policy regarding nations such as Iran and North Korea is being held in stalemate or at least severely limited by China, and Russia to a lesser degree. China wants to be number one by the middle of this century, and Russia it seems could be happy seeing China and the U.S. take each other down economically, or with China eclipsing the U.S. in future decades. Additionally, I suspect both NK and Iran are nowhere close to the threats to world peace/Western Civilization the MSM paints them as, at least not militarily. Rather, those two nations are hot potato leverage both radical American and European leftists can use to undermine U.S. foreign policy, and buffers of sorts the Chinese and Russians can use to hold American foreign policy in check. The implied threats are ever obvious. If we invade NK or try to depose Kim, China will take drastic action against at least Taiwan and Japan. If we invade Iran, Russia might launch some missiles or a fire sale cyber attack against our national infrastructure. The last thing we need in our era of history is another world war. Kudos to our POTUS so far for seeming to share that same sentiment.
Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.
Russia has their own, China helped NK to develop theirs, as well, as Russia and I suspect Russia and China helping Iran. They are a set of dictatorships, using each other, to accomplish the same goal.
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Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.

While I see where you are coming from, I do not believe human civilization at large would benefit from arming a host of "Second-World" nations with thermonuclear weapons. Rather, that could backfire in America's face, to the tune of more than one mushroom cloud. Perhaps even a domino set of them. I do agree, however, that American foreign policy regarding nations such as Iran and North Korea is being held in stalemate or at least severely limited by China, and Russia to a lesser degree. China wants to be number one by the middle of this century, and Russia it seems could be happy seeing China and the U.S. take each other down economically, or with China eclipsing the U.S. in future decades. Additionally, I suspect both NK and Iran are nowhere close to the threats to world peace/Western Civilization the MSM paints them as, at least not militarily. Rather, those two nations are hot potato leverage both radical American and European leftists can use to undermine U.S. foreign policy, and buffers of sorts the Chinese and Russians can use to hold American foreign policy in check. The implied threats are ever obvious. If we invade NK or try to depose Kim, China will take drastic action against at least Taiwan and Japan. If we invade Iran, Russia might launch some missiles or a fire sale cyber attack against our national infrastructure. The last thing we need in our era of history is another world war. Kudos to our POTUS so far for seeming to share that same sentiment.

I wonder if we have ever informed China that, in the event North Korea uses a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that we would consider an attack by China which would result in nuclear retaliation upon China.

If China was faced with the prospect of Japan and South Korea going nuclear, I believe it might have the desired result of them stripping North Korea of their nukes. No need for Trump to threaten North Korea or launch air strikes or do anything. If nukes are good for North Korea and Iran, who is next? Cuba? Venezuela? Syria?
Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.
You are correct, inasmuch as china and russia enabling these bad actors.
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Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.
You are correct, inasmuch as china and russia enabling these bad actors.

Russia and China would shit bricks if Poland, Ukraine, South Korea and Japan all announced that they were going nuclear.
Russia & China had/has NO PROBLEM with North Korea creating a nuclear arsenal. They also have NO PROBLEM with Iran creating a nuclear arsenal.

We should abandon the nuclear non-proliferation agreement because it doesn't work when the world's most nefarious powers are ignoring it. Then, we should encourage Japan and South Korea to develop their own nuclear arsenals. As well, we should do the same with Ukraine and Poland and perhaps others. If we did, or at least threatened to do so, perhaps Russia and China would get on-board with eliminating North Korea's nuclear arsenal and preventing Iran's acquisition of such.
You are correct, inasmuch as china and russia enabling these bad actors.

Russia and China would shit bricks if Poland, Ukraine, South Korea and Japan all announced that they were going nuclear.
So would any educated, thinking person.
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So would any educated, thinking person.

Apparently not. Obama was fine with Iran building a nuclear weapons arsenal, as long as it wasn't while he was potus. That's why he bribed Iran to shelve it for a few years.
No he wasnt. Can you please stay grounded in reality for 2 seconds? Goddamn, it's like talking to a child.

Obama's ''deal'' paved the way for Iran to go nuclear. Feel free to make the argument that it did otherwise. Cue the crickets.

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