The Reality that Racists Who Are White Refuse to Face

Documenting the Costs of Slavery, Segregation, and Contemporary Racism: Why Reparations Are in Order for African Americans
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Joe Richard Feagin is an American sociologist and social theorist who has conducted extensive research on racial and gender issues, especially in regard to the United States. He is currently the Ella C. McFadden Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University. Feagin has taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, University of California, Riverside, University of Texas at Austin, University of Florida, and Texas A&M University. Feagin has done much research work on race and ethnic relations and has served as the scholar in residence at the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He has written over 60 books. He is the 2006 recipient of a Harvard Alumni Association achievement award and was the 1999–2000 president of the American Sociological Association.

Since the mid-1600s, now for some fifteen generations or so, the exploitation and oppression of African Americans has redistributed income and wealth earned by black labor to generations of white Americans, thereby leaving the former relatively impoverished as a group and the latter relatively privileged as a group. Consider just the value of the African American labor that was expropriated. The white owner’s cost for maintaining an enslaved African American was generally very low, and under many circumstances large profits could be generated from the labor of such a subordinated worker. For example, researcher Larry Neal has calculated that the current (1983) value of the slave labor expropriated by whites from 1620 to 1865 ranges from about $963 billion to as much as $97,064 billion, depending on the rate of interest chosen for the long intervening period. Historical economist James Marketti estimates the dollar value of the labor taken from enslaved African Americans from 1790 to 1860 to be, depending on the historical assumptions, from $7 billion to as much as $40 billion. Such a figure roughly indicates what black individuals and families lost in income because they did not control their labor. Marketti suggests that, if that stolen income is multiplied by taking into account lost interest from then to the present, the current (1983) economic loss (income diverted) for black Americans ranges from $2.1 to $4.7 trillion. Updating these 1983 estimates to today would place the current value of the diverted income from black labor, plus interest, into many trillions of United States dollars.

Numerous white analysts have attacked the idea of white society owing such back wages for slavery; they argue that figuring out the debts of a supposedly too-distant history is just too difficult. Yet such an argument almost always fails to note that the damages done to African Americans did not end with slavery, but persisted for another one hundred years in the form of legal segregation, and then for several more decades in present-day discrimination. The era of black enslavement was not followed by a century of redress, justice, and equality, but rather just the opposite. Moreover, today, there are millions of living African Americans who suffered severely under legal segregation, and many more continue to suffer today from racial discrimination at the hands of many white Americans.

Of course I will see the standard retardation by delusional racist whites and those who wannabe white about democrats and liberals, but this is reality and if you have to concoct some crazy shit to deny what is documented in the American record, your ass is a mental case needing to take up residency at your nearest funny farm.
blacks arent smart enough to make it without help from those evil white people/?
How dare you. On the one hand, lament about slavery and how "you" are owed. Comment about how the mean old whitey took all the value of the slaves labor. Those bastards, living off the labor of the slave. And yet, here you are, on the other hand, demanding your piece of the labor of those long dead slaves. Because make no doubt about it, you are no more entitled to the value of that labor than the slave owner. You don't get to win the womb lottery. I mean I can't believe anybody is considering reparations. Hell, it is in the freakin Constitution. "There will be no blood libel". You don't get to raise Constitutional questions like equality, and then discard the parts you don't like, like no blood libel.

And the number figure, the trillions of dollars, BECAUSE OF INTEREST, that is a damn joke. So let me get this straight. Had those slaves actually been paid the value of their labor, well they would have taken ever bit of the money, put in interest bearing accounts, for their great, great, great, great grandsons. Comically silly.

Kill it, just kill Martin Luther King's dream. The hell with that content of character, no, let's judge a man by the color of his skin. Some owe, some get paid.

Dude, we all owed. All of us have someone in our family tree that was overworked and underpaid, don't start thinking "slavery" comes in only one version. Play 16 tons--you think that coal miner is getting the value of his production? Who writes his descendants a check?

Honestly, you need to wake up, clean up, stand up. Wake up to the fact that none of us are owed shit. We work with the cards we are dealt. Clean up by quit making excuses, using slavery as a crutch, adding another insult to your forefathers. And stand up, take responsibility, take positive action, be a leader. Quit calling for a ladder to get out of the hole, just start clawing, and digging, and climbing your way out. It is what ever generation since slavery has done, what makes your generation special? Where is the honor?

How dare you, a white man, question somebody's honor. Your gender has a history of dishonor you want hidden and that's why those like you whine about anti white racism.. Son, your argument is ignorant. Slavery did come in only one version. This ain't about be overworked and underpaid. And keep Dr. Kings name out your mouth. Kings dream was that his children not be judged by whites as to the color of their skin. He wanted white racism to end. It has not ended. Instead white racists are trying to use his words against blacks who are talking about the content of character that still manifests itself in white racism.

The Homestead Acts passed in 1862, gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, including white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, which is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

Notice the numbers foolio .0.27 percent of 246 milliion acres went to backs. Some of what was built was burned down by whites. Whites were handed the equivalent of $500,000 each by this government and still today nearly half of the white population lives on land given to them by the government that blacks could not get.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result.

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education.

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals 56,250 per black person in America. If we take into account all of the areas blacks have lost money in due to white racism since 2000, it's over 300,000 per person. Now if you want to exclude the 36,000 blacks worth at least 1 million, then its going to be closer to 400,000. And this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

It's the same dumb ass argument every time. This issue is not about being paid for the past it is a cumulative payment that includes today. So let me make this clear to you since you want to preach.

I'm the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative action program in American history: A free education, a loan for a house. But black veterans didn't get it. We got made middle class by our government program.”

The Rev. Jim Wallis
Our society has allowed low lives into our national discourse on race. These liars and disingenuous opinion-makers have sold many in modern white America a race-baited tale of opportunity lost and failure of black Americans that when examined against the facts, fails every fact check known to humanity. In the history of this country, I as a layman ordinary average joe can point to 3 specific instances where whatever government was in power, whether a colonial or constitutional republic, provided direct economic stimulus or assistance to whites. Headrights, The Homestead Acts, and the New Deal to include the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act.

So basically all your words were nothing more than evidence of a common psychosis that afflicts a portion of white America. Do not lectutre me about scraping and hard work white boy because I guarantee that to make what I have made of myself, that is a man who has sucessfully built or helped build 3 NPO's, that I have worked far harder than you or any of the other racist scrubs in here who think they can lecture people about what they need to do combined.

Each of the blacks you guys try lecturing either own a business or are highly successful in their field of work. All are educated and highly skilled. None of you can match these people, your ignorant unlearned psychobabble shows this. I have been here for several years and from the very day I started, I posted that the issue is not slavery. Yet you stupid motherfuckers keep talking about slavery and what you didn't do. This argument is about what YOU have benefitted from. From women like Molly and the others who benefitted from Affirmative Action more than anybody else, the whites in this forum today living on homestead property, to you who were kids to parents that were able to take advantage of the GI Bill and raised you in suburban comfort, to those whites who farmed and got subsidies black farmers could not get, those who grew up with parents who got jobs and promotions blacks were refused, those who have been given loans blacks have been denied to start businesses and have been able to accumulate wealth, all this continues now and whites living today benefit from continuing racism.

So take your little sermon and shove it son, and seek help for you psychosis.
No they didn’t. At best slaves created the wealth the South squandered trying to seceded from the union. Most of the wealth came from the northern and western states where slavery was never legal. If you want to make a claim that some group was responsible for the wealth of the US, it was the immigrants who settled in the major cities of the north and west. Slaves never amounted to more than a small percentage of the population and their production was limited to agriculture for the export of cheap raw materials to Britain. Wealth isn’t created by exporting low profit raw materials, it’s created by exporting and selling finished products.
You are incorrect. Plain and simple.
How dare you, a white man, question somebody's honor. Your gender has a history of dishonor you want hidden and that's why those like you whine about anti white racism.. Son, your argument is ignorant. Slavery did come in only one version. This ain't about be overworked and underpaid. And keep Dr. Kings name out your mouth. Kings dream was that his children not be judged by whites as to the color of their skin. He wanted white racism to end. It has not ended. Instead white racists are trying to use his words against blacks who are talking about the content of character that still manifests itself in white racism.

The Homestead Acts passed in 1862, gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, including white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, which is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

Notice the numbers foolio .0.27 percent of 246 milliion acres went to backs. Some of what was built was burned down by whites. Whites were handed the equivalent of $500,000 each by this government and still today nearly half of the white population lives on land given to them by the government that blacks could not get.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result.

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education.

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals 56,250 per black person in America. If we take into account all of the areas blacks have lost money in due to white racism since 2000, it's over 300,000 per person. Now if you want to exclude the 36,000 blacks worth at least 1 million, then its going to be closer to 400,000. And this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

It's the same dumb ass argument every time. This issue is not about being paid for the past it is a cumulative payment that includes today. So let me make this clear to you since you want to preach.

I'm the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative action program in American history: A free education, a loan for a house. But black veterans didn't get it. We got made middle class by our government program.”

The Rev. Jim Wallis
Our society has allowed low lives into our national discourse on race. These liars and disingenuous opinion-makers have sold many in modern white America a race-baited tale of opportunity lost and failure of black Americans that when examined against the facts, fails every fact check known to humanity. In the history of this country, I as a layman ordinary average joe can point to 3 specific instances where whatever government was in power, whether a colonial or constitutional republic, provided direct economic stimulus or assistance to whites. Headrights, The Homestead Acts, and the New Deal to include the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act.

So basically all your words were nothing more than evidence of a common psychosis that afflicts a portion of white America. Do not lectutre me about scraping and hard work white boy because I guarantee that to make what I have made of myself, that is a man who has sucessfully built or helped build 3 NPO's, that I have worked far harder than you or any of the other racist scrubs in here who think they can lecture people about what they need to do combined.

Each of the blacks you guys try lecturing either own a business or are highly successful in their field of work. All are educated and highly skilled. None of you can match these people, your ignorant unlearned psychobabble shows this. I have been here for several years and from the very day I started, I posted that the issue is not slavery. Yet you stupid motherfuckers keep talking about slavery and what you didn't do. This argument is about what YOU have benefitted from. From women like Molly and the others who benefitted from Affirmative Action more than anybody else, the whites in this forum today living on homestead property, to you who were kids to parents that were able to take advantage of the GI Bill and raised you in suburban comfort, to those whites who farmed and got subsidies black farmers could not get, those who grew up with parents who got jobs and promotions blacks were refused, those who have been given loans blacks have been denied to start businesses and have been able to accumulate wealth, all this continues now and whites living today benefit from continuing racism.

So take your little sermon and shove it son, and seek help for you psychosis.
You are a flippin idiot. You are going to get another sermon. First, equating 160 acres of sometimes near worthless land, and the fact that much of it was turned worthless during the dust storms that happened later, to half a million dollars is just sheer stupidity. I mean my great grandfather bought 500 acres of rich, fertile, farmland in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains for $500 in 1945, almost a hundred years after your half million 160 acre plots. Your 93 million number is not the number of "whites" living on homestead land. It is the total number of descendants of homesteaders, including those black ones. What, did those homesteaders never leave, not for five generations. You live in a flippin fantasy world. Just one hundred people own 40 million acres.

And to land ownership. In 1910 210,000 blacks owned 4 million acres of land. You can't blame all the loss of that land on whitey. Tenancy in common was the biggest culprit, it took just one heir wanting to get his hands on some money, to force a sale to whitey.

And your numbers, that is money LOST. Do you understand what that means? The damn money is LOST, it never happened. It didn't get stolen, it is not sitting in some bank somewhere waiting to be distributed to you lazy fucks holding your hands out. Could of, would of, should of--all bullshit.

And who the hell are you to judge me. I don't give a rat's ass how successful and educated the blacks are that are making the ignorant argument for reparations. Hell, if anything, it shows that obstacles can be overcome. And I agree, people should be willing to pay for the benefits they got and didn't deserve. That is why I support a strong estate tax. That is why I support a progressive income tax. But enough already. I mean I could lay around all day and talk about how I, and my ancestors, got shit on. Sharecroppers, tenant farmers, I respect them too much to make excuses for them, or myself. And yes, it is about HONOR. And I am sorry, but if you want to bitch and moan about how bad whitey has treated you, you have no HONOR.

And if this is not about slavery, then why in the hell did you post that stupid shit about the value of that slave labor, and then add compound interest to it and act like you have proven something? And you cannot tell me not to quote Martin Luther King. I am quite sure he didn't just mean "white racism".

one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

You really think you can command reparations, or payments, or whatever you want to call it, from your brothers and sisters?

Look, I am all about providing equal opportunity, at least as close as we can come to it. The reality is we are not all created equal, some of us are more intelligent, some of us are healthier, some of us are stronger, faster, And those are gifts we are born with, just like the gift of being born into privilege. But we can increase the funding for inner city schools, invest in underdeveloped inner city areas. Tighten restrictions on diesel truck exhaust and address the problem of asthma among those in the inner city. I mean lots of things we can do to help. But talk of reparations, or compensation, does absolutely nothing to alleviate the problems, and instead increases the divide between the races. You are not attempting to be brothers and sisters with everyone, you are attempting to divide just to get some free money that you are not entitled to despite what you might think.

You are unwilling to compete on a level playing field. You don't have a problem with discrimination, you just have a problem with being discriminated against. You don't have a problem with affirmative action, you just want to benefit it from it, like the women did. Which is so damn funny.. I mean everyone has it it better than you. What a crock of shit.

And since you are unwilling to compete on a level playing field, since you have to wear your blackness as a shield, I can only assume that you still believe that you are inferior to the white man. You need that crutch, you need that compensation, because you just can't do like every other minority, from the Irish Catholics to the Asian railroad workers, overcome obstacles and push forward. You can't do it because you are trapped in the past and feeling sorry for yourself.
How dare you, a white man, question somebody's honor. Your gender has a history of dishonor you want hidden and that's why those like you whine about anti white racism.. Son, your argument is ignorant. Slavery did come in only one version. This ain't about be overworked and underpaid. And keep Dr. Kings name out your mouth. Kings dream was that his children not be judged by whites as to the color of their skin. He wanted white racism to end. It has not ended. Instead white racists are trying to use his words against blacks who are talking about the content of character that still manifests itself in white racism.

The Homestead Acts passed in 1862, gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, including white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family. Today 93 million whites still live on homestead land, which is at least 40 percent of the white population in America. That land has helped whites accumulate the wealth they have today.

Notice the numbers foolio .0.27 percent of 246 milliion acres went to backs. Some of what was built was burned down by whites. Whites were handed the equivalent of $500,000 each by this government and still today nearly half of the white population lives on land given to them by the government that blacks could not get.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result.

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education.

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals 56,250 per black person in America. If we take into account all of the areas blacks have lost money in due to white racism since 2000, it's over 300,000 per person. Now if you want to exclude the 36,000 blacks worth at least 1 million, then its going to be closer to 400,000. And this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

It's the same dumb ass argument every time. This issue is not about being paid for the past it is a cumulative payment that includes today. So let me make this clear to you since you want to preach.

I'm the beneficiary of the biggest affirmative action program in American history: A free education, a loan for a house. But black veterans didn't get it. We got made middle class by our government program.”

The Rev. Jim Wallis
Our society has allowed low lives into our national discourse on race. These liars and disingenuous opinion-makers have sold many in modern white America a race-baited tale of opportunity lost and failure of black Americans that when examined against the facts, fails every fact check known to humanity. In the history of this country, I as a layman ordinary average joe can point to 3 specific instances where whatever government was in power, whether a colonial or constitutional republic, provided direct economic stimulus or assistance to whites. Headrights, The Homestead Acts, and the New Deal to include the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act.

So basically all your words were nothing more than evidence of a common psychosis that afflicts a portion of white America. Do not lectutre me about scraping and hard work white boy because I guarantee that to make what I have made of myself, that is a man who has sucessfully built or helped build 3 NPO's, that I have worked far harder than you or any of the other racist scrubs in here who think they can lecture people about what they need to do combined.

Each of the blacks you guys try lecturing either own a business or are highly successful in their field of work. All are educated and highly skilled. None of you can match these people, your ignorant unlearned psychobabble shows this. I have been here for several years and from the very day I started, I posted that the issue is not slavery. Yet you stupid motherfuckers keep talking about slavery and what you didn't do. This argument is about what YOU have benefitted from. From women like Molly and the others who benefitted from Affirmative Action more than anybody else, the whites in this forum today living on homestead property, to you who were kids to parents that were able to take advantage of the GI Bill and raised you in suburban comfort, to those whites who farmed and got subsidies black farmers could not get, those who grew up with parents who got jobs and promotions blacks were refused, those who have been given loans blacks have been denied to start businesses and have been able to accumulate wealth, all this continues now and whites living today benefit from continuing racism.

So take your little sermon and shove it son, and seek help for you psychosis.
The island where Haiti and Dominican Republic is tells us all we want to know. The Dominican Republic is not rich but is like a Progressive Socialist Beverly Hills neighborhood compared to what the Haitians have done. And the Dominicans stop the Haitians from entering their country on that island. You need to raise a voice against that.
The Homestead Acts passed in 1862, gave away 246 million acres of land. Research shows that 99.73 percent of that land went to whites, including white immigrants. 1.5 million white families were given free land or the equivalent of a minimum of $500,000 per family.
Blacks could have taken advantage of the free land but didnt do so
The island where Haiti and Dominican Republic is tells us all we want to know. The Dominican Republic is not rich but is like a Progressive Socialist Beverly Hills neighborhood compared to what the Haitians have done. And the Dominicans stop the Haitians from entering their country on that island. You need to raise a voice against that.
Spare me this racist mumbo jumbo. I can ppint out decripid [oor white countries in Eastern Europe that are shitholes. Places like Ukraine for example. I live in America, my number 1 concern is the condition Americans face because of white racism.
You are a flippin idiot. You are going to get another sermon. First, equating 160 acres of sometimes near worthless land, and the fact that much of it was turned worthless during the dust storms that happened later, to half a million dollars is just sheer stupidity. I mean my great grandfather bought 500 acres of rich, fertile, farmland in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains for $500 in 1945, almost a hundred years after your half million 160 acre plots. Your 93 million number is not the number of "whites" living on homestead land. It is the total number of descendants of homesteaders, including those black ones. What, did those homesteaders never leave, not for five generations. You live in a flippin fantasy world. Just one hundred people own 40 million acres.

And to land ownership. In 1910 210,000 blacks owned 4 million acres of land. You can't blame all the loss of that land on whitey. Tenancy in common was the biggest culprit, it took just one heir wanting to get his hands on some money, to force a sale to whitey.

And your numbers, that is money LOST. Do you understand what that means? The damn money is LOST, it never happened. It didn't get stolen, it is not sitting in some bank somewhere waiting to be distributed to you lazy fucks holding your hands out. Could of, would of, should of--all bullshit.

And who the hell are you to judge me. I don't give a rat's ass how successful and educated the blacks are that are making the ignorant argument for reparations. Hell, if anything, it shows that obstacles can be overcome. And I agree, people should be willing to pay for the benefits they got and didn't deserve. That is why I support a strong estate tax. That is why I support a progressive income tax. But enough already. I mean I could lay around all day and talk about how I, and my ancestors, got shit on. Sharecroppers, tenant farmers, I respect them too much to make excuses for them, or myself. And yes, it is about HONOR. And I am sorry, but if you want to bitch and moan about how bad whitey has treated you, you have no HONOR.

And if this is not about slavery, then why in the hell did you post that stupid shit about the value of that slave labor, and then add compound interest to it and act like you have proven something? And you cannot tell me not to quote Martin Luther King. I am quite sure he didn't just mean "white racism".

one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

You really think you can command reparations, or payments, or whatever you want to call it, from your brothers and sisters?

Look, I am all about providing equal opportunity, at least as close as we can come to it. The reality is we are not all created equal, some of us are more intelligent, some of us are healthier, some of us are stronger, faster, And those are gifts we are born with, just like the gift of being born into privilege. But we can increase the funding for inner city schools, invest in underdeveloped inner city areas. Tighten restrictions on diesel truck exhaust and address the problem of asthma among those in the inner city. I mean lots of things we can do to help. But talk of reparations, or compensation, does absolutely nothing to alleviate the problems, and instead increases the divide between the races. You are not attempting to be brothers and sisters with everyone, you are attempting to divide just to get some free money that you are not entitled to despite what you might think.

You are unwilling to compete on a level playing field. You don't have a problem with discrimination, you just have a problem with being discriminated against. You don't have a problem with affirmative action, you just want to benefit it from it, like the women did. Which is so damn funny.. I mean everyone has it it better than you. What a crock of shit.

And since you are unwilling to compete on a level playing field, since you have to wear your blackness as a shield, I can only assume that you still believe that you are inferior to the white man. You need that crutch, you need that compensation, because you just can't do like every other minority, from the Irish Catholics to the Asian railroad workers, overcome obstacles and push forward. You can't do it because you are trapped in the past and feeling sorry for yourself.
Your sermon was one of the dumbest compilation of words ever posted. You don't seem to understand that the policies you whine about that are discriminating were made to stop whites from denying opportunity. Without these policies whites would still be doing so. You posted pure idiocy whereby you show a strong disconect from the reeality of how things have actually occurred.
blacks arent smart enough to make it without help from those evil white people/?
Whites have nothing without our free and discounted labor. You don't seem to see how whites have been helped by government legislation.
That is a lie. You've been shown that.
Only in you mind that has bern brainwashed by black racism

its the excuse that black people have used ever since to excuse failure

if a chinese coolie can travel 7000 miles with just the shirt on his back while speaking no English and find success then surely blacks can too

but they didnt
Not if we get what we are owed. Because we aren't on the bottom now.

You aren't owed a fucking thing. You didn't suffer, and blacks didn't build the country.

The Irish and the Chinese who built the railroads are responsible for the wealth of this country.

You people held back economic development which is why the South lost the war.
Whites have nothing without our free and discounted labor. You don't seem to see how whites have been helped by government legislation.

Bullshit. You idiots built nothing. You picked cotton. Big fucking deal. The plantations didn't become profitable till they replaced you people with the cotton gin.
We are talking about things that have created what we have today. Slaves built the wealth of this country. That's reality. One you can't face. America wou;d not be richer without what slaves were made to do. You need to quit repeating that stupid ass white race baited bullshit and face reality.

Bullshit. You built nothing.
Only in you mind that has bern brainwashed by black racism

its the excuse that black people have used ever since to excuse failure

if a chinese coolie can travel 7000 miles with just the shirt on his back while speaking no English and find success then surely blacks can too

but they didnt
Again, gaslighting doesn't work here. The facts show I am right.

The Chinese coolie has not. done as good as you whites want to maje it. Now if you're talking about wealthy Indians who come here on H1B visas already with American jobs guaranteed as Asians then you would be more accurate. The reality here is that blacks got fucked over. You have been shown that.
Bullshit. You idiots built nothing. You picked cotton. Big fucking deal. The plantations didn't become profitable till they replaced you people with the cotton gin.
Incorrect Charlie. You're about to get embarrassed.... Again.

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