The reality of Trump’s economy

...Growth Is Just Average...
His GDP growth rate for his first full 8 quarters is 50% higher than Obama's last 8 full quarters...
...the economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2% in the first three months of this year. Big deal...
Trump just laid down the best first quarter in 4 years.
...Obama’s quarterly economic growth rate beat Trump’s...
Obama's final 8 full quarters averaged 1.94%. Trump's first full 8 quarters averaged 2.91% or a 50% stronger growth rate than Obama's "new normal".

...Trump’s average annual budget deficit...
Trump has been President for 833 days and the Federal Debt has risen by $2,080,195,217,284.10
Over Obama'a final 833 days the Federal Debt rose by $2,088,824,525,722.20

Despite a series of Fed hikes that increased the cost of servicing Obama's debt and a 50% increase in GDP growth, Trump has the better record, running up less debt than Obama over the same period.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

GREAT AGAIN: Financial optimism best in 18 years, good sign for Trump reelection.
Progs are just too ignorant for words, they really are. Supposedly they're more "sophisticated" and educated, but logic and economic trends are well beyond them. They claim "BUT OBAMA ADDED SO MANY JOBS" blah blah blah. Take a wild guess what happens after an economy goes into a deep recession...........Answer, at some point there's going to be a return, and it has little to do with government. If you start at 8, bottom out at 4, climb to 7 (Obama), is that truly more impressive than 10?

Our economy improved primarily because to low interest rates. Way to go Obama. Interest rates that have risen on Trump's watch.

If anything Obama interfered with a recovery due to Obamacare. That's objective.
You are ignorant of the facts I have posted and what has been widely reported in the news. I would provide you with a link so you can catch up with those of us who arrive to these discussions informed but most of you people choose ignorance when the facts are placed at your feet because they conflict with your propaganda.

you not not posted a single fact or a link in this thread. Are you speaking of another thread?

Do you have learning disabilities? Here let me demonstrate your ignorance. CEO confidence at near-record high. Why? Trump's war on regulation

Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:
you not not posted a single fact or a link in this thread. Are you speaking of another thread?

Do you have learning disabilities? Here let me demonstrate your ignorance. CEO confidence at near-record high. Why? Trump's war on regulation

Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away
Do you have learning disabilities? Here let me demonstrate your ignorance. CEO confidence at near-record high. Why? Trump's war on regulation

Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

So what you are saying is, that Trump achieved in a year what Obama failed to achieve in 8 years makes you sad. We get it.
Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

So what you are saying is, that Trump achieved in a year what Obama failed to achieve in 8 years makes you sad. We get it.

Obama was a piece of shit president, and Trump is only slightly better. That is why the best you worshipers can do is compare him to Obama. That is liking comparing a QB to Ryan Leaf.
I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

So what you are saying is, that Trump achieved in a year what Obama failed to achieve in 8 years makes you sad. We get it.

Obama was a piece of shit president, and Trump is only slightly better. That is why the best you worshipers can do is compare him to Obama. That is liking comparing a QB to Ryan Leaf.

You just keep sticking your chin out, okay. Trump achieved what no president has achieved in the decades they have been conducting the study. There now lets hear your come back to that. Name a president in the last 50 years, Trump crushed them all. Here's you, but but but...but.
Do you have learning disabilities? Here let me demonstrate your ignorance. CEO confidence at near-record high. Why? Trump's war on regulation

Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

The S&P is going to close at another all-time record high today.

Do you practice being a stupid bitch or does it come naturally?

Seriously, the S&P closed at 2,380 two years ago and today it's at 2,945.

Only in the mind of a STOOPID fucking dimocrap scumbag is a 23% rise in two years not considered meteoric

Do you even think before you post stupid shit like this or is your Tourette's just too much for your tiny little brain to handle??

And people wonder why I'm profane??
This time around, Trump has a record to run on and in every financial area it's gangbusters. 190,000 jobs expected in April, 263,000 jobs gained. Everyone is profiting. His approval on the economy is at 56% and rising.
On the flip side, Democrats have a new green deal that even they know is ridiculous, their old, "We smelled smoke" disaster, or socialism that thinks taking 90% of your check before you get your hands on it is an acceptable maneuver to pay for all that "free stuff" you'll be getting...

Trump IS the New Green Deal. Green is the color of money and he is putting it in our pockets again. Unemployment numbers just keep getting lower and lower.

The next election will be based on Record vs Rhetoric. Trump's record is worth continuing. Obstruction is wearing thin...
just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

So what you are saying is, that Trump achieved in a year what Obama failed to achieve in 8 years makes you sad. We get it.

Obama was a piece of shit president, and Trump is only slightly better. That is why the best you worshipers can do is compare him to Obama. That is liking comparing a QB to Ryan Leaf.

You just keep sticking your chin out, okay. Trump achieved what no president has achieved in the decades they have been conducting the study. There now lets hear your come back to that. Name a president in the last 50 years, Trump crushed them all. Here's you, but but but...but.

He achieved something meaningless, who the fuck cares about it?
Trump has lied over 10,000 times. Now to his credit, Trump is very good at the big lie. You know, the one Goebbels describes:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Trump does this all the time. His claims about the economy is a prime example.

Forget His Boasts; Growth Is Just Average and Well Behind Reagan, Clinton, Even Carter

Donald Trump keeps boasting about what a great economy he should get credited for creating. But his administration’s own reports don’t support his claims, which also don’t come close to what he promised voters.

His results so far have been, well, just average.

As if it were a stellar achievement, Trump boasted last week, the economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2% in the first three months of this year. Big deal. That’s precisely the average since 1947.

Candidate Trump boasted many times that he would boost economic growth. In October 2015, he said: “I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

So far, the best he has done is 4.2% in the second quarter of 2018.

Obama’s quarterly economic growth rate beat Trump’s best four times, George W. Bush five times, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan 13 times each. One-term president Jimmy Carter beat Trump six times and one-termer George H. W. Bush did it five times.

Carter’s best, by the way, was 16.4% growth, four times Trump’s best so far.

Trump’s last budget is projected to run a deficit almost 1.5 times the size of Obama’s last budget deficit according to the Trump administration’s own data, known as Historical Table 1.3.

Trump’s average annual budget deficit over four years will be the worst of any president from Carter through George W. Bush.

The average Trump shortfall will be 4.6% of the economy.

Obama’s was about the same as Trump at 5% of the economy, mostly because of the Great Recession that he inherited. In his second term, Obama’s budget shortfall was less than 2.5% of the economy.

The cost to you of Trump’s borrow-and-spend approach? Instead of retiring the federal debt in eight years, as Trump told voters he could easily do because he was “the king of debt,” the federal debt is growing at the rate of $30 per day for a family of four. That’s almost $11,000 per year for that family.

Trump’s borrow-and-spend, however, has failed to stimulate faster jobs creation.

Under Trump, job growth is slower than under Obama. Trump’s average is 198,000 more jobs per month. That’s good, but far from great.

Obama, during his last six years and a month, averaged 204,000 more jobs each month.

Trump promised if elected the nation would add 25 million new jobs in 10 years. He’s on track to fall more than a million jobs short of that goal.

That goal was nothing to brag about, either. Before Trump started making campaign promises the projections of future job growth were about what Trump sold as a miracle waiting for him to make it happen.

The reality is that Trump’s economic performance, measured by his own administration, is merely average.

Why Trump Gets a 'C' on the Economy |
Enjoy it
Idk it seems things are doing good. Im no economist, nor will i try to act like one.
I do love having more money in my pocket. More tax cuts please

Thank Obama. Because those tax cuts did nothing for you.
Pfft... that filthy America hating kenyan muslim dog turd did more to RUIN America than any other president in HISTORY, and his economy was the WORST in history, even though the fed tried to help him out with Q.E. pumping $85,000,000,000 in the stock market EVERY MONTH. If you still worship that BUFFOON, you don't have the brains God gave a BRICK.

Trump's economy has unemployment down to 3.6% and 263.000 new jobs in April.
Wages up 3%.
That's terrible.....................!
Boggles my mind that people would risk upsetting this cart by voting for new policies/programs.
Economy > social nonsense

Boggles my mind that the Veep is out pushing the Fed to reduce interest rates. That is the last thing this economy needs. Hold the line - no hikes, no reductions.
Oh look a link, why did it take you so long?

And why are you posting a 2 year old story? A lot has changed since then

Sent from my iPhone using

I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

The S&P is going to close at another all-time record high today.

Do you practice being a stupid bitch or does it come naturally?

Seriously, the S&P closed at 2,380 two years ago and today it's at 2,945.

Only in the mind of a STOOPID fucking dimocrap scumbag is a 23% rise in two years not considered meteoric

Do you even think before you post stupid shit like this or is your Tourette's just too much for your tiny little brain to handle??

And people wonder why I'm profane??

Poor little sheep...all you have is talking points.

Here are some cold, hard facts...

Since Jan 22, 2018 (the start of the trade war): In 466 days:

In 466 days, the DJI is up 1.65%
In 466 days, the S&P is up 4.82%
In 466 days, the NASDAQ is up 14.80%

As compared to the previous 466 days.

DJI up 34.35%
S&P 500 up 24.0%
NASDAQ up 39.47%

What has gone on the last 466 days is stagnation...almost no growth.
  • Thanks
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Trump has lied over 10,000 times. Now to his credit, Trump is very good at the big lie. You know, the one Goebbels describes:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Trump does this all the time. His claims about the economy is a prime example.

Forget His Boasts; Growth Is Just Average and Well Behind Reagan, Clinton, Even Carter

Donald Trump keeps boasting about what a great economy he should get credited for creating. But his administration’s own reports don’t support his claims, which also don’t come close to what he promised voters.

His results so far have been, well, just average.

As if it were a stellar achievement, Trump boasted last week, the economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2% in the first three months of this year. Big deal. That’s precisely the average since 1947.

Candidate Trump boasted many times that he would boost economic growth. In October 2015, he said: “I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

So far, the best he has done is 4.2% in the second quarter of 2018.

Obama’s quarterly economic growth rate beat Trump’s best four times, George W. Bush five times, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan 13 times each. One-term president Jimmy Carter beat Trump six times and one-termer George H. W. Bush did it five times.

Carter’s best, by the way, was 16.4% growth, four times Trump’s best so far.

Trump’s last budget is projected to run a deficit almost 1.5 times the size of Obama’s last budget deficit according to the Trump administration’s own data, known as Historical Table 1.3.

Trump’s average annual budget deficit over four years will be the worst of any president from Carter through George W. Bush.

The average Trump shortfall will be 4.6% of the economy.

Obama’s was about the same as Trump at 5% of the economy, mostly because of the Great Recession that he inherited. In his second term, Obama’s budget shortfall was less than 2.5% of the economy.

The cost to you of Trump’s borrow-and-spend approach? Instead of retiring the federal debt in eight years, as Trump told voters he could easily do because he was “the king of debt,” the federal debt is growing at the rate of $30 per day for a family of four. That’s almost $11,000 per year for that family.

Trump’s borrow-and-spend, however, has failed to stimulate faster jobs creation.

Under Trump, job growth is slower than under Obama. Trump’s average is 198,000 more jobs per month. That’s good, but far from great.

Obama, during his last six years and a month, averaged 204,000 more jobs each month.

Trump promised if elected the nation would add 25 million new jobs in 10 years. He’s on track to fall more than a million jobs short of that goal.

That goal was nothing to brag about, either. Before Trump started making campaign promises the projections of future job growth were about what Trump sold as a miracle waiting for him to make it happen.

The reality is that Trump’s economic performance, measured by his own administration, is merely average.

Why Trump Gets a 'C' on the Economy |

Translation~ Trump and the Republicans didn't crash it like Bush Jr and the democrats

download (2).jpeg
I enjoy toying with you ignorant uninformed leftists, then I destroy you with a link. Run and hide.

just admit you did not know the article was 2 years old, we all know the truth already

LOL not only did I know the article was 2 years old, I posted it on the forum 2 years ago. Wait, we are back to how pathetically uninformed you are. These libs walk willingly into the mockery buzz saw. :auiqs.jpg:

Dude, nobody cares what CEO's thought 2 years ago. Two years ago they had high hopes, then your savior started a trade war and that all went away

The S&P is going to close at another all-time record high today.

Do you practice being a stupid bitch or does it come naturally?

Seriously, the S&P closed at 2,380 two years ago and today it's at 2,945.

Only in the mind of a STOOPID fucking dimocrap scumbag is a 23% rise in two years not considered meteoric

Do you even think before you post stupid shit like this or is your Tourette's just too much for your tiny little brain to handle??

And people wonder why I'm profane??

Poor little sheep...all you have is talking points.

Here are some cold, hard facts...

Since Jan 22, 2018 (the start of the trade war): In 466 days:

In 466 days, the DJI is up 1.65%
In 466 days, the S&P is up 4.82%
In 466 days, the NASDAQ is up 14.80%

As compared to the previous 466 days.

DJI up 34.35%
S&P 500 up 24.0%
NASDAQ up 39.47%

What has gone on the last 466 days is stagnation...almost no growth.

S&P up almost 38%, dividends not included, since election day.
Not bad, considering the Fed has raised 8 times and shrunk the balance sheet by 12%.

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