The realities of the Trump administration

For over three years Trump has been promising Americans a health plan. In an interview with Fox News in July, Trump said he would be signing a "full and complete health care plan" within two weeks. In an August 3 press briefing, Trump said his health care plan would most likely be released before the end of the month. Trump promised a health care plan before the end of August. It never came.

We are still waiting.

In many ways Trump is a joke.

There is a new preexisting condition out there. It is called the coronavirus, and millions of Americans have it.

Recently Trump told us this. "Over the next two weeks I’ll be pursuing a major executive order requiring health insurance companies to cover all preexisting conditions for all companies. That’s a big thing. I’ve always been very strongly in favor. We have to cover pre-existing conditions."

In the midst of a pandemic Trump wants to abolish the law that requires insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions.

According to the Times, the Trump administration wants the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act — a move that, if successful, would bring a permanent end to the health insurance program and wipe out coverage for as many as 23 million Americans. The Court is expected to hear the case soon after the November elections.

Again, Trump wants the ACA abolished while the U.S. is suffering from a pandemic more than any other country on the planet.

130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose the A.C.A.’s lifesaving protections and 23 million Americans will lose their health coverage entirely.

It hardly matters what the court will decide on the ACA.

What matters is what our President wants to happen!

Trump's followers likely will not react to all this. Of that, there is very little doubt. They are a quiet bunch when it comes to Trump.

They even have a hard time explaining why they support Trump. Perhaps they don't know.

Trump's supporters are good at throwing up distractions, though. They don't want to learn the truth, and they do their best to prevent others from learning the truth.

These people chose our President. Will we allow that to happen again?

Vote early!
In many ways Trump is a joke.

Trump assumed his role as a stand-up comedian in Atlanta yesterday. He joked about being a dictator.

He made light of fears he will not accept the result of the election if he loses to Joe Biden in November. 'Will we be president in 10 years?' he asked, before claiming he was joking.

'You know, you can't joke,' he told supporters in Atlanta. '[The media] always cut it before the laugh so they think he's serious.' He looked very serious at the press conference yesterday.

The crowd then chanted '12 more years!' to laughter from the President.

So, you heard it directly from Trump. When he says mail-in ballots are a fraud perpetrated on us by the Democrats, that was all a joke.

That's what he said. "You know, you can't joke. [The media] always cut it before the laugh so they think he's serious," as he speaks about himself in the third person.

Trump thinks it is funny for the President of the United States to question the results of an election if he loses.

Vote early!
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In his own words Trump has admitted lying to the American people about the pandemic. In his own words Trump admits he is still lying to the American people. He says he doesn't want Americans to panic.

Americans don't panic. We solve the crisis, proven over and over again in our history.

Trump didn't know that.

As the impending threat of a pandemic was descending on America in January, February, and March, Trump was telling us, “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle—it will disappear.”

Or, the pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.”

And, “99% of COVID-19 cases are totally harmless.”

As a consequence, on his watch, the U.S. has 20% of the world's virus cases and 20% of the world's deaths caused by the virus. Over 209,500 Americans have died from the virus. United States Coronavirus: 7,331,020 Cases and 209,556 Deaths - Worldometer

As a consequence of that inescapable fact, because of his false optimism and habitual fantasies, because of his inability to react for three months when the virus threatened, because he refuses to accept bad news, Trump has run the greatest economy the world has ever known into the ground. The US economy shrank by an annualized 32.9 percent in the second quarter of 2020. It is the biggest contraction ever, pushing the economy into a recession. Thirty million Americans are unemployed, and the American people are challenged by both a pandemic and severe recession.

What has been Trump's response to all of this? He has sidelined his leading epidemiologists, Drs. Fauci, Birx, Redfield, and Hahn in favor of Fox News contributor, Dr. Scott Atlas, a radiologist, not an expert on epidemiology.

Atlas's views coincide with Trump's and directly conflict with the leading experts in the field, the field of epidemics, not radiology, the latter field being inconsequential at the moment.
Trump's worst mistake as a leader was his mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, resulting in the loss of over 189,000 American lives, and counting, as well as the destruction of the U.S. economy, the largest the world has ever known. To counter this, he has for months suggested crackpot ideas and he constantly attempts to change the subject.

His latest gambit is law and order, which is ironic. The country is being torn apart by racial unrest on his watch. Trump blames Biden for violence.

He comes up with really screwy ideas because he yearns to be the center of attention, and, if that means making a fool of himself, so be it.

His latest crackpot scheme is coming from his new medical advisor. Trump has silenced Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, who are brilliant epidemiologists.

The Post put it this way. "Dr. Scott W. Atlas has argued that the science of mask wearing is uncertain, that children cannot pass on the coronavirus and that the role of the government is not to stamp out the virus but to protect its most vulnerable citizens as Covid-19 takes its course.

"Ideas like these, both ideologically freighted and scientifically disputed, have propelled the radiologist [not an epidemiologist] and senior fellow at Stanford University’s conservative Hoover Institution into President Trump’s White House, where he is pushing to reshape the administration’s response to the pandemic.

"Mr. Trump has embraced Dr. Atlas, as has Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, even as he upsets the balance of power within the White House coronavirus task force with ideas that top government doctors and scientists like Anthony S. Fauci, Deborah L. Birx and Jerome Adams, the surgeon general, find misguided — even dangerous — according to people familiar with the task force’s deliberations."

Our President at work. It is amazing how anyone can support this idiot. He wants to kill Americans with the toxic medical advice from his administration.
Awwwwk awwwwk libber Polly wanna Trump cracker awwwk awwwk!!
As a consequence, on his watch, the U.S. has 20% of the world's virus cases and 20% of the world's deaths caused by the virus. Over 209,500 Americans have died from the virus. United States Coronavirus: 7,331,020 Cases and 209,556 Deaths - Worldometer
As a consequence of that inescapable fact, because of his false optimism and habitual fantasies, because of his inability to react for three months when the virus threatened, because he refuses to accept bad news, Trump has run the greatest economy the world has ever known into the ground. The US economy shrank by an annualized 32.9 percent in the second quarter of 2020. It is the biggest contraction ever, pushing the economy into a recession. Thirty million Americans are unemployed, and the American people are challenged by both a pandemic and severe recession.

Trump's business philosophy can be summed up in a few words. "Anyone who pays income taxes is a sucker."

Through their silence and acquiescence even Trump's followers know Trump is a loser, an incompetent, narcissistic, foolish President who has done a great deal of harm. He has failed on the foreign front, and the U.S. is now isolated, bereft of allies we once had. His failures on the domestic front are highlighted by a failed economy, disastrous mishandling of the pandemic, and over 209,500 dead Americans from the virus he allowed to flourish.

It is our extraordinary bad luck that the worst President in modern American history is allowed to appoint three Supreme Court judges.
Trump's business philosophy can be summed up in a few words. "Anyone who pays income taxes is a sucker."

Trump paid $750 in taxes in 2016 and again in 2017. He avoided paying any tax for ten years. Trump didn't pay income tax for 10 of 15 years before 2016 election: NYT

No doubt many of Trump's followers paid at least ten times that in 2016, and again in 2017, but they will cheer Trump for paying so little as President.

Of course, when Trump becomes a private citizen on January 21, he may suffer the same fate as many of his close associates -- jail time.

And, of course, that will be okay with the Trump Cult as well. Whey one reveres someone like Trump is revered within the Cult -- for reasons that defy all logic -- then one doesn't worry about petty things like lying, breaking our laws, and sexual promiscuity.
Because of his undying friendship for Putin, because he believes Putin before believing his own intelligence agencies, because we know Putin helped Trump get elected in 2016, because Trump was heavily critical of his own FBI director for daring to suggest that Putin is helping him again in 2020, I have long believed that Putin has something on Trump. Recently, Dan Coats, who Trump fired from his DNI post for giving him bad news, suggested such a thing, but my belief goes back a couple years.

The Times report showed that Trump is beset by hundreds of millions in personal debt that will come due within the next four years.

Who does he owe that money to?

Four years? That is the length of another Presidential term. Maybe Trump is more desperate than we all think. Should Trump lose the election, will the note become due?

Or, is my imagination working overtime?
Because of his undying friendship for Putin, because he believes Putin before believing his own intelligence agencies, because we know Putin helped Trump get elected in 2016, because Trump was heavily critical of his own FBI director for daring to suggest that Putin is helping him again in 2020, I have long believed that Putin has something on Trump. Recently, Dan Coats, who Trump fired from his DNI post for giving him bad news, suggested such a thing, but my belief goes back a couple years.

The Times report showed that Trump is beset by hundreds of millions in personal debt that will come due within the next four years.

Who does he owe that money to?

Four years? That is the length of another Presidential term. Maybe Trump is more desperate than we all think. Should Trump lose the election, will the note become due?

Or, is my imagination working overtime?
Talk to yourself much ? Lol, read back to your other thousands of posts . Your always WRONG.... WRONG.....WRONG.... . TDS ....TDS...TDS...TDS....
Just how dumb is Trump?

Trump on Sunday demanded Joe Biden be subjected to a drug test for the first presidential debate this week, once more suggesting without evidence that his Democratic opponent takes performance-enhancing drugs.

Now he wants Biden to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters.

Trump must always be the center of attention.

Even if it means he needs to make himself look like an idiot.

These are ludicrous distractions to throw Biden off course. Trump thinks he can get Biden to forget his mishandling of the pandemic which has cost over 210,000 lives and caused a serious recession. He thinks Biden will also forget Trump's tax evasion and the destructive race riots on our streets during Trump's watch that caused so much chaos.

Trump doesn't know that Biden is a seasoned campaigner with ten times the experience the President has.

As a result, Trump turns to childish impulses.
Just how dumb is Trump?

Trump on Sunday demanded Joe Biden be subjected to a drug test for the first presidential debate this week, once more suggesting without evidence that his Democratic opponent takes performance-enhancing drugs.

Now he wants Biden to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters.

Trump must always be the center of attention.

Even if it means he needs to make himself look like an idiot.

These are ludicrous distractions to throw Biden off course. Trump thinks he can get Biden to forget his mishandling of the pandemic which has cost over 210,000 lives and caused a serious recession. He thinks Biden will also forget Trump's tax evasion and the destructive race riots on our streets during Trump's watch that caused so much chaos.

Trump doesn't know that Biden is a seasoned campaigner with ten times the experience the President has.

As a result, Trump turns to childish impulses.
Wrong .... wrong .... WRONG again. Dementia China Joe Biden will wanna swing at the Don. A. K. A. Superman.
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday announced that all restaurants and small businesses statewide can reopen and operate at full capacity.

The governor's order also ensures that local officials are unable to direct restaurants and businesses to close or operate at less than half-capacity without specifying a reason.

The governor also eliminated fines against people refusing to wear masks.

Yesterday, Florida had only 738 new cases of the virus.

Today, Florida has 3,266 new cases of the virus and counting.

Yesterday, Florida had ten deaths caused by the virus. Today, Florida has 101 deaths caused by the virus and counting.

Why does the Republican governor, a major ally of President Trump, want to kill off Floridians, including school age children?

I don't expect any answer from Trump's followers. They avoid issues like this.
Just how dumb is Trump?

Trump on Sunday demanded Joe Biden be subjected to a drug test for the first presidential debate this week, once more suggesting without evidence that his Democratic opponent takes performance-enhancing drugs.

Now he wants Biden to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters.

Trump must always be the center of attention.

Even if it means he needs to make himself look like an idiot.

These are ludicrous distractions to throw Biden off course. Trump thinks he can get Biden to forget his mishandling of the pandemic which has cost over 210,000 lives and caused a serious recession. He thinks Biden will also forget Trump's tax evasion and the destructive race riots on our streets during Trump's watch that caused so much chaos.

Trump doesn't know that Biden is a seasoned campaigner with ten times the experience the President has.

As a result, Trump turns to childish impulses.
As well as being a narcistic pathological liar, he sounding more and more like a paranoid schizophrenic.
We have known for quite some time that Trump, as Putin's friend, prefers the Russian version of events to American intelligence views on events. Trump proved that at Helsinki where he accepted Putin's word over our intelligence. He proved it again this past week when he expressed displeasure when his FBI director disclosed that the Russians are helping Trump again this year.

So, it is no surprise that Trump's intel chief declassified a Russian document that attacks the Russia investigation and Clinton's 2016 campaign just in time for the debate with the election just around the corner. Of course, this is purely a distraction to take attention away from his failures with the pandemic, the resulting recession, racial violence in our cities, and Trump's tax evasion.

CNN reports. "The top US intelligence official released information Tuesday about unverified Russian intelligence about Hillary Clinton that will likely fuel President Donald Trump's attacks on the Russia investigation and Clinton's 2016 campaign.

"Ratcliffe declassified the summary of a Russian intelligence assessment of Clinton on Tuesday, writing that US intelligence in 2016 obtained a Russian intelligence analysis that alleged Clinton had approved a campaign plan to "stir up a scandal" against Trump by tying him to Russia and the hack of the Democratic National Committee."

The intelligence community "does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication."

So, why make the report public? Well, we all know the answer to that one. Ratcliffe, Trump's DNI, wants to help his boss get elected.

Under Trump, our intelligence agencies have become perverted!

Trump's followers won't address that issue, either.
So, it is no surprise that Trump's intel chief declassified a Russian document that attacks the Russia investigation and Clinton's 2016 campaign just in time for the debate with the election just around the corner. Of course, this is purely a distraction to take attention away from his failures with the pandemic, the resulting recession, racial violence in our cities, and Trump's tax evasion.

The report below contains some big words, but here's hoping Trump's fans will be able to comprehend the statements as best they can.

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

The report is dated October 7, 2016.

A lot of people forgot about that report.

I didn't.
Last night Trump acted like a complete jerk.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, it means that many of Trump's followers are proud of our President's performance.

Unless they say differently, the list probably would include these members of Trump's cult.

Wrong .... wrong .... WRONG again. Dementia China Joe Biden will wanna swing at the Don. A. K. A. Superman.
Hey, I was taught that it's okay to talk to yourself, and it's okay to answer yourself. It's only when you interrupt yourself that you have problems.
Hahahahahahaha wackos spend all their time lying about Trump lying.
Last night Trump acted like a complete jerk.

What does that mean exactly?

Well, it means that many of Trump's followers are proud of our President's performance.

Unless they say differently, the list probably would include these members of Trump's cult.

Wrong .... wrong .... WRONG again. Dementia China Joe Biden will wanna swing at the Don. A. K. A. Superman.
Hey, I was taught that it's okay to talk to yourself, and it's okay to answer yourself. It's only when you interrupt yourself that you have problems.
Hahahahahahaha wackos spend all their time lying about Trump lying.
Read your last 500 posts .... wrong wrong wrong .....
Interrupting someone in a discussion is a sign of weakness and desperation. It shows that the person doing the interrupting is afraid of what the other will say or the question being asked. Just as he did last night in the Presidential debate with Biden, in press conferences, Trump is constantly interrupting reporters' questions, not allowing them to finish.

Words matter, particularly when one is the President. When asked to denounce white supremacists groups like the KKK and the Proud Boys, Trump offered a threat, saying the Proud Boys should "standby."

Later, after obsessing about mail-in ballots and questioning the results of the American election, Trump said ominously, “This is not going to end well.”

Trump loves attention. He has gotten the attention of the American people, but not in a positive sense.

Today, he and Republicans like Senator Tim Scott are trying to clean up his act.

That cannot be done! One can't un-ring a bell. That is particularly true of Presidential statements.

Trump did not misspeak. He meant exactly what he said. He was not joking, and he didn't mean something else. Those are the traditional mea culpas Trump Republicans have used for four years when Trump says something incomprehensibly stupid or dangerous, as in the case of last night's debate.

Throughout the world, facemasks have saved millions of lives. Trump's epidemiology scientists, who he has sidelined, have said facemasks could save thousands of American lives during the winter months. Trump mocked Biden for wearing a facemask at political events.

There has been no mea culpa for that one.

Words matter, particularly when one is the President. When asked to denounce white supremacists groups like the KKK and the Proud Boys, Trump offered a threat, saying the Proud Boys should "standby."

Trump said today he didn't know about the far-right group Proud Boys.

Wow! The Trump White House has never heard of the violent fascist group known as the Proud Boys. Gee, this is far more serious than I thought.

Or ...
"Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive"

Did Trump just jump from the frying into the fire? Is he so ignorant that he was unaware of the violent group that has done so much damage in our cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Kenosha.

"Proud Boys – stand back and stand by," Trump said in the Presidential debate.

The Charlotte Observer observes, "
Members of the Proud Boys celebrated on social media after President Donald Trump refused to denounce them as white supremacists during Tuesday’s presidential debate.

"The all-male far-right group is labeled “misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration” by the Anti-Defamation League, which adds the Proud Boys support white supremacist ideologies."

Reportedly, the Proud Boys are standing by.

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The Times reports, "President Trump’s refusal to condemn an extremist right-wing group in his first debate with Joseph R. Biden Jr. sent a shudder through the Republican Party at a critical moment in the 2020 campaign on Wednesday, as prominent lawmakers expressed unease about Mr. Trump’s conduct amid mounting fears that it could damage the party on Election Day.

"It was the second time in two weeks that a collection of party leaders broke with Mr. Trump over behavior they regarded as beyond the pale. Last week, Republicans distanced themselves from Mr. Trump’s unwillingness to promise a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election.

"This time, the subject was racist extremism and the president’s response to a demand from Mr. Biden during Tuesday night’s debate that he denounce the Proud Boys, an organization linked with white supremacy and acts of violence. Mr. Trump answered by telling the group to “stand back and stand by,” a message taken by members of the organization as a virtual endorsement.

"On Wednesday, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, called it “unacceptable not to condemn white supremacists,” without criticizing Mr. Trump by name, while Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the president should “make it clear Proud Boys is a racist organization antithetical to American ideals.'"

I will assume that once again Trump's followers will have nothing intelligent to say. They don't know why they support Trump.

Force of habit?
The Times reports, "President Trump’s refusal to condemn an extremist right-wing group in his first debate with Joseph R. Biden Jr. sent a shudder through the Republican Party at a critical moment in the 2020 campaign on Wednesday, as prominent lawmakers expressed unease about Mr. Trump’s conduct amid mounting fears that it could damage the party on Election Day.

Trump's refusal to specifically condemn white supremacist groups continues to have ramifications.

Yesterday, Trump was asked by three different reporters to denounce white supremacist groups. Trump talked about law and order, saying something about all violent groups should stand down.

Asked again, Trump said, " I have always denounced any form of that" He would not say white supremacist groups or be specific as in the Proud Boys, KKK, nor neo-Nazi organizations. "That" could have included Antifa and the BLM, which is probably what he intended.

Today his press secretary said Trump said exactly what he meant to say. He did not misspeak, she said.

"Stand back, stand by" is the new motto and rallying cry for the Proud Boys, They were enormously proud of what our President said about them.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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