The Real Tragedy in Ferguson


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?
I think it's the useless thug parents. The schools suk, and there seems to be a lack of good jobs, but in general, the community allows this to happen, and then blames the cops and schools. I'd also blame the welfare culture. If we were talking about giving poor kids a healthy meal at school, or clinics where they can get strep taken care of, it might be different, imo.
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?

Focusing attention on the real problems is racist. We live in a sick society.
Black on black crime is a far bigger issue than police brutality or racial profiling. If all the BLACK community and all the so called "protestors" focused on the real, prevalent issues instead of constantly shifting the blame to whites, we might actually become "post racial". I am not liking these protestors and the black community right now.
Why? Because destroying a sense of individualism (responsibility) in favor of collectivism (dependency) serves our Philosopher King Elites. The population is much easier to control and manipulate when people live in decadence and fear and only focus on base needs and desires.
Black on black crime is a far bigger issue than police brutality or racial profiling. If all the BLACK community and all the so called "protestors" focused on the real, prevalent issues instead of constantly shifting the blame to whites, we might actually become "post racial". I am not liking these protestors and the black community right now.

Bingo. The largest cohort of perpetrators of violence against Black consists of other Blacks. They found a body of a dead black man in Ferguson today (he was shot and set on fire). Where is the outrage over his death? Oh yeah, he was killed by one of the looters, so nobody cares.
A Lynching in the Heartland: Marion, Indiana, August 7, 1930
The mob attacked the jail, beat up the suspects(Before any chance of a trial) and murdered them.



1963 - Vivian Juanita Malone Jones

The local governor had blocked entry to collage for blacks, but she got in anyway


It took three federal marshals to make sure Ruby Bridges could get into school - it was an all white school.


In the 30s, you could lynch a black without trial.
In the 60s, you could exclude them from school, just because they were't white.

How the fuck can you expect a group of people to recover from that shit in just one or two generations, more so when many Americans still see them as less than human, so actively discriminate?
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?

Cause 1: Man shoplifts a few cigars.
Cause 2: Police notified. They should have just taken a report in case he returned to the store another time.
Cause 3: Police actually go on a hunt for a shoplifter...this should not have happened.
Cause 4: Something occurs that causes a person with no criminal or violent history to attack a police officer (why? why did he attack? Was he being assaulted by the cops).
Cause 5: He is shot while known to be unarmed, and when there was backup on the scene. Why even carry a taser or baton if 2, 3 or more police officers are unable to subdue one unarmed man with those tools.

K there you go.
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?

Cause 1: Man shoplifts a few cigars.
Cause 2: Police notified. They should have just taken a report in case he returned to the store another time.
Cause 3: Police actually go on a hunt for a shoplifter...this should not have happened.
Cause 4: Something occurs that causes a person with no criminal or violent history to attack a police officer (why? why did he attack? Was he being assaulted by the cops).
Cause 5: He is shot while known to be unarmed, and when there was backup on the scene. Why even carry a taser or baton if 2, 3 or more police officers are unable to subdue one unarmed man with those tools.

K there you go.
There you go in a concentric circle...ever increasing speed...ending up your own ass.

The Left will neither challenge nor hold Black Americans responsible for any negative actions because they don't want to offend such an important constituency.

Worse, they will defend and spin and deflect for Black Americans, effectively enabling bad behavior.

What a terrible thing to do to an entire race of people.

My question is...what the hell was all that law enforcement protection preparation....and where was it when the shit hit the fan?

The Left will neither challenge nor hold Black Americans responsible for any negative actions because they don't want to offend such an important constituency.

Worse, they will defend and spin and deflect for Black Americans, effectively enabling bad behavior.

What a terrible thing to do to an entire race of people.


The Government will neither challenge nor hold its Officers responsible for any negative actions because they don't want to any proceedings that result in shrinking or limiting their power to curb future abuses.

Worse, they will defend and spin and deflect for each other, effectively enabling perpetual tyranny.

What a terrible thing to do to the Citizens of the United States.

The Second Amendment isn't for duck hunting, it's for tyrannical regimes. And it's not there to play patty cake with tyrannical regimes, it's there to physical damage to them.

Do you think Eric Holder will over go to jail for F&F? Or Hillary for Bengazi? Or Obama for NSA Snowden Leaks? Or Cheney for allowing Muslim jihadists to attack us on 9/11? Or Lois Lerner go to jail for the IRS? Or Mccain go to jail for meeting with Al Nusra?

No, they won't, because you sit there peacefully, begging the abusers to stop abusing you.

Do you think the police brutality in Athens, Tennessee, 1946, against Whites, would have ended without the Veterans Restoring the Rule of Law via the Second Amendment?
Funny about that. If the grand jury had marched Officer Wilson out a with noose around his neck out to the protestors in Ferguson, what do you think they would have done? Anointed his feet with oil and forgave him or lynched him? Well, they burned down buildings and looted and did harm when they didn't get what they wanted. Justice wasn't enough, they wanted vengeance. Not Justice, not facts. I am not liking the protesters in Ferguson right now.
Because "it takes a village to raise a child" theory is bullshit here. The Ferguson situation started generations ago and was visited on the Brown. The tragedy is that it will happen again.
Why? Because destroying a sense of individualism (responsibility) in favor of collectivism (dependency) serves our Philosopher King Elites. The population is much easier to control and manipulate when people live in decadence and fear and only focus on base needs and desires.

And if people still read history books in high school and college, they'd know this very development of the welfare state as you describe, goes back at least 2200 years. It existed in Rome and was called "the mob". The emperor fed the mob, he subsidized their rents -squalid apartments in the seedier sections of Rome, and he provided all manner of free entertainment like gladiatorial matches, chariot races, executions, etc. At its zenith, the mob probably numbered at least 125,000 people of Rome's population of one million. They were Ferguson people.
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?

Then you get into degrees of hardship. I didn't read much past the first post in this thread (the one above) but I think I could time with an egg timer how long it will take someone to point out, "I had only a grand parent to raise me and I didn't turn out that way".

A lot could be solved by men simply raising their kids.
Is that boys like Michael Brown are allowed to grow up as lawless thugs condemned to wasted lives, likely ending up in prison or the morgue. Why don't we focus on the causes of this phenomenon instead of only reacting to the effects? Michael Brown's life was already ruined before he was shot. Why?

They get taught to hate early and that makes them reckless, also ignore rules which makes them more likeley to end up in confrontational situations with cops.

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