The Real Threat Seems To Be Crazy Democrats (Homegrown Terrorists)


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What is the biggest threat to America today. It's not Climate Change. It's not Islamic Terrorism. It's not Chinese balloons.
Nope. It appears that the biggest threat in America today is the left.

Do you feel like there's no escape from the insanity of the left? Anyone who has a social network account like Twitter, Facebook, or has just been paying attention to the news, has realized that the insane are among us. It's not that they haven't always been among us, but it's just the fact that they're becoming more and more vocal about their insanity. Every single day there's somebody on Twitter telling us that they're a woman when it's crystal clear they're an ugly dude who looks like he fell facefirst into scrap bin.
Why do they all seem to look like somebody cut their hair with a weedwacker?
Why do they almost always paint their hair green or rainbow colors?
Could it be that they're just trying to rub their ugliness in everyone's faces? I think it is.
Mind you, I don't care if somebody's ugly, but do they have to be so proud of it? It seems that the only thing all of this "Peacocking" is doing is causing them to suffer through even more rejection from normal people.


Tearing down a society takes time....and over time the more crazy people act the more stupidity they'll accept as normal. If you have no morals or principles you'll settle for more incompetence from your elected leaders.

It seems like these weirdos are saying "Rules are for everyone else. I'm gonna make my mark and show everyone how big a schmuck I can be." Unfortunately this type of irrational behavior, if unchecked, leads to lawlessness and even destruction. The longer it's uncheck the more destructive it becomes.

So if you wonder why everything is going to Hell in a handbasket, look no further than the left. To think that they actually bought this belief that rightwingers are a threat in America. If you want to know where the real threat is....look no further than the Democrats in your town.
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I see it in terms of national sovereignty vs our new Globalist overlords.

Pretty much the same thing when it gets down to it. The crazy is just a tool they are using to destroy us from within.
If they get their way, they'll turn the country into an exploding chemical train wreck & have MSM tell the sheeple it's all the fault of DT, Christians, MAGA, unvaxxed, Russia, rona, Jan 6 or Repubs throwing granny & kids off cliffs.

And their minions will believe them as they are marched into a reset reservation for rubes.

Let's not forget their partners in crime & the elephant/RINO in the room- all the GOP establishment that make up the controlled opposition of the UNiparty.

Don't trust either party, they don't work for us
If they get their way, they'll turn the country into an exploding chemical train wreck & have MSM tell the sheeple it's all the fault of DT, Christians, MAGA, unvaxxed, Russia, rona, Jan 6 or Repubs throwing granny & kids off cliffs.

And their minions will believe them as they are marched into a reset reservation for rubes
Perhaps they actually think that FJB's document scandal was caused by Climate Change.
Has it yet dawned on the Sheeple that the Dumbocrats are just the party being used for now by Deep State to manipulate and Control
for at least an election cycle or several.?
It is their turn to be used as Fall guys .
Has it yet dawned on the Sheeple that the Dumbocrats are just the party being used for now by Deep State to manipulate and Control
for at least an election cycle or several.?
It is their turn to be used as Fall guys .
What's ironic is when the new society takes form...these people will be the first to be eliminated because they're too counterproductive to exist anymore.
View attachment 756777

What is the biggest threat to America today. It's not Climate Change. It's not Islamic Terrorism. It's not Chinese balloons.
Nope. It appears that the biggest threat in America today is the left.

Do you feel like there's no escape from the insanity of the left? Anyone who has a social network account like Twitter, Facebook, or has just been paying attention to the news, has realized that the insane are among us. It's not that they haven't always been among us, but it's just the fact that they're becoming more and more vocal about their insanity. Every single day there's somebody on Twitter telling us that they're a woman when it's crystal clear they're an ugly dude who looks like he fell facefirst into scrap bin.
Why do they all seem to look like somebody cut their hair with a weedwacker?
Why do they almost always paint their hair green or rainbow colors?
Could it be that they're just trying to rub their ugliness in everyone's faces? I think it is.
Mind you, I don't care if somebody's ugly, but do they have to be so proud of it? It seems that the only thing all of this "Peacocking" is doing is causing them to suffer through even more rejection from normal people.

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Tearing down a society takes time....and over time the more crazy people act the more stupidity they'll accept as normal. If you have no morals or principles you'll settle for more incompetence from your elected leaders.

It seems like these weirdos are saying "Rules are for everyone else. I'm gonna make my mark and show everyone how big a schmuck I can be." Unfortunately this type of irrational behavior, if unchecked, leads to lawlessness and even destruction. The longer it's uncheck the more destructive it becomes.

So if you wonder why everything is going to Hell in a handbasket, look no further than the left. To think that they actually bought this belief that rightwingers are a threat in America. If you want to know where the real threat is....look no further than the Democrats in your town.
I love what Sanders said. I constantly feel the choice is between normal and crazy. Unfortunately, much of America has chosen crazy.

For instance, there is currently an epidemic in DC of carjackings. The mayor decided the solution to that was to lower penalties for carjacking charges. In Baltimore there is an epidemic of the protection racket, car squeegeeing, and a number of people have been attacked and killed. So the mayor and Baltimore City Council decided 1. not to charge anyone and 2. to pay them not to squeegee, though without any records being kept or punishment if they did anyway.

Yep, the choice is to go crazy.
Hmmmm. Governor Sanders is a very attractive person, from that photo in the OP.

I think she's the one I want for prez, if Trump doesn't run or gets beaten for the nomination.
I love what Sanders said. I constantly feel the choice is between normal and crazy. Unfortunately, much of America has chosen crazy.

For instance, there is currently an epidemic in DC of carjackings. The mayor decided the solution to that was to lower penalties for carjacking charges. In Baltimore there is an epidemic of the protection racket, car squeegeeing, and a number of people have been attacked and killed. So the mayor and Baltimore City Council decided 1. not to charge anyone and 2. to pay them not to squeegee, though without any records being kept or punishment if they did anyway.

Yep, the choice is to go crazy.
It's gotten so bad in D.C. that congress is trying to take away the city's powers because they've chosen to abuse the f*ck out of it...turning D.C. into another Detroit.
It's gotten so bad in D.C. that congress is trying to take away the city's powers because they've chosen to abuse the f*ck out of it...turning D.C. into another Detroit.
Yeah, I was reading that in the Journal just this morning. DC has an epidemic ever-rising of carjackings and armed robberies and burglaries. So the DC Council decided to lower the penalties on those crimes.

This really happened.
Yeah, I was reading that in the Journal just this morning. DC has an epidemic ever-rising of carjackings and armed robberies and burglaries. So the DC Council decided to lower the penalties on those crimes.

This really happened.
They need a federal task force to fight organized crime.
Arrest public officials who refuse to defend the public from criminals.
If you want to know where the real threat is....look no further than the Democrats in your town.
They run my town and state , virtually unopposed and voter in unison

Up until yesterday , first ~R~ county level meeting in decades ,along with the few state reps still around.

3-4 months in the making , we're sorely underdogs .....undermanned.... underfunded

BUT, we've taken on Dems and even Libs looking to jump ship

Conservatism ain't quite dead yet...... ;)

View attachment 756777

What is the biggest threat to America today. It's not Climate Change. It's not Islamic Terrorism. It's not Chinese balloons.
Nope. It appears that the biggest threat in America today is the left.

Do you feel like there's no escape from the insanity of the left? Anyone who has a social network account like Twitter, Facebook, or has just been paying attention to the news, has realized that the insane are among us. It's not that they haven't always been among us, but it's just the fact that they're becoming more and more vocal about their insanity. Every single day there's somebody on Twitter telling us that they're a woman when it's crystal clear they're an ugly dude who looks like he fell facefirst into scrap bin.
Why do they all seem to look like somebody cut their hair with a weedwacker?
Why do they almost always paint their hair green or rainbow colors?
Could it be that they're just trying to rub their ugliness in everyone's faces? I think it is.
Mind you, I don't care if somebody's ugly, but do they have to be so proud of it? It seems that the only thing all of this "Peacocking" is doing is causing them to suffer through even more rejection from normal people.

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Tearing down a society takes time....and over time the more crazy people act the more stupidity they'll accept as normal. If you have no morals or principles you'll settle for more incompetence from your elected leaders.

It seems like these weirdos are saying "Rules are for everyone else. I'm gonna make my mark and show everyone how big a schmuck I can be." Unfortunately this type of irrational behavior, if unchecked, leads to lawlessness and even destruction. The longer it's uncheck the more destructive it becomes.

So if you wonder why everything is going to Hell in a handbasket, look no further than the left. To think that they actually bought this belief that rightwingers are a threat in America. If you want to know where the real threat is....look no further than the Democrats in your town.
You really need to be careful what is posted is accurate. That photo of the women holding up the sign that reads "My Pussy is Open for Refugees" is a Fake! That image was digitally edited to say that. The sign said "My Door is open for Refugees", someone digitially changed the words.

You can read all about the fake photo here:

Do you support Proud Boys, QAnon, Putin, Orban?
Those things are negligible in the Prog controlled West. Very few Westerns would have the courage to endure as the people of the Soviet Union and Hungary have. The Globalists of that era influenced politics to cause the creation of Communism and the enslavement of Eastern Europe. Putin is a middleman in this. He loves Mother Russia. He may not e our friend. However, the world government people in the West want us to eat insects.

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